Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Oracle Purchasing FAQ/interview questions

FAQ Summary

FAQ Details
Q1. What is the difference between 'Accrue On Receipt' and 'Accrue at Period End'?

Accrue On Receipt means that when a receipt is saved, accrual transactions are immediately recorded and sent to the general ledger interface. This is also known as "online" accruals. Accrue at Period End means that when a receipt is saved, the accrual transactions are not immediately recorded and sent to the general ledger; instead, the accounting entries are generated and sent at the end of the month by running the Receipt Accruals - Period-End Process.

All items with a destination type of either Inventory and Outside Processing are accrued on receipt. For items with a destination type of Expense, you have the option of accruing on receipt or at period end.

Q2. Why are expense items typically accrued at period-end, and why are inventory
items always accrued on receipt?

One should accrue on receipt if perpetual inventory is adopted to facilitate reconciliation between inventory valuation reports and accounting entries. Expense items typically are not accounted for on a daily basis, and most companies find it easier to account for and reconcile these expenses at month-end rather than at the time each individual expense is incurred.

When both inventory and expense items are accrued on receipt, the following problems may be encountered:
A) Receiving inspection balances will include both inventory assets and expenses, so at the end of the month, they will need to be manually reclassified.
B) The number of entries needed to research and reconcile the perpetual A/P Accrual Account(s) becomes significantly increased. Since the expense receipts could double the number of accrual accounting entries to process, the Accrual Reconciliation Report could take twice as long to run. The amount of time required by your staff to research any discrepancies would also increase.

Q3. Which Purchasing report should be used to review period-end accruals?

The Uninvoiced Receipts Report should be used to view period-end accruals.

Q4. Which Purchasing report should be used to review online accruals?

The Accrual Rebuild Reconciliation Report should be used to view accrual transactions for inventory items and expense items which are set to accrue on receipt (online accruals). These transactions can also be included on the Uninvoiced Receipts Report by setting the parameter 'Include Online Accruals' to Yes when submitting the report.

Q5. After entering receipts and running the Receipt Accruals - Period-End Process, the new journals do not appear in the General Ledger. Should the transactions automatically appear in GL after performing these steps?

The transactions from Oracle Purchasing are only sent to the GL_INTERFACE table; in order to create the journals and see them in General Ledger, the Journal Import concurrent program must be run from a General Ledger responsibility. Be sure to review the output file from the Journal Import request to ensure that the records imported successfully.

Q6. How can one tell whether each journal in the general ledger is for period- end or on receipt (online) accruals?

Period-end and online accrual entries may be contained in the same GL batch, but there will be separate journals created for each. Journals created by the Receipt Accruals - Period-End Process will have a category of 'Accrual'; journals created for online accruals with have a category of 'Receiving'. Here is some technical table-level information that may provide assistance: Table: GL_INTERFACE Column : USER_JE_SOURCE_NAME = Purchasing Column : USER_JE_CATEGORY_NAME = Accrual (for period-end accruals) - OR - USER_JE_CATEGORY_NAME = Receiving (for online accruals) Table: GL_JE_HEADERS Column : JE_SOURCE = Purchasing JE_CATEGORY = Accrual (for period-end accruals) - OR - JE_CATEGORY = Receiving (for online accruals)

Q7. Does the process of reversing journals for period-end accruals occur automatically in GL?

The process of reversing the accrual journals does not occur automatically; they must be manually reversed in the general ledger.

Q8. For the Uninvoiced Receipts Report, what is the purpose of the parameter 'Accrued Receipts'?

This parameter should be set to 'No' to see only the uninvoiced receipts which have not yet been accrued by running the Receipt Accruals - Period-End process. This parameter should be set to 'Yes' to see all uninvoiced receipts, including those which have been accrued by running the Receipt Accruals - Period-End Process.

Q9. Records are appearing on the Uninvoiced Receipts report for expense items which have been received but not invoiced. How can these records be removed from the report and kept from accruing each month?

There are a couple of methods that can be used to remove records from the report and to keep them from accruing each month: A) Close the purchase order shipment line. Closing the purchase order at the Header or Line level will also have the same effect. On the Purchase Order Summary form, select Special -> Control, then 'Close'. NOTE: Selecting 'Cancel' will not keep receipts from accruing each month. Refer to question/answer #10 below for an explanation of this. B) Create an invoice in AP and match it to the purchase order for the entire received quantity. Some users choose to create a 'dummy' invoice for $0.00 in this case.

Q10. A purchase order shipment was received against, then canceled. It now appears on the Uninvoiced Receipts report and accrues each month when running the Receipt Accruals - Period-End process. Why is this happening?

When a purchase order is canceled (whether at the header, line, or shipment level), only the unreceived quantity is actually canceled. Cancellation does not effect quantities already received, as an obligation still remains for these receipts. If the quantity received is equal to the quantity invoiced (billed), or if no receipts have been entered against the purchase order shipment, then cancellation sets the Canceled flag of the shipment to 'Yes' and the Closure Status to 'Closed'. In this case, no accrual transaction will be generated. If the quantity received is not equal to the quantity invoiced, then cancellation sets the Canceled flag of the shipment to 'Yes' and the Closure Status remains in its current status (i.e., not 'Closed'). The difference between quantity received and quantity invoiced will appear on the Uninvoiced Receipts report, and will continue to accrue each month until an invoice is matched for the entire received quantity, or until the received items are returned to the Supplier.

Q11. What is the difference between the Accrual Reconciliation Report and the Accrual Rebuild Reconciliation Report?

The report is available as two (2) separate concurrent programs: the Accrual Reconciliation Report and the Accrual Rebuild Reconciliation Report. Both reports run using the same report definition file: POXACREC.rdf. When the Accrual Rebuild Reconciliation Report is selected, the following events occur: - The program will delete all records currently stored in the PO_ACCRUAL_RECONCILE_TEMP_ALL table - Accounting entries are selected from the appropriate sources (sub ledgers) based on the parameters entered at the time of report submission - The temporary table PO_ACCRUAL_RECONCILE_TEMP_ALL is repopulated with these accounting entries - Report output is generated based on this information When the Accrual Reconciliation Report is run, the report does not reselect the information from the sub ledgers; instead, it reports only on the data currently stored in the PO_ACCRUAL_RECONCILE_TEMP_ALL table. This feature saves time and decreases the performance impact on the system, because the accrual information does not have to be regenerated from the original sources every time the report is submitted. Typically, the Accrual Rebuild Reconciliation Report is run at the end of the period, and the Accrual Reconciliation Report is used for interim reporting. Note that the title showing on the report output remains the Accrual Reconciliation Report regardless of which process is actually submitted.

Q12. How do transactions which have subtotals of $0.00 get removed from the Accrual Reconciliation Report?

When submitting the report, setting the following parameters as shown will allow for these transactions to not show on the report output: Include All Transactions = No Transaction Amount Tolerance = 0 (or higher)

Q13. Several transactions appear on the Accrual Reconciliation Report which were charged to the accrual account in error. Manual journal entries have already been created in GL to correct these transactions. How do these transactions now get removed from the report?

In Oracle Purchasing, go to the Accrual Write-Offs form. Responsibility: Purchasing Super User Navigation: Accounting/Accrual Write Offs Select the lines that need to be removed from the report and save Then, run the Accrual Reconciliation Report again, setting the parameter 'Include Written-Off Transactions' to No. The written-off transactions will no longer be included in the report. NOTE: You can run the Accrual Write-Off Report to review the transactions that were written off; this can be used to support the manual journal entry created in the general ledger.

FAQ Details
Q1. Is it possible to show more than two decimal places in the "PRICE" column that is currently being printed on the 'Printed Purchase Order Report - (Landscape or Portrait)'?

Currently, it is not possible to print more than two decimals in the 'PRICE' field without customizing the reports. There is currently an enhancement request (628857) under review that will, if approved, bring this desired functionality to future releases. This answer holds true to Releases 10.7, 11.0, and 11.5 (11i).

