Concurrent Processing is designed to act as an intermediary between Oracle Applications and your
operating system. It allows users of Oracle applications to submit jobs from within the application.
Without the concurrent processing function, you would have to leave the application to execute
non-Sql*Form programs, such as SQL*Report and Pro*C.
In Oracle Applications, concurrent processing simultaneously executes programs running in the
background with online operations. The System Administrator can manage when programs are
run and how many operating system processes Oracle Applications devotes to running programs in
the background.
1.1. What is a Concurrent Manager?
Concurrent processing consists of a number of workers referred to as concurrent managers,
who act as administrators of job processing in Oracle Applications. Users of Oracle
Applications submit their requests to execute jobs to the concurrent managers. The
concurrent managers will then take over and issue commands necessary to execute the jobs
at the operating system. Concurrent Managers can only take requests to execute concurrent
1.2. What is a Concurrent Program?
A concurrent program is a program that is registered with AOL. When you register a
program with AOL, you provide certain information that the concurrent manager needs to
execute your job, such as program name, execution method (Pro*C, Oracle*Reports, etc),
and arguments.
A concurrent program may be written in :
Oracle Tools: PL/SQL, SQL*Loader, SQL*Plus, and Oracle Reports
Host Language (i.e., shell or DCL)
1.3. What is a Process?
A process is an instance of an executing program.
The nohup command in UNIX allows background processes to continue to run after you log
1. Introduction To Application Concurrent Processing
1.4. Major Features of Application Concurrent Processing
Concurrent Processing offers many more features on top of processing your job such as:
Incompatibilities between programs and data groups
Automatic Printing and Reprinting
Diagnostic Log Files
1. You can custom design your managers to meet your daily and weekly processing
load by allowing you to control the number of active workers at all times.
2. Allows uses of applications to submit jobs (usually CPU intensive) that start after
hours when the load on the system is light.
Oracle Applications comes with the Internal and Standard concurrent managers defined for you.
2.1. Internal Concurrent Manager (ICM)
The ICM is the administrator of concurrent processing, its function is to control other
managers. The ICM starts up, verifies the status of, resets, and shuts down the individual
managers. the ICM also enforces program incompatiblility rules.
2.2. Standard Concurrent Manager
The Standard Concurrent manager accepts any and all requests, therefore, it has no
specialization rules and it is active all the time. You should not alter the definition of the
Standard manager. if you do, and you have not defined additional managers to accept your
requests, some programs may not run. Use the Standard manager as a safety net, a manager
who is always available to run any request.
2. PRE-DEFINED MANAGERS: Standard vs Internal
Define Concurrent Managers, specialize queues, and assign workshift
Zone Titles:
Concurrent Manager
Concurrent Manager Details
Work Shifts
Specialization Rules
Base Tables:
FND_CONCURRENT_QUEUES - One row for each defined manager
FND_CONCURRENT_QUEUE_SIZE - One row for each work shift assigned to a
defined for a manager
FND_CONCURRENT_QUEUE_CONTENT - One row for each specialization rule
3.2. Administer Concurrent Managers
by issuing a control comand
View the status of concurrent managers and, change the status of any managers
Zone Titles:
Concurrent Manager
Concurrent Manager Details
Concurrent Processes
Concurrent Request Queue
Base Tables:
FND_CONCURRENT_QUEUES - One row for each defined concurrent manager
3. Concurrent Manager Application Screens
The main concurrent processing screens are shown in this section.
3.1. Define Concurrent Manager
View Concurrent Requests
View request’s position within each manager’s queue.
Zone Titles:
Request Details
Manager Log
Concurrent Managers
Concurrent Manager Queue
Base Tables:
3.4. Define Concurrent Program
Use this form to define and modify your concurrent programs.
Zone Titles:
Concurrent Program
Concurrent Program Details
Incompatible Programs
Parameter Detail
Base Tables:
FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAMS - One row for each concurrent program
incompatible programs, one row for a program that is incompatible with itself.
FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_SERIAL - Two rows for each pair of
FND_DESCR_FLEX_COLUMN_USAGES - One row for each concurrent program
Define Concurrent Request Types
Define request types, identify several concurrent programs as a group.