Q2. When I print out a purchase order from the Document Approval window, does it only print in Portrait style?

Currently this is the only way it will print from the Document Approval window. An enhancement request (466551) has been filed to allow the choice of either Portrait or Landscape as the format when printing purchase orders from the Document Approval window.

Q3. Why does the blanket purchase agreement print every time a release is printed?

This is the current functionality of the application. The blanket purchase agreement will be printed every time you choose to print an associated release. An enhancement request (432017) has been filed to allow only the release to be printed.

Q4. What is the name of the file that controls printing of reports related to Oracle Purchasing, and where is it located on the system?

The name of the file is porep.odf. This file creates the Oracle Purchasing views which generate the data that is printed by the reports. The file can be found in the following locations:

$PO_TOP/admin/odf This is where the base release version of the file is seeded by the install.
$PO_TOP/patch/110/odf This is where the most current version of the file resides on your system for Release 11.
$PO_TOP/patchsc/107/odf This is where the most current version of the file resides on your system for Release 10.7.
For Windows NT, it is best to use the FIND FILE utility to locate the various versions of the file.

Q5. How can a report file name and version be located?

There are two methods that can be used to find the report short (file) name:

1. Please see Note 106968.1, titled "Purchasing: PO Report Short Names". This note contains an alphabetical listing of all Oracle Purchasing reports and lists the short name for each one.

2. Each report is a concurrent process that can be found in System Administration.
- Responsibility: System Administrator
- Navigation: Concurrent > Program > Define
- Select the Program Name
Under the Program Name field, you will see a field called Short Name. This is the name of the report file. This name should be the same as the name of the file in the Executable field.

To find the version of the file:

For Unix
For Release 10.7, go to $PO_TOP/srw
For Release 11, go to $PO_TOP/reports

Type the following command at a Unix prompt:
strings -a <FILENAME.rdf>|grep Header:

For Windows NT
Use the FIND FILE utility to locate the file. Use MS-DOS to navigate to the
file and type the following command at the prompt:
find /i "Header:" <FILENAME.rdf>

Q6. Why do asterisks (******) appear on report output in place of the quantity?

Oracle Reports will allow a maximum of 13 characters to be printed in the Quantity column. These characters include a -/+ sign at the beginning and then a combination of 12 more characters, including commas, periods, and digits. Therefore, if the quantity on a report contains more than 13 characters, you will see the asterisks show in place of the quantity.

9,999,999.00 actually contains 13 characters and will be displayed. Remember, the + sign is holding the first character position in the database.
-1.2245833524335 would print asterisks, as more than 13 characters are involved.

You do have the ability to change the way your reports print out the numbers in the Quantity region; this may make the difference in allowing you to see the actual quantity. You cannot change the number of characters in the field, but you can change the way they display. This will give you more options. To do this:
Responsibility: System Administrator
Navigation: Profiles/System
Query the profile 'INV: Dynamic Precision Option for Quantity on Reports'
Click on the List of Values and you will see the different options available for you to use on your reports. You will notice that all options still only represent 13 characters; it just changes the way they are represented.

See Note 1072855.6 for further clarification.

Q7. When a report has been submitted to print, the output can be viewed by using the View Output button, but no hard copies of the report print out. What causes this to occur??

The number of copies Oracle Reports will print is controlled in System Administration.
Responsibility: System Administrator
Navigation: Profiles/System
Query the profile 'Concurrent: Report Copies'
If this profile is not populated, Oracle will not print any copies of any report.

FAQ Details
Q1. Will end-dating a position with approval authority have no affect on the employees who are tied to that position in terms of their ability to approve?

End-dating a position would not directly affect the approval capability of the employees who still have active assignments to that position. Basically the approval activities are meant to revolve around the position assignments rather than the position itself. The integration coupling point of HRMS and PO is at the position assignment level. Until the assignments are also modified, end-dating a position would not immediately change the forwarding hierarchy.
Q2. What impact, therefore, would end-dating a position have? The customer knows that in HR they cannot assign employees to end-dated positions.

End-dating a position would prevent new assignments to be made to this position. Besides, this position should not be used in new hierarchies that customers might design. The System gives a warning if the end-dated position is chosen in a new hierarchy. But end dating a position would not directly translate into the position assignments becoming end-dated that has to be done by customers. Now, since the assignments are still active, employees should be enabled in continuing to do the tasks (e.g. approval) pertaining to those assignments.
Q3. What does the status 'INVALID' do to the position?

This is same as what end dating does to the position.
Q4. The errors in the log file of the Fill Employee Hierarchy report are a result of employees not being tied to a position. In the hierarchy, won't there be positions with no Employees tied to them from time to time? Does it mean that the customer has to disassociate the employees from the end-dated positions manually? Wouldn't this cause this type of error?

Yes there can be positions which are vacant. That is perfectly valid. But having employees with assignments on expired positions is different and not so desirable. Therefore, you should indeed terminate the existing assignments and make new ones for the employees on an expired position. This need not be done manually. Check the 'Mass Move' functionality.
Q5. What are the actions for which we need to run the Fill Employee Hierarchy process?

You must run this process before any of the following changes can take effect:
- Add or delete an employee.
- Change an employee name or an employee position. (See: the online help for the Enter Person window.)
- Add, delete, or modify a position. (See: Representing Jobs and Positions, Oracle Human Resource Management Systems User's Guide.)
- Add, delete, or modify a position hierarchy. (See: Representing Jobs and Positions, Oracle Human Resource Management Systems User's Guide.)
Q6. Why does the Fill Employee Hierarchy report take a long time to complete?

There have been lot of performance improvements done to this process. The Fill Employee Hierarchy report first deletes all the records from the po_employee_hierarchies table and then recreates the hierarchies and this process will take some time.
Q7. Is the PO_EMPLOYEE_HIERARCHIES_ALL table defined at the operating unit level or at the Business Group level?

Before the bug fix 2058578, we used to define the data in this table at the operating unit level. But we have changed the design and populate the data at the Business Group level. This is because Positions and Employees are defined at the Business Group level but not at the operating unit level, therefore now we define the data in the PO_EMPLOYEE_HIERARCHIES_ALL table at Business Group level.

FAQ Details
Q1. What does the status Pre-Approved mean, and how does a document reach this status?

The status of Pre-Approved is the outcome of a person forwarding a document for approval even though the forwarding person has the necessary authority to approve it. The document may have been forwarded by mistake or for business reasons. It is not possible to perform a receipt against a document with a status of Pre-Approved.

Q2. What is the difference between DIRECT and HIERARCHY forwarding methods?

The document forwarding method is selected in the Document Types form: Responsibility: Purchasing Super User
Navigation: Setup -> Purchasing -> Document Types
The two choices for the document forwarding method are Direct and Hierarchy; both options are always available regardless of whether Position Hierarchies (positions) or Employee-Supervisor Relationships (jobs) are being used.

A. Direct Forwarding Method
Using this forwarding method, at the time which a document is submitted for approval, validation will occur up the approval chain until an approver is located that has the ability to approve the document in question.
- If Position Hierarchies are being used, then the validation will occur against positions listed in the position hierarchy specified in the document approval window. Once a position that has approval authority has been located, the system will locate the employee assigned to this position and designate him as the Forward-To. The selection of the employee is based on alphabetical context.
- If Employee/Supervisor Relationships are being used, then validation will occur against, first, the supervisor's job of the employee submitting the document for approval; then, if that supervisor does not have authority, the system will look to the supervisor's supervisor. The validation process will continue up this employee/supervisor chain until an approver with the proper authority is located.

B. Hierarchy Forwarding Method
Using this forwarding method, validation is not performed to locate the next possible approver with sufficient authority; the documents will simply route to each person in the approval chain. The document, once submitted for approval, will move to either the person assigned to the next position in the position hierarchy if positions are being used, or the employee's supervisor if employee/supervisor relationships are being used.
The key difference between the two options is that Direct forwarding will move the document to the first person with authority to approve, whereas Hierarchy will simply move the document to the queue of the next employee in the approval chain, whether that
person has the approval authority or not.

Q3. What is the significance of the Document Total and Account Range types on the Approval Groups form?

The Document Total type sets the maximum limit for any approval actions taken by the user whom the approval group applies to. If multiple Document Totals are specified, the restriction will be to the Document Total, which is the lowest. The Account Range also allows for a document total which is then tied to a specific range of accounts listed on the same line. It is possible to have different account ranges with different amount Limits. This allows the same user to have a different dollar/account limit. It is mandatory to have an account range specified in each approval group defined. By default, if there is not an account range defined, all accounts will then be excluded from the document approval process, which means that the documents will not have an ability to become approved.

Q4. What is the significance of using jobs or positions, and what effect will choosing one or the other have on the document approval routing?

The choice of whether or not jobs or positions are going to be used is made at the operating unit level within the Financial Options form. Responsibility: Purchasing Super User
Navigation: Setup -> Organizations -> Financial Options select the Human Resources alternate region
If the option Use Approval Hierarchies is checked, then positions and position hierarchies are going to be utilized for the operating unit in question; if left unchecked, employee/supervisor relationships will be used for the approval hierarchy routing path.
NOTE: If positions are being used, then position hierarchies will need to be created as they are going to be the roadmap for document approvals. If jobs are being used, then the employee/supervisor relationship will serve as the roadmap.

Q5. What is the difference between archiving on Approve versus Print?

The archiving method determines at which point revision data will be written to the document archive tables. Archive on Approve designates an update to the Purchasing archive tables at the time of document approval; each time a revision is made to a document and the document enters a Requires Re-approval state, the new revision information will be archived at the time the document is approved again. Archive on Print designates an update to the document archive tables at the time the purchase order is printed.
The following graph illustrates the difference between the two settings. The Archive Rev columns denote the highest revision of the purchase order currently residing in the purchase order archive tables. The Current Rev columns denote the current revision level of the purchase order, as seen in the header region of the Purchase Orders form.

Archive on Approve
Archive on Approve
Archive on Print
Archive on Print

Archive Revision
Current Revision
Archive Revision
Current Revision
Create Purchase Order
Change Controlled Information
Approve Purchase Order
Change Controlled Information
Approve Purchase Order
Print Purchase Order
Change Controlled Information
Approve Purchase Order
Print Purchase Order
Change Controlled Information
Print Purchase Order
Approve Purchase Order

Q6. In Release 11.X, every time attempting to approve a document it remains in the status of 'Incomplete' - why?

Sometime, a documents may still have a status of Incomplete after an attempt to approve the document has been made; this indicates a failure in the validation of the approval authority for the document creator, along with the inability to locate an employee with the proper authority to forward the document.

Q7. How is it possible to approve a blanket release when the blanket purchase agreement is showing that the full amount has already been released?

The validation of a release dollar amount is not against the amount agreed on the header of the blanket purchase agreement; instead, it validates against the Amount Limit specified in the Terms and Conditions window of the Purchase Orders form. If this field is left blank, then the release can be for any amount. Therefore, it is imperative that the Amount Limit field be populated with the same dollar amount as the Amount Agreed field in the header region of the Purchase Orders form, depending on the business needs. It should also be noted that Release 11i also has introduced an Amount Limit field that can be defined at the line level of the blanket agreement.

Q8. I am delegating the approval of a PO to someone who doesn't have access to open this PO. Would he be able to approve it?

Since he has been 'delegated' the approval authority from you, his approval actions would be adjudged as if you were taking those actions on this document. However, the document would remain inaccessible to him. This is because by 'Delegating', you are only allowing him to act on approval decisions on your behalf, rather than also delegating him the access authority.

Q9. I have end-dated a position but still have the employees assigned to this position. These employees continue to be able to approve the POs as before. Why?

They would continue to be able to approve as long as they have valid assignments!
When you are altering your organization structure by expiring a position, you MUST also make alternatives for the open assignments on this position. This should be a part of your organization structure migration process. Once you have migrated completely to the new Position Structure, including the proper employee-position assignments, run the Fill Employee Hierarchy program. This would affect the PO Approval accordingly.
FAQ Details
Q1. Does autocreate copies descriptive flexfields from the requisition to the document you create?

Yes, but it does not validate the information. For example: If in the requisition desc flex is not mandatory and in the purchase order it is mandatory, autocreate will not error out. It will just copy as is.

Q2. Does autocreate copy Notes from the requisition to the document you are creating?

Yes, Notes are copied from the requisition lines and the corresponding requisition header.
Q3. What are the columns on which autocreate combines the requisition lines into a single document lines?

For purchase order, Purchasing combines the quantities of all requisition lines that have the same item, item revision, line type, transaction reason, and unit of measure onto a single document line. For RFQ�s, quantities of all requisition lines that have the same item, revision, and line type are combined.

Q4. What price becomes the actual price in case multiple requisition lines with different prices are combined to single PO line?

The lowest unit price from the combined requisition lines becomes the actual price of the purchase order line.

Q5. What are the columns based on which Shipping information is combined in case of autocreate?

For purchase orders and releases, Purchasing combines shipment information only if the requisition lines have the same need�by date, ship�to location, organization, Accrual type (period�end or on�line), and shipment type

Q6. Does autocreate add to an existing PO shipment that has been encumbered?

Purchasing does not add to an existing purchase order shipment if that shipment has been encumbered even though all the grouping columns necessary to combine shipping information are there.

Q7. What can be done to open the created document directly once autocreate is done successfully?

Set the profile option PO: Display the autocreated Document to Yes, Purchasing displays the Purchase Orders, Releases, or RFQ window, as appropriate, after creating your document lines.

Q8. Can requisition line with item number and without item number [one time item] be combined to single document line in autocreate?

If you want to combine two requisition lines for the same item, one with an item number and one without, you have to manually autocreate the document and use Modify on the Tools menu to add the predefined item to the requisition line for the one�time item.
Note: You cannot use Modify with outside processing items or if you are using encumbrance or budgetary control.

Q9. Can you autocreate a release if the description of the requisition created in PO is different of the description of the Blanket?

No, If we do not choose an item, that is if the requisition and blanket are created with one time/expense items the autocreate process tries to match the descriptions as item id's are null. The only differentiating factor in one time items (item id null) is the description.

Q10. How do you prevent autocreate from seeing requisitions from another organization?

Requisitions and Purchase Orders are not organization specific. If you do not want to be able to see or access requisitions across different organizations, then you need to set up different operating units with different responsibilities tied to each one.

Q11. Can you autocreate from a quotation and tie the PO to the associated quotation and requisition?

Yes, you can autocreate from a Quotation.
1. Create and approve a requisition.
2. Go to the AutoCreate Screen, chose the requisition form the pool of approved requisitions.
3. Change the Document Type field to RFQ and click the automatic button.
4. The RFQ is created and appears on the screen.
5. Enter the required fields on the RFQ (quote affectivity), click on the Supplier button and choose the list of suppliers.
Change status to active and save.
6. To enter the vendor responses a Quote must be created.
Go to the RFQ screen and query up the RFQ you just created.
Click Special on the Tool bar and choose Copy Document.
This will create your quotation.
7. Go to the Quotation screen and query up the new quotation and enter
the price break information. Change the description (if PO attribute is set to allow the description to be changed).
8. Approve the quotation.
9. AutoCreate the PO from the requisition.
Delete the description if the quote has a description different than the requisition
Click on the catalog button - Receive message
Your can update only the price for the saved record.
Open the Catalog to select price only
Click YES
10. Select the quote.
11. You will now have both the requisition and quote tied to the PO.

Q12. Where does the note to buyer show on an autocreated PO?