Zone Titles:
Request Types
Base Tables:
FND_CONCURRENT_REQUEST_CLASS - One row per request type
3.6. Copy Concurrent Program
Create a new instance of a concurrent program.
Zone Titles:
Concurrent Program
Base Tables:
3.7. Concurrent Program Executable
Define concurent programs executables
Zone Titles:
Concurrent Program Executable
Base Tables:
FND_CONC_PROCESSOR_PROGRAMS - One row for each concurrent program
There are two ways to startup the concurrent managers - from within applications using the
Administer Concurrent Manager
screen, or from the operating system using the startmgr
script. When activating the ICM (Internal Concurrent Manager) from Administer
Concurrent Manager screen or from the operating system, the script that starts the
managers is “startmgr” located in $FND_TOP/bin.
4.1.1. Administer Concurrent Manager Screen
1. Log into applications and choose the SYSADMIN responsibility.
2. Goto the Administer Concurrent Manager Screen (/nav /concuurent
/manager /administer)
3. Execute query - the screen should populate and the first row will be the
internal concurrent manager.
4. Tab to the control field on the ICM record and press the quick pick key.
activate and do a /screen /save.
4.1.2. Starting from Operating System
Generally you are logged in as applmgr and you have executed the
APPLSYS.env or appropriate environment script (see section Things to
Remember when Starting Concurrent managers).
You can start the concurrent managers by running the startmgr script (located in
$FND_TOP/bin) from the operating system prompt:
startmgr sysmgr=“<AOL username>/<AOL password>“mgrname=“<name>“
=“<printer>“ mailto=“<userid1 userid2...>“ restart=“N|<minutes>“
=“<filename>“ sleep=“<seconds>“ pmon=“<cycles>“ quesiz=“<cycles>“
All parameters are optional. You can pass parameters to the script in any order.
4.1.3. Startmgr Parameters
The following table shows the startmgr parameters. The default values, which
are listed in the column ‘DEFAULT’ , apply if you do not specify different values
in the startmgr script, on the command line when you run startmgr, or in your
sysmgr The AOL ORACLE user ID (username/password).
You are prompted for the password if you use the
default value by omitting the parameter.
mgrname Name of the internal manager. Alphanumeric only. std
PRINTER Printer name to which all conc. mgrs send request
output if a use does not specify a printer.
mailto List of users who receive mail when ICM stops
user who starts
4. Controlling the Concurrent Manager
4.1. Starting up the Concurrent Managers
restart Number of minutes (integer) the ICM waits before
attempting to restart after abnormal termination.
logfile The name of the ICM’s log file. <mgrname>.mgr
sleep Number of seconds (integer) the ICM waits between
times it looks for new concurrent requests.
pmon Number of sleep cycles (integer) the ICM waits
between times it checks for concurrent managers that
have failed while running a concurrent request.
quesize Number of pmon cycles (integer) the ICM waits
between times it checks for normal changes in
concurrent manager operation. Normal changes
include the start or end of a work shift and changes to
conc manager definitions entered in the Define Conc
Manager form.
diag diag=Y tells all concurrent managers to produce
diagnostic output regularly. The default N prevents
large log files.
4.1.4. Things to Remember when Starting Concurrent Managers
them. If you start the managers from a login other than the main
applications login, usually applmgr, ensure that the login has the appropriate
directory privileges.
Concurrent managers inherit directory privileges from the user who starts
concurrent managers (APPLSYS.env, APPDEMO.env, etc). This ensures
that the managers inherit the correct values for environment variables such
Always run the product group’s envirnoment file before you start the
1. - Values set in the startmgr script
2. - Values entered on the command line
3. - Values passed through your environment
4. - Default values
Startup parameter values apply in this order:
Manager screen, the managers inherit the variables defined in startmgr and
in your environment. This is equivalent to running startmgr from the
command line with no parameters.