On the AutoCreate form, go to the Folder menu and choose Show Field. Select Note to Buyer and click OK. The field will now be displayed.
If you would like this field to be displayed every time you use autocreate, go to Folder -> Save As... Give the folder a name and check the Open as Default box.

Q13. Does the supplier name from a requisition get carried over to an autocreated purchase order?

The standard functionality is that if the requisition has a the "suggested supplier name" field populated, it would carry over to the autocreated PO. The "suggested supplier name" field will only carry to the autocreated PO if it was selected from the list of values on the requisition. If it is typed in manually, it will not carry over.

Q14. What causes the app-14090 error when autocreating a requisition?

There are several things that must be performed to address this issue:
* Profile Option in MRP must be set as follows:
- MRP: Sourcing Rule Category Set value must be set to Purchasing in the Purchasing application.
* AutoCreate Blanket PO
- Revisions do not default for Items when autocreating Blanket PO and the Item Revision # must be entered.
- The Item Revision number on the requisition must match the Item Revision number on the PO.
* Navigate: Setup -->Organization -->Financial Options; and in the Alternate Region ENCUMBRANCE, verify if the REQUISITION ENCUMBRANCE checkbox is checked.
* In the Sys Admin Responsibility navigate to:
Profiles=> query for the Profile Option PO: AUTOCREATE GL DATE.
If using the Encumbrance for Requisitions, then this Profile Option can be set to either AUTOCREATE DATE or REQUISITION GL DATE. If not using Encumbrance, then you may set it to NULL. This will solve the problem.
The Profile Option PO: AUTOCREATE GL DATE is applicable only if you are using Encumbrance for Requisitions.

Q15. How do you autocreate a requisition with a document type as blanket release when requisitions were imported from a 3rd party system?

Ensure the line types selected for Requisitions are appropriate.
You need to have Requisition Line types and PO Line types correctly associated.
Rerun the process and verify that the system does not error out.
Submit the request for requisition import and use the AutoCreate window to create document with type as Blanket Release against the requisition. Navigation:
Purchasing -> Reports -> Submit a request for Requisition Import
Purchasing -> AutoCreate

Q16. How do you autocreate mrp generated requisitions to a blanket purchase order?

First initiate the Release Purchase Requisitions from the Planners Workbench.
Material Planning -> MRP -> Workbench
Second, in the Purchasing Responsibility, AutoCreate the requisition to a Blanket PO.
Navigation: AutoCreate
For Autocreate to find these requisition lines from MRP, the Blanket PO line type must be set to Goods because the MRP Purchase Requisition is always created with a line type of Goods. The reason that MRP uses the line type of Goods is because Goods is seeded data and because the MRP Planner Workbench uses MRPPRELB.pls to insert a record into the PO_REQUISITION_INTERFACE table.

Q17. Can you autocreate more than one standard PO in one autocreate session?

1) Find the requisition lines to be autocreated.
2) Choose a line.
3) Autocreate the purchases order using the automatic button.
4) Do not leave the requisition lines screen.
5) Choose a different line.
6) Try to autocreate another standard purchase order by clicking the automatic button.
7) The system gives the message: app-14090: no requisition lines were autocreated.

Q18. Try to autocreate, but the system hangs, how to cancel the requisition that are locked?

Check if there is a lock on the PO related tables.
Select object_id, session_id, oracle_username, os_user_name,
Process, locked_mode
From sys.v_$locked_object;
Select a.object_name, b.oracle_username
From all_objects a, v$locked_object b
Where a.object_id = b.object_id
And a.object_name like 'po%';
If you have any records returned, you have a lock. To disable the lock, kill the session. Regenerating the form and bouncing the database will unlock all the objects.

Q19. What is the package or procedure that stores the autocreate process?

Poxbwp1b.pls - autocreate po package body.
Description: this package contains all the functions to create purchase orders, releases and rfq's from data stored in the po_headers_interface, po_lines_interface and po_distributions_interface tables. When a user selects a line to be autocreated, it loads the above interface tables. At that point the functions which are part of this package are called and move to create the req line into a release or purchase order.

Q20. What does the grouping method 'default' indicate in the autocreate form?

With the grouping method 'default' requisition lines for the same item, revision, line type, unit of measure, and transaction reason are combined into individual purchase order lines; and requisition lines for the same item, revision, and line type are combined into individual rfq lines.

Q21. I autocreated a PO with two lines. When I go to the purchase order entry screen and query the PO, instead of showing the lines created, it only shows a new line with number 3. Why?

Make sure Inventory organization field is populated in Financial Options.
FAQ Details
Q1. What do I do if I am unable to Approve a Requisition?

1. Check that the Document Manager is up.
2. Check and resolve the Document Manager error.
3. Run wfstat.sql and check its output.
If there is an exception after running wfstat.sql, search for the exception on MetaLink.
4. If the above have been performed, check if you have set up approval assignments correctly.
To set up approval assignments navigate to:
Purchasing>Setup>Approvals>Approval Assignments
On the find job approval assignments form, search and select the appropriate position (e.g. VPM200 Vice President of Materials) which will display the "Assign Approval Groups" window. On this window, make sure you have an approval group selected for each document type you work with.

Q2. How do I check the Status of Deferred Activities?

1. Run wfbkgchk.sql available at $FND_TOP/sql
2. For example, log on to the database by doing sqlplus username/password@database
3. Then run the sql file, wfbkgchk.sql, by doing @wfbkgchk.sql
Q3. What do I do if I get the 'PO_ALL_EXIT_ERROR' error?

Have you performed the following?
1. Check if the message file is <lang.msb> is present. If not regenerate messages using adadmin utility.
2. Set the Profile Option 'PO: Document Approval Mode' correctly.
Set the profile for one of the following options:
- Standard User Exit
- Document Approval Manager ( Which occurs twice in the List of values for the Profile option. The correct profile option is the one which occurs the second time)
As the System Administrator responsibility, the list of values for the system profile option 'PO: Document Approval Mode' should contain 3 entries:
1. Document Approval Manager
2. Standard User Exit
3. Document Approval Manager
Note that the option 'Document Approval Manager' appears twice in the list.
The first one listed was actually obsoleted in 10.7 . Development will not be providing a script which will remove or inactivate the old profile option. The application does not offer the ability to inactivate or remove profile option values.
To resolve the issue, either of the other two values (the second and third as mentioned above) in the list of values can be used for the profile option and users should then be able to approve a purchase order.

Q4. How do I identify Document Manager failures while Approving a Document?

To identify the document manager error number, please look at the attribute DOC_MGR_ERROR_NUM in the wfstat log provided.

1 Document Manager Timed Out (It is taking more than 180 sec to complete the activity). Bounce the Database and Restart the PO Approval Document Manager.
2 Document Manager is Down. Please restart the PO Approval Document Manager.
3 Exception in the Code. In this case look at SYSADMIN_ERROR_MSG attribute for more details. Check MetaLink for known exceptions.

Q5. What do I do when I get a Document Manager Failure Notification?

For customers on Family Pack and above:
1. A new item type POERROR is created for handling the error process in case of any document manager related issues.
2. The following workflow attributes are defined with implementation specific values. (These need to be set in POERROR wf) DOC_MGR_WAIT_RELATIVE_TIME - amount of time processes will have to wait before getting picked again. (default 0) RETRY_COUNT - number of attempts to get document manager for approval (default 0) TIMEOUT_VALUE - amount of time for notification to automatically close itself. (default 0) SYSADMIN_USER_NAME - application user (typically system administrator) who can receive notifications for document manager related errors in status 1 and 2. (MUST BE SET BY CUSTOMER TO A VALID USERNAME)
3. The workflow background engine always needs to be running for the POERROR item type.
The interval between document manager retries is dependent on the following factors
- work flow background engine wait period
Irrespective of the approval mode, there has to be separate workflow background process for the POERROR item type which will "poll" those processes to complete their "wait" periods and get picked for processing again. Once the background engine is started, it will try to approve the document again. Users are not sent any notifications for status 1 and 2 errors. Status 3 errors are reported to the user and not to the system administrator.

Q6. What is the title of the executable file that represents the Document Approval Manager, and where is it located on the server?

The executable file that contains the code for 'PO: Document Approval Manager' is POXCON. This file can be found on the database server in the $PO_TOP/bin directory. For a Windows NT environment, the file will be named POXCON.EXE and the FIND FILE tool should be utilized to locate it.

Q7. Is it necessary to have the Document Approval Manager running, and how many target processes should be available?

Yes, it necessary for the PO Document Approval Manager to be running in order for the approval process to complete. The number of target processes should be greater than or equal to the number of processors in the database server (actual processes). Number of Target Processes => Number of Processors on Server (actual process)

Q8. How does the Document Approval Manager get restarted?

The Document Approval Manager gets restarted on the Administer Concurrent Managers form, using the following steps:

Responsibility: System Administrator
Navigation: Concurrent -> Manager -> Administer
- Locate the PO Document Approval Manager.
- In the Status column, you should see something saying the manager is not running.

To reactivate the PO Document Approval Manager:
- Click on the line containing the PO Document Approval Manager
- Click the Deactivate button.
- Close and reopen the form.
- Locate the PO Document Approval Manager and click on the line
- Click on the Activate button.
The PO Document Approval Manager should now be restarted.

NOTE: The Internal Manager must be running for this process to work. If it is not running, the DBA or System Administrator must restart the Internal Manager first.
FAQ Details
Q1. What are the setups required for Encumbrance Accounting?

1) In General Ledger
a) Enable budgetary control in your Set of Books:
Navigation: Setup->Financials->Books
Alternative Region : Budgetary Control Options Flag Enable Budgetary Control.

b) Create budgetary control groups:
Navigation: Budgets->Define->Controls
Create name, description and enter Budgetary control rules. e.g.. Add Purchasing as Source with category Purchases.
This control group has to be attached at the Site level or User level Profile Option (Budgetary Control Group) and this will control the behavior regarding the tolerance of budgetary control.

c) Define Budget:
In Budget, basically you set period boundary for your budget i.e. time frame.
Remember to open the periods for the budget by pressing the Open next year button.
NOTE: A prerequisite to the above step is that Encumbrance year should be open at Set of Books level.
Navigation: Setup->Open/Close

d) Define Budget Organization:
Navigation: Budget->Define->Organization
In this step you choose the accounts for which you want to have control and link it to your Budget defined in step 'c'. Complete Header of form and Navigate to Ranges and define your ranges for your organization.

e) Encumbrance types:
Navigation: Setup->Journals->Encumbrances.
Encumbrance types are defined so as to bifurcate the reservation of funds done at different levels i.e. Requisition, PO or Invoice level, it helps management people in having better financial control.

2) In Purchasing
a) Enable encumbrance: Encumbrance has to be enabled in Financial Options form in Purchasing modules.
In Purchasing: Setup->Organization->Financial Options (Alternative region Encumbrance)
Select different encumbrance types for different levels i.e. Requisition, PO and Invoice. Here you attach the types that you defined in step 1.e of GL setup.
FAQ Details
Q1. What reference columns does Oracle Purchasing populate in the table gl_bc_packets? And what information is populated in these columns?

Oracle Purchasing populates four of the five reference fields.
Reference1 with the document type, e.g. PO or REQ.
Reference2 with the document header id, po_header_id or requistion_header_id.
Reference3 with the distribution id, po_distribution_id or distribution_id.
Reference4 with the document number, purchase order number or requisition number.

Q2. If over receipt of goods, will Oracle Purchasing reverse encumbrances associated with the over receipt quantity?

No, this is not possible as the budget is only updated with the encumbrance amount when the purchase order was created. Since this transaction has already been logged in gl_bc_packets and potentially picked up by the Create Journals program there is no method to modify this transaction.

Q3. How do I liquidate excess encumbrances for the purchase order, purchase order line or purchase order shipment?

By performing a Final Close on the document. However, this action is irreversible, so be sure no other transactions need to be completed before the Final Close.

Q4. How can I tell if Oracle Federal Financials is installed in my database?

To check if Federal Financials is installed in the application, join the tables FND_APPLICATION and FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS as:

SELECT fa.application_id, fa.application_short_name,
FROM fnd_application fa,
fnd_product_installations fpi
WHERE fa.application_id= fpi.application_id
AND fa.application_short_name like 'FV%'
SQL> /

-------------- ------------------------------------------- -
8901 FV I

In addition to the status of installed, you can also query the dba_objects view for the object_name with a prefix of FV, for example:

SELECT object_name
FROM dba_objects
WHERE object_name like 'FV%'
AND owner='APPS';

If there are any objects in the database with the prefix FV, a row will be returned. There are approximately 500 objects that belong to the Federal Vertical application.

Q5. Is there a way to unreserve or reverse an encumbrance on a purchase order?

Beginning with Oracle Applications Release 11, there is the functionality of Unreserving an encumbrance at the header level of a purchasing document. The unreserve works only if funds are currently reserved for the document. Once you have unreserved the document you can modify as needed.

Q6. What is a Transaction Code and how is this defined?

Transaction codes are typically used when the budgetary or the fund accounting model is employed. The vertical application Oracle Federal Financials includes the profile Enable Transaction Codes which activates this functionality.

Once transaction codes have been enabled, they can be defined in General Ledger (Setup - Accounts - Transaction Codes). Transaction codes are used as a shortcut to create debit and credit pairs for a single transaction.

Q7. What steps do I take when the approval of the purchase order fails due to insufficient funds?

1. Identify the distribution that is failing, the error message will usually indicate which distribution is in error. Obtain the ccid of this distribution account.

2. . Check the budget organization for which this code combination id is assigned. This is accomplished in General Ledger (Budgets - Define - Organization).

a) First find the budget_entity_id (budget that this account is tied to)
select set_of_books_id , budget_entity_id ,

b) Using the budget_entity_id query the Budget Organization name.
select name, set_of_books_id , status_code from GL_BUDGET_ENTITIES
where budget_entity_id = '&####';

Specifically verify the Amount Type, the Boundary and the Funding Budget values. The funding budget should be active and ensure that your encumbrance amount has not exceeded the funds available for the funds checking interval (boundary). For example, if the budget total is $100,000.00, the amount budgeted per quarter is $25,000.00, the Amount type is YTD and the boundary is QTD, then check that the purchase order encumbrance would not exceed the boundary amount of $25,000.00.

Q8. The Encumbrance Detail Report does not pick up expected purchase orders.

Review the parameters passed to the report to verify that the selection criteria did not exclude the purchase order. The selection of purchase orders on this report is based on the following information in the database:
- the setting of the encumbered_flag in po_distributions, needs to be set to Y, and the cancel_flag in po_line_locations must be set to N and
- the gl_encumbered_date in po_distributions must be between the dates passed to the report for the encumbered dates and
- the vendor used on the purchase order must be included by the Vendor parameter and
- the po_distributions.prevent_encumbrance_flag must be set to N

Q9. Records are appearing on the Uninvoiced Receipts report for expense items which have been received but not invoiced. How can these records be removed from the report and kept from accruing each month?
Q10. A purchase order shipment was received against, then cancelled. It now appears on the Uninvoiced Receipts report and accrues each month when running the Receipt Accruals - Period-End process. Why is this happening?

These questions pertain to Oracle Purchasing release 10.7. The quantity on an approved, encumbered Purchase Order can be changed by deleting and creating a new line with a revised quantity.