If you start the concurrent managers from the Administer Concurrent
parameters while the managers are running. To put changes into effect, shut
down the managers, make the necessary modifications, and restart the
You cannot change directory privileges, environment variables, or startup
pping the Manager from Operating System
CONCSUB FND DEACTIVATE - To deactivate the concurrent manager
4.2. Shutting Down the Concurrent Managers
CONCSUB FND ABORT - To terminate requests and deactivate manager
4.3.1. What happens at the operating system when concurrent
managers are started?
For every concurrent manager, the internal concurrent manager starts as many
operating system processes as defined in the Target Process field in the Work
Shifts Zone on the Define Concurrent Manager screen.
The operating system process name corresponds to the concurrent program
library name (example FNDLIBR).
Every concurrent manager process also creates a database connection (a/k/a
oracle shadow process).
4.3.2. Identifying Concurrent Processes at the OS level
The standard manager and internal concurrent manager both use the concurrent
program library “FNDLIBR”. Hence, the OS process command name for both
managers is FNDLIBR.
You can identify an ICM process by its arguments and by checking its PID and
PPID - ICM is the parent of all concurrent manager processes.
Example ->
Manager Command Argument(s) PID PPID
1500 1488
Standard FNDLIBR FND Concurrent
1502 1500
Inventory INVLIBR FND Concurrent
1504 1500
Manufacturing MFCLIBR FND Concurrent
1506 1500
Note: You can find the pid (process id), ppid (parent process id), command and
arguments of each running process on UNIX by issuing a ps (process monitor)
4.3. The Concurrent Manager at the Operating System Level
4.3.3. Oracle Shadow Process
The Oracle shadow process associated with an OS process is identified by
Oracle+Database Instance Name (ex oracleB106 - where B106 is instance name).
In order to create and maintain shadow processes, concurrent managers read
from FND_V$PROCESS that is a view based on V$PROCESS and V$SESSION.
V$PROCESS is a view based on dynamic performance tables. It maintains
information about currently active processes. V$SESSION holds information
about each current session.
Concurrent managers also use the following packages:
DBMS_LOCK - locking routine provided by Oracle
DBMS_PIPE - allow sessions to pass information between them
STANDARD - holds definitions of packages
4.3.4. Concurrent Manager Log Files Default Location For Log and Out Files
The ICM log file goes in the $FND_TOP/log directory and is named std.mgr (by
The worker log files go in $FND_TOP/log and match W<some number>.mgr.
The concurrent request log/out files go under the product top directory associated
with the product running the request. For example, log/out files for AR reports
go under $AR_TOP/log and $AR_TOP/out. The log files match l<some
number>.req Changing the Default Location for Log and Out Files
The use of environment variables allows you to change the location of log and
out files for concurrent managers and concurrent requests.
output files. ALL log and out files will go to this common directory. Under this
common directory there must be 2 subdirectories that are usually named “out”
and “log”. The
names of these directories. An examples:
APPLCSF = /usr/common
APPLLOG = testlog
APPLOUT = testout
Directory looks like this:
/usr/common/testlog - holds ALL log files
/usr/common/testout - holds ALL output files
- This environment variable specifies a common directory for log andAPPLLOG and APPLOUT enviroment variables are set to the
4.3.5. Concurrent Manager SQL Scripts
These sql scripts are useful in diagnosing concurrent manager related problems.
These scripts are located in $FND_TOP/sql and a summary of each script is
listed in the table below.
afcmstat.sql lists active manager processes along with defined
max capacity to be in effect at the present time.
Could be slow if
afimchk.sql Tells the status of ICM and PMON method in
effect. We use this one a lot.
afrqrun.sql Lists all the running, waiting, and terminating
afrqpend.sql List of requests ready to run.
afrqwait.sql Lists requests that are constrained and thus waiting
for the ICM to release them.
afrqscm.sql Prints logfile name of managers that can run a
fiven request. Helpful when a runnable request
stays pending to check for possible error message in
manager log file.
afcmcreq.sql Prints the logfile name of the manager that
processed the request.
afrqstat.sql Summary of completed concurrent requests
grouped by completion status and execution type.
afimlock.sql Lists locks that the ICM is waiting to get.
afcmrrq.sql Lists managers that are currently running a request.
afimpmon.sql Change the PMON method.