There are restrictions regarding modifications to encumbered Purchase Orders after being approved, and the following is standard functionality:

An encumbered Purchase Order cannot be modified as follows:
- Cannot change price
- Cannot change shipment distribution
- Cannot change shipment quantity
- Cannot change accounts (distributions)
- Cannot change currency

The line quantity can be increased as this will create more encumbrance. Upon doing so additional shipment lines have to be added to resolve the differences in the new quantity. A change in price would require real time modification to existing rows in the GL_BC_PACKETS table and there is no provision in the software code to do this.

The most efficient and recommended manner for revision of Purchasing Documents is to cancel the Purchase Order line, shipment or even the entire Purchase Order then recreate the Purchase Order with the revised data.

This cancellation does not perform a reversal of funds, but it does a corresponding debit to the respective accounts to nullify the encumbrance.

Q11. If I go to cancel an encumbered/reserved purchasing document and the period in which it was created is closed, I cannot cancel the line or document due to the closed period?

There are software fixes released which place the reversing funds in the next available open Purchasing period.

10.7 - pofdo.lpc 80.28

11.0 - pofbd.lpc 110.13
pofin.lpc 110.5

This has been fixed in 11i.

Q12. I click on the Approve button for a Purchase Order and the reserved check box in the approval window is already enabled as default.

This issue is addressed in bug 1535050. Fix will be available in Purchasing Patchset H for Release 11.

Q13. I am using encumbrance accounting and when I forward a Purchase Order for approval, I am encountering the following error: APP-14166: Please enter a forward to employee or funds are not reserved.

You must check the Reserve Funds check box when forwarding and/or approving a Purchase Order if you are using encumbrance. You can check to see if you are using encumbrance in Purchasing by doing the following:

1. Setup/Organizations/Financial Options
2. Change the Alternate Region to Encumbrance and see if the Use PO Encumbrance check box is checked.
3. Refer Note 1064155.6 for more details.

Q14. I am trying to approve the Purchase Order and get the following error: "This record cannot be reserved for update. It has already been reserved by another user".

This is resolved In file version POXAPAPC.pld 110.37 (758079). This fix moves the document submission check from document approval manager to client side.

Q15. Blanket Purchase Agreement have "Reserved" box checked on the purchase order lines. I am not using encumbrance accounting.

This issue is Fixed file POXPOEPO.fmb ver 110.88 and also in Release 11i (889797).

Q16. I reserve a requisition with 2 distributions - the 1st distribution succeeds but fails for the 2nd distribution. Distributions quantities for both distributions are changed and re-reserved but the reserved amount for the 1st distribution is not changed (and is wrong compared to the quantity on the distribution).

This issue has been fixed in the following file versions:
10.7 fixed in POXRQLNS.pld 916.68 Purchasing Patchset P-1618264
11.0 fixed in POXRQLNS.pld 110.65 Purchasing Patchset G-1525417
11.5 fixed in POXRQLNS.pld 115.53 - (Internal bug - 1363372)

Q17. I created a new requisition, then reserved (without approving) the funds are reserved. Then I delete the requisition from the requisition form, which does not un-reserve funds.

This issue has been fixed in the following files:

10.7 -- Patchset O (Patch number 1267514)
POXRQRES.pls 80.1
POXRQREB.pls 80.4
po10sc.msg 80.20

11.0 -- Patchset F (Patch number 1330514)
POXRQR1S.pls 110.1
POXRQR1B.pls 110.5
po11.msg 110.25

11.5 -- Fixed in these files
poencmsg.ldt 115.0.

FAQ Details
Q1. What are Reminder notifications?

Once an approver doesn?t respond to approval notification for quite sometime, then a reminder notification can be sent out to the approver. You can send up to two reminders to an approver using the Timeout feature. You can also specify that after a certain period of time, the document be forwarded automatically to the next approver in the hierarchy. This feature has to be setup by you by changing the PO and/or Requisition approval workflow in Oracle Workflow Builder.

Q2. How do you setup the timeout feature?

In Oracle Workflow Builder, open the ?PO Approval? workflow (for purchase orders) or the ?PO Requisition Approval? workflow for requisitions. To enable the Timeout feature in the PO Approval workflow, modify the following activities in the Notify Approver sub process by entering a Timeout period in their Properties windows:
Approve PO Notification, PO Approval Reminder 1, and PO Approval Reminder 2.
To enable the Timeout feature in the PO Requisition Approval workflow, modify the following activities in the Notify Approver sub process by entering a Timeout period in their Properties windows: Approve Requisition Notification, Requisition Approval Reminder1, and Requisition Approval Reminder2.

Q3. Any prerequisite for timeout to work?

Workflow Background Process must be running for the reminder notifications to be generated. Background process must be set to run periodically if you want the reminders to be regularly generated. Run this program with parameter ?Timeout? set as ?Yes?, and ?Item Type? parameter as ?PO Approval Process? or ?PO Requisition Approval Process? whichever appropriate.

Q4. How do you generate the notifications for the documents that need to be started up in approval yet?

You can run ?Send Notifications For Purchasing Documents? program to search the documents that are incomplete, rejected, or in need of re-approval and send notifications to the appropriate people informing them about the document?s status.

Q5. What are the different types of reminders that the notifications can be sent for?

When ?Send Notifications For Purchasing Documents? program is run, Notifications are generated regarding the following situations:
- POs and requisitions are Incomplete, Rejected or may require re-approval.
- POs and Releases require acceptance and acceptance is not yet received. ?Acceptance past due? notifications is sent if the acceptance required date is over and no acceptance is entered by this date.
- RFQ's and Quotations are in status of In Process.
- Active RFQ approaching expiration i.e. current date is between Due Date and Close Date.
- Active Quotation approaching expiration.
General Information
Q: What are the Oracle Applications patch types?
A: All Applications patches are organized by aggregation level.
  • Stand-alone (one-off) Patch: Addresses a single fix or enhancement. Stand-alone patches are released only when there is an immediate need for a fix or enhancement that cannot wait until an aggregate bundling is available. Although stand-alone patches are intended to be as small as possible, they usually include any dependent files that have changed since the base release in order to form a complete patch that can be applied by any customer. The actual number of files changed will depend on the current code level on the system to which the patch is being applied.
  • Rollup Patch (RUP): An aggregation of patches that may be at the functional level, or at a specific product/family release level. For example, a Flexfields rollup patch contains all the latest patches related to Flexfields at the time the patch was created. A Marketing Family 11.5.9 rollup patch contains all the latest Marketing patches released since, and applicable to, 11.5.9.
  • Mini-pack: An aggregation of patches at the product level. For example, Inventory Mini-pack G (11i.INV.G) contains all the latest patches for the Inventory product at the time the mini-pack was created. Mini-packs are named in alphabetical sequence such as 11i.INV.E, 11i.INV.F, 11i.INV.G, and so on. Mini-packs are cumulative. In other words, 11i.INV.G contains everything in 11i.INV.F, which contains everything in 11i.INV.E, and so on. The terms patchset and mini-pack are often used interchangeably. <
  • Family Pack: An aggregation of patches at the product family level. For example, Financials Family Pack C (11i.FIN_PF.C) contains all the latest patches for products in the Financials family at the time the family pack was created. Family product codes always end in "_PF" and family packs are given alphabetical sequence such as 11i.HR_PF.B, 11i.HR_PF.C, and 11i.HR_PF.D. Family packs are cumulative. In other words, Discrete Manufacturing Family Pack G (11i.DMF_PF.G) contains everything in 11i.DMF_PF.F, which contains everything in 11i.DMF_PF.E, and so on.
  • Maintenance Pack: An aggregation of patches for all products in the E-Business Suite. For example, Release 11.5.9 Maintenance Pack contains all the latest code level for all products at the time 11.5.9 was created. Maintenance packs are numbered sequentially such as 11.5.7, 11.5.8, 11.5.9, and are cumulative. In other words, 11.5.9 contains everything in 11.5.8, which contains everything in 11.5.7, and so on.

    In addition to releasing a maintenance pack, Oracle also packages a new Rapid Install at each maintenance pack release level. So Applications Release 11.5.9 Rapid Install contains the same applications code level that a customer would get if they applied the Release 11.5.9 Maintenance Pack on an earlier 11i release level. Note that the technology stack could still be different since Rapid Install includes the latest certified technology stack, but the maintenance pack includes only Applications code.

    Maintenance packs can be downloaded from OracleMetaLink or ordered as a CD Pack from the Oracle Store.

Patches can also be organized by purpose.
  • Diagnostic Patch: Used to gather additional information when a product failure cannot be reproduced by Oracle. The additional information will assist Oracle Support Services and Oracle Development in resolving the failure.
  • Interoperability Patch: Allows Oracle Applications to function properly with a newer version of the technology stack. Interoperability patches are typically required with new version of the database or Applications technology stack.
  • Translated Patch: A non-English version of a patch. Release 11i supports 30 non-English languages. Customers who are using languages other than English, need to apply the corresponding translated patch(es) for the languages they are using in addition to any base US patch(es).
  • Merged Translation Patch: Provided in real time (without requiring a translator) in the event a translated patch is not available when a customer needs it. A merged translation patch is applied just like a fully translated patch. The fully translated patch is escalated and is usually available within 24 hours. It can be applied safely on top of a merged translation patch.
  • Translation Fix: Provided in the event a translation word choice is inappropriate. A translation fix is applied just like a translated patch, except there is no corresponding base US patch.

  • New Feature Patch: Introduces new functionality and/or products. It is applied using standard patching utilities.

  • Consolidated Update: Improves and streamlines the upgrade and maintenance processes by consolidating certain post-release patches. Most recommended patches and rollups for a particular maintenance release are consolidated into a single patch that is installed immediately following the Maintenance Pack or the Rapid Install.

  • Family Consolidated Upgrade Patch: All upgrade-related patches consolidated from all the products within a product family. Family consolidated upgrade patches are released as needed and are only available for upgrading to Release 11i from Release 10.7 or 11.0. The Oracle Applications Release Notes lists the most recent patches.

  • Documentation Patch: Updates online help.


Q: How often should customers apply mini-packs, family packs, and maintenance packs?
A: You should keep your maintenance level up to date in order to:
  • Receive the latest fixes.
  • Reduce the number of file updates needed for emergency fixes.
  • Reduce the possibility of unfulfilled prerequisite patches when applying an emergency fix.
  • Make it easier for Oracle Support and Oracle Development to assist you.
  • Keep core products such as AD (patches and maintenance fixes), FND (security and technology stack updates), and HR (legislative updates) up to date.

At a minimum, apply maintenance packs to stay within two maintenance releases. For example, since 11.5.9 is currently available, customers at the 11.5.7 (or earlier) level should be planning their upgrade to 11.5.9.

Use mini-packs and family packs if you have an immediate need for the latest patch level for a product or product family and cannot wait to apply the corresponding maintenance pack.

Q: How do I know what patches or files have been applied to a system? What happened to my applptch.txt?
A: Prior to AD Mini-pack E, patch history was stored in a text file called applptch.txt in the $APPL_TOP/admin/<SID> directory. AutoPatch appended the applptch.txt file with information about each patch applied.

With AD Mini-pack E, the new Patch History feature stores all patch information in database tables. If the information cannot be written to the database, it is stored in files in the file system, and is automatically loaded to the database the next time AutoPatch is run. In AD Mini-pack E, the temp file is named applptch.txt. In AD Mini-pack H, there are two patch history files: javaupdates<timestamp>.txt to record patch history about changes to Java files, and adpsv<timestamp>.txt to record patch history about changes to all non-Java files.

The best way to review patch history information is to use the patch history search pages provided by Oracle Applications Manager. The patch history database feature allows you to query on patches or files applied and filter by patch number or file name, as well as date, product, APPL_TOP name, server type, or language. See Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities for more information.

Q: How can I find the latest available mini-pack, family pack, or maintenance pack?
A: On
OracleMetaLink, click the Patches button on the left-hand side. Choose the Quick Links to the Latest Patchsets, Mini Packs, and Maintenance Packs link to get either:
  • A listing of the latest mini-packs, family packs, or maintenance pack for the E-Business Suite, or
  • A listing of the latest patchsets for Server/Tools products
A link at the top will allow you toggle between the two lists.

Q: Where can I find a list of AutoPatch features and the AD mini-packs that introduced them?
A: The
Oracle Applications DBA 11i+ Features Matrix (OracleMetaLink ID: 210326.1) contains a list of major AD features in Release 11i and identifies which AD mini-pack introduced each feature.

Q: What is the AD Features matrix printed on the AutoPatch screen and logfiles?
A: AD Feature Versions is a framework created to handle mismatches between the AD code on the file system and the AD objects in the database. Both the version of the feature on the file system and the version of the feature in the database are tracked separately. When the two versions do not match, the feature is disabled, and when the two versions match, the feature is (normally) enabled.

The table below is an example of the information displayed by AD Feature Versions in AD utility log files. The first four columns in the table below represent the name of the feature, whether or not the feature is enabled, the version of the feature in the APPL_TOP, and the version of the feature in the database.

Data Model

The Flags Column values represent:
- 1st flag: Is the feature enabled in the APPL_TOP?
- 2nd flag: Does the feature depend on any database objects?
- 3rd flag: Is the value of the 4th flag relevant?
- 4th flag: Is the feature enabled in the database?

This message is informational in nature only, the AD Feature Versions framework is only used by AD internally and should not be modified unless under explicit instructions from AD Development.

Q: What is a patch driver file? What is the difference between the c driver, d driver, g driver, and u driver?
A: Patch driver files contain commands used by AutoPatch to direct the installation of a patch. There are four types of driver files, and a patch can contain more than one driver.
  • Copy driver (c driver): Named c<patchnumber>.drv, and contains commands to change Oracle Applications files. The commands include directives to copy/update files, libraries, and/or Java, and commands for generating JAR files and/or C executables. In a multi-node system, run it on all application tier APPL_TOPs.

  • Database driver (d driver): Named d<patchnumber>.drv, and contains commands to change Oracle Applications database objects, such as PL/SQL and table definitions, or to update or migrate data. In a multi-node system, run it only on the application tier APPL_TOP that implements the admin server.

  • Generate driver (g driver): Named g<patchnumber>.drv, and contains commands to generate forms, reports, and/or graphics files. In a multi-node system, run it on all application tier APPL_TOPs, unless the APPL_TOP only implements the admin server.

  • Unified driver (u driver): Named u<patchnumber>.drv, it is a consolidated driver containing all copy, database, and generate actions. Apply this driver to all APPL_TOPs on all application tier servers. AutoPatch knows which command should be run on each type of application tier. The unified driver requires only a single execution of AutoPatch. It is currently used only in the Release 11.5.9 Maintenance Pack.

    If you merge a patch that contains a unified driver with patches that contain other drivers, the resulting merged patch will contain only a merged unified driver.


Q: What are the patching implications of a multi-node environment? How do I know what type of server/tier/node I am patching?
A: In a multi-node environment, you need to apply the patch, in its entirety, to the node implementing the admin server first. After that you can apply the patch in any order on the remaining nodes.

In many cases the terms 'server', 'tier' and 'node' are used interchangeably and the exact meaning must be inferred from the context. Officially, the terms are different and have a distinct meaning.

A node (or machine) is a computer.
A server is a collection of one or more computer processes that perform a specific function.
A tier is a logical grouping of one or more servers or computer processes.

In Release 11i there are three tiers: desktop, application, and database.
  • The desktop tier (generally an end-user PC) does not consist of any servers. Rather it consists of a Web browser that makes use of HTML and a Java applet to provide the user interface.

  • The application tier (also called the middle tier) consists of a number of servers, such as the concurrent processing server, web server, forms server, and admin server. These servers are also referred to as application tier servers. Likewise, the nodes on which such servers run are referred to as application tier server nodes.