5.1. OS LEVEL File Protection Problems
The most common concurrent manager problems are caused by file protection problems at
the UNIX level. Here are some guidelines of what to ask yourself and what to check for to
diagnose these problems:
Are you starting the concurrent managers as APPLMGR??
UNIX: $touch $FND_TOP/$APPLLOG/abc
If this fails, who owns the directory?
Is this directory a symbolic link? If so, what are the protections on the directory it points
Can APPLMGR do the following to create a file in the $FND_TOP/log directory?
UNIX: $df -k
UNIX (on some systems) to check I-nodes $df -I
Are you running out of disk space on this partition> I-nodes?
Is APPLCSF set? If so, can applmgr do this?
Check the permissions on $FND_TOP/$APPLLOG
On some platforms there is a problem with the APPLCSF and the internal manager log
file will still get written to $FND_TOP/$APPLLOG. Therefore, you should always
check and make sure this directory exists and it writable by APPLMGR.
EXAMPLE of common current manager problem: The log directory is write-protected from
the applmgr user. This causes the ICM to start and stay up and running (because its log file
already exists), but the worker processes won’t stay up and running because they can’t open
their worker log files. There is no indication of a problem here in any log files. The
workers are started periodically by the ICM, and they crash as soon as they realize they
can’t open their log files.
Have you stopped the database for ANY reason without first stopping the Concurrent
5. Trouble Shooting The Concurrent Manager
5.2. Cleaning out the Concurrent Manager Tables.
Before updating any tables through SQL*Plus, we recommend you perform a backup
of your system, or backup the table(s) to be changed using the following statement:
Create table BACKUP as select * from TABLE_TO_BE_CHANGED
1. First, shutdown the concurrent manages if they are not already shutdown
CONCSUB applsys/fnd SYSADMIN “System Administrator” SYSADMIN
2. Then in SQL*Plus as the APPLSYS user, execute the following statements:
Delete any processes
Since the mgr is shutdown there shouldn’t be any running processes.
Reset the managers
Remove any completed jobs
Set Jobs with a status of terminated, to completed with Error
FND_DUAL can sometimes get to large as well, so do:
Development has warned us against using the above for release
10, instead only the following is recomended for release 10.
Before updating any tables through SQL*Plus, we recommend you perform a backup
of your system, or backup the table(s) to be changed using the following statement:
Create table BACKUP as select * from TABLE_TO_BE_CHANGED
1. First, shutdown the concurrent manages if they are not already shutdown
CONCSUB applsys/fnd SYSADMIN “System Administrator” SYSADMIN
2. Then in SQL*Plus as the APPLSYS user, execute the following statements:
Delete any processes
Since the mgr is shutdown there shouldn’t be any running processes.
Reset the managers
5.3. Relink FNDLIBR
It never hurts to relink FNDLIBR to see if this solves a problem. You should bring the
managers down first. You should always back it up first, copy the executable to
FNDLIBR.bck. Then relink as the OWNER of the executable like this:
adrelink force=y ranlib = y “FND FNDLIBR”
5.4.1. APP-00907 USDSOP Cannot create a new process
Check that your system has enough resources to start a new process. In UNIX
check MAXUPRC.
5.4.2. APP-00902 USDSOP Cannot redirect standard output
1. Make certain that the OS login for the user trying to start the conc mgr is the
owner of the APPL_TOP files - usually applmgr, check owner of startmgr
script too.
2. Check to see that the permissions are correct on all of the log directories.
3. Check that the value of $APPLLOG is less than 8 characters in length.
5.4.3. APP-00912 CHILD PROCESS XXXXX exited with status 0.
Manager not activated
The internal concurrent manager will only start up those managers which have a
control code of A (Activate) or R (restart) and with target processes greater than
zero. Login to the applications with the Sys Admin responsiblity and follow the
menu path: \Navigate Concurrent Manager Administer. For each manager
which needs to be started, tab over to the Control column and select Activate.
Status 0 is an indication that a program exited cleanly. See chapter 8 of the
System Administration Manual for more info.
5.4.4. APP-01144 Error while finding the status of the concurrent
You may have a corrupt or missing view, or be missing some grants and/or
synonyms. Check that the applsys user has access to: V$PROCESS,
oracle ids also need access to these views and packages. You may need to
recreated the FND_V$PROCESS view.
assistance with rebuilding these objects!
Call Oracle Support Services for
5.4.5. APP-01266 in AFPPRT
Check that there aren’t any requests with a status code of “Terminating” in the
table fnd_concurrent_requests by executing the following SQL statement as the
applsys user:
select count(*) from fnd_concurrent_requests where status_code=’T’;
If this returns anything other than 0, then run:
delete from fnd_concurrent_requests where status_code = ‘T’;
update fnd_concurrent_requests set status_code = ‘X’, phase_code = ‘C’ where
status_code = ‘T’;
5.4.6. ORA-2710 Unable to create shadow process
You have exceeded the maximum number of operating system processes that can
simultaneously connect to an Oracle server. Check PROCESSES, SESSIONS,
and DDL_LOCKS parameters in init.ora.
5.4.7. APP-1086 Can not set profile option value
Check that the correct $ORACLE_SID or $TWO_TASK is being pointed to, and
also check that $FNDNAM and $GWYUID
5.4.8. APP-1227 AFPCMT encountered ORA-3114: not connected to
Check to make sure that the database is actually up, and that the correct
ORACLE_SID is being used.
APP-1125 Concurrent manager encountered an error while running XXXX
Check that the executable XXXX actually exists, and is in the correct location.
Attempt to run the executable from the command line and see if the problem
persists. Specifically compare the arguments passed on the command line and
the arguments used by the concurrent request (this should be in the request
logfile). Finally, try relinking the executable.
5.4.9. APP-01167 The internal concurrent manager encountered an
This is a generic error which may be followed by Oracle errors, or APP-1054
Distributed con mgr enabled, lock PMON method requested, APP-1444 AFPCAL
received failure code while running FNDCPMGR.
Make certain that $APPLDCP is set to off or, if using distributed concurrent
processing, change the PMON method to LOCK by running afimpmon.sql from
5.4.10. The concurrent manager starts from the command line, but not
from the Administer Concurrent Manager Screen.
1. This is usually a problem with permissions on the $FND_TOP/$APPLLOG
directory. Check to make sure that its writable by the user that started the
concurrent manager (ususally applmgr), and make sure the directory is not a
symbolic link. When starting the manager from within Apps, it incorrectly
verifies that this dir exists, but a symbolic link returns the wrong response to
the query.
2. As the applsys user run the following sql statement:
select object_name from user_objects where status = ‘INVALID’ and
object_name like ‘%FND_CONCURRENT%”. If any of these packages are
invalid you can recreate the packages by running the following scripts (from
$FND_TOP/sql) in the order shown here:
5.4.11. When starting the concurrent manager, FNDLIBR drops core.
Try relinking FNDLIBR, if that doesn’t slve the problem, check to see if there are
pending requests. If there is a large number of pending requests it could cause
FNDLIBR to drop core because it reads the pending requests on startup. To
delete pending requests execute the following statement as APPLSYS user:
delete fnd_concurrent_requests where status_code = ‘P’;
Before updating any tables through SQL*Plus, we recommend you perform a backup
of your system, or backup the table(s) to be changed using the following statement:
Create table BACKUP as select * from TABLE_TO_BE_CHANGED
5.4.12. All the concurrent managers are running , and the concurrent
manager has been successfully bounced several time, but all the
requests have a status of ‘Inactive’ and ‘No Manager’.
Check that there aren’t any pending requests at all. If a run-alone concurrent
program is submitted, but the program is not registered in any of the concurrent
libraries then the status will be set to “inactive’ and ‘no manager’ because none
of the managers could run it. Any requests that follow this request will then be
unable to run until the original request completes.
Additional information may be obtained by visiting the Oracle Metalink Web Site.
Searches can be performed on published articles by using the “General Search” engine
displayed at the top of each Metalink page . Additional articles on this and related topics
are published on each page, by product.
to $FND_TOP/$APPLLOG. Last I looked there was no patch for this but the workaround is
to modify the startmgr script to use $APPLCSF instead of $FND_TOP - see bug.
- Although $APPLCSF is set, the internal concurrent manager log is being written
- Terminate a concurrent request but process remains chewing up resources.
- Terminated concurrent processes do not die.
- Defunct processes left by FNDLIBR
6. Glossary
Concurrent Manager:
within Oracle Applications, so you do not have to wait for their completion giving you the ability to
perform multiple tasks simultaneously.
A unique facility that manages many time-consuming, non-interactive tasks
Concurrent Queue:
concurrent manager has a queue of requests waiting in line to be run. If your system administrator sets up
your Oracle Application to have simultaneious queueing, your request can wait to run im more than one
A list of concurrent requests awaiting completion by a concurrent manager. Each
Simultaneous Queueing:
the first available concurrent manager starts your request. Use Oracle System Administration to set up
concurrent Processing so that requests can be run by more than one concurrent manager. When the first
available concurrent manager starts a request, it automatically removes the request from the other queues.
Simultaneous Queuing lets requests wait in many queues at once to ensure that
Concurrent Process:
time you submit a non-interactive task, you create a new concurrent process. A concurrent process runs
simultaneously with other concurrent processes (and other interactive activities on your computer) to help
you complete multiple tasks at once.
A non-interactive task which you request Oracle Applications to complete. Each
Concurrent Request:
issue a request whenever you submit a non-interactive task, such as releasing a shipment, posting a
journal entry, or running a report. Once you submit a request, Oracle Applications automatically takes
over, completing your request without further involvement from you, or interruption to your work.
A request to Oracle Applications to complete a non-interactive task for you. You
Parent Request:
example, a report set is a parent request that submits reports and/or programs (child requests).
A concurrent request that submits other concurrent requests (child requests). For
Child Request (Sub-request):
request. When you submit a concurrent request to run a report set, the report set submits the reports in the
set for concurrent processing. The requests submitted by the report set are child requests.
A child request is a concurrent request submitted by another concurrent
Concurrent Program:
definitions and incompatibilities. concurrent programs use concurrent program executables to locate the
correct execution file. Several concurrent programs may use the same execution file to perform their
specific tasks, each having different parameter defaults and incompatibilities
Concurrent Program Executable:
method used to execute it with a defined concurrent program. Under Concurrent Processing, an execution
method may be a program written in a standard language, a reporting tool, or an operating system
A concurrent program is an instance of an execution file, along with parameter.A concurrent program executable links an execution file and the
Concurrent Program Execution file:
database stored procedure which contains your application logic and can be executed by either invoking it
directly on the command line or by invoking a program which acts upon it. For example, you run a Pro*C
program by invoking it on the command line. You run a SQL script by running SQL*Plus and passing
the name of the SQL script with the .sql extension.
A concurrent program execution file is an operating system file or
Concurrent Program Subroutine:
your application logic and is linked in with the Concurrent Manager code (or program library).
A concurrent program subroutine is a Pro*C routine which contains
Execution Method:
method Oracle Application Object Library uses to execute it. An execution method can be a PL/SQL
stored procedure, an Oracle Tool such as Oracle Reports of SQL*Plus, a spawned process, or an operating
system host language.
The execution method identifies the concurrent program executable type and the
Spawned Concurrent Program:
systems) than that of the concurrent manager that starts it. You write spawned concurrent programs as C
or Pro*C stand-alone executable files. On some operating systems, you can also write spawned concurrent
programs in your operating system language. Spawned concurrent programs are the recommended
execution method for new C or Pro*C execution files.
A concurrent program that runs in a separate process (on most operating
Immediate Concurrent Program:
manager that starts it. You write immediate concurrent programs as C or Pro*C subroutines and link
them in with a concurrent manager program library.
Program Library: A program library is a set of linked immediate concurrent programs that are assigned
to concurrent managers. A concurrent manager can run any spawned or Oracle Tool concurrent
A concurrent program that runs in the same process as the concurrent21
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