  • The database tier consists of the database server, which stores all the data in a Release 11i system.

For example, if a node contains only the database server and no other Release 11i software, it is called the database server node, and it is part of the database tier only. However, it is possible for the database server and any of the application tier servers to run on the same node. In this situation, the node can be called the database server node, the forms server node, the Web server node, and so on. Because servers from other tiers are running on one node, the node belongs to more than one tier.

For more information about the Release 11i architecture, see Oracle Applications Concepts.
To determine what application tier servers are on each node, refer to the Applications Dashboard in Oracle Applications Manager (information on using Oracle Applications Manager can be found on Oracle MetaLink note 226826.1).

Q: What is the AutoPatch checkfile feature?
A: This feature reduces patch application downtime by checking to see if a given database action has been performed previously for the associated file contained in the patch. If the action has been performed using the current (or higher) version of the file, AutoPatch omits the action.

Q: Can I run multiple AutoPatch sessions at the same time?
A: You cannot currently run multiple sessions simultaneously. However, patches can be merged and can be applied in a single patching session.

A new AD feature called AD Concurrent Sessions is currently being tested. It uses a system of locks that will prevent incompatible actions from executing at the same time, so compatible actions can be run in parallel. This will allow you to run multiple AutoPatch sessions concurrently.

Help Applying Patches
Q: How can I shorten patch application time when applying patches?
A: There are several tips and tricks for shortening the time it takes to apply patches.
  • Schedule periodic downtime for proactive maintenance. The more up-to-date your system, the less likely you are to experience known problems, and the easier it is to resolve new issues. Whenever you can test and schedule downtime to apply the latest maintenance or family packs, do so.

  • Keep AD code up-to-date. Oracle has put tremendous effort in reducing downtime and improving the maintenance experience. Running at the latest AD mini-pack level allows you to take full advantage of these efforts.

  • Keep your test system current with your production system (see RapidClone OracleMetaLink ID 230672.1). As you test the application of a patch, it is imperative that the test be realistic in terms of current patch level and transaction data.

  • Use the novalidate option (this is the default in AD Mini-pack H) if you know all Oracle passwords are correct.

  • Consolidate multiple patches into a single, merged patch with AD Merge Patch.
    AD Merge Patch is a utility that merges multiple Applications patches into a single patch. Use it to apply more than one patch during a single downtime. AD Merge Patch reduces patch application time by eliminating redundant patching tasks.

    All 11i patches can be merged. If you merge translation patches, AD Merge Patch performs necessary character set conversion at merge time. If you merge patches containing both split (c,d,g) drivers and unified drivers, AD Merge Patch creates a single, unified driver for the merged patch allowing the merged patch to be successfully applied.

  • Employ sufficient space. This includes new tablespace for indexes created by the patch. For patches containing large numbers of files, you should also make sure there is sufficient space temporary space to contain the unzipped patch and files to be copied into the APPL_TOP.

  • Use a Shared APPL_TOP if you have multiple application tier nodes.
    In a Shared APPL_TOP installation, the APPL_TOP file system is installed onto a shared disk resource mounted to each node used in the Applications System. These nodes can be used to provide standard application tier services, such as forms, web, and concurrent processing.
    Refer to
    Sharing an APPL_TOP on OracleMetaLink (Doc ID: 233428.1) for more information.

  • Use the Distributed AD feature to utilize additional hardware during maintenance.
    AD has always used a Parallel Jobs System, where multiple AD workers start and are assigned jobs. Information for the Jobs System is stored in the database, and workers receive their assignments by monitoring certain tables in the database.
    AD Mini-pack H introduces Distributed AD, which allows workers to be started on remote machines as well, where they can utilize the additional resources on those machines when completing their assigned jobs. This capability improves scalability, performance, and resource utilization because workers in the same AD session can be started on additional application tier nodes.
    Refer to
    Distributed AD on OracleMetaLink (Doc ID: 236469.1) for more information.

  • Use a Staged APPL_TOP to reduce the downtime to just the database update.
    A staged Applications system represents an exact copy of your Production system including a copy of the database. Patches are applied to this staged system, while your Production system remains up. When all patches have been successfully applied to the test system, the reduced downtime for the Production system can begin. The staged APPL_TOP is used both to run the database update into the Production database as well as synchronizing the production APPL_TOP.
    Refer to
    Using a Staged Applications System on OracleMetaLink (Doc ID: 242480.1) for more information.

  • Perform uptime maintenance, when possible. Examples of maintenance activities that can be accomplished while users are on the system include:
·         Gather Schema Statistics
·         Patch the Online Help
·         Apply translation patches while users are using different languages (possibly in another time zone)
·         Apply the database update component of a translation patch while using the affected language


Q: How do I run AutoPatch non-interactively?
A: The AD defaults file allows you to run AutoPatch (or AD Administration) in non-interactive mode. It contains tokens to answer defaults-enabled prompts.
Oracle provides a file called adalldefaults.txt that has tokens for all possible default-enabled prompts. This file is maintained by Autoconfig and can be used as a template when creating defaults files.

See Oracle Applications Maintenance Procedures for information on running AutoPatch non-interactively using a defaults file.

Q: Do patches need to be applied in a particular order? What is a prerequisite patch?
A: Patches do not need to be applied in a particular order, even though a readme may state a specific order is required, unless one of the patches is an AD patch. This is because you may need to patch the patching utility so that it works properly when you use it to apply subsequent patches.

A prerequisite patch fulfills a dependency for another patch. Strictly speaking, they are co-requisites and can be applied in any order before using the system. We recommend that you merge a patch with its required prerequisites, with the exception of prerequisite patches for the AD product.

Starting with AD Mini-pack H, AutoPatch has a Prereq feature that, when run with patches containing metadata, automatically determines if prerequisites are not fulfilled and informs you. At this point, you can download the prerequisites, merge them with the patch, restart AutoPatch, and apply the merged patch.
Older patches, or patches whose metadata is missing the prerequisite information, may list prerequisite patches in the patch README.

Q: How can I determine the effects a patch will have on my system?
A: You can submit a specific patch analysis request through the Patch Advisor to determine the impact of a patch on your system. Patch Advisor Impact Analysis provides reports on:
  • The total number of files in the patch
  • The number of files the patch will install
  • The products that will have updated files
  • The files that will be introduced by the patch
  • The files on the target system that will be changed by the patch
  • The files with dependencies on patched files

See Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities for more information.

Q: What happens if I run a driver on the wrong application tier server?
A: Because AutoPatch applies only the necessary actions for each type of application tier, any driver can be applied to any APPL_TOP on any node. However, the sequence is important. Patches without unified drivers must have the drivers applied in the following order: copy driver, database driver, and generate driver.

Q: What are AutoPatch restart files?
A: Restart files store information about completed processing in the event of a patch or system failure. They allow AutoPatch, AutoUpgrade, and AD Administration to continue processing at the point where they stopped. Do not modify or delete restart files unless specifically told to do so by Oracle Support Services.

The restart files reside in $APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>/restart (UNIX) or in %APPL_TOP%\admin\<SID>\restart (Windows).

Q: If I am applying a patch and it fails, should I simply rerun it from the beginning after fixing the issue?
A: If a patch driver fails, fix the issue and restart AutoPatch. AutoPatch will allow you to continue where the patch left off. Rerunning the patch from the beginning may result in a patch being applied incorrectly.

Q: What should I do when the Oracle Applications AutoPatch Prerequisite Checking Feature Fails?
A: There are various issues that could cause a failure in the AutoPatch Prerequisite Checking Feature.
Please refer to Oracle Metalink Note

Q: If a worker fails when AutoPatch is running, what should I do?
A: When a worker fails its job, the AD utility running the worker will take one of several possible actions:
  • Defer the job to the end of the list of jobs to run, and assign the worker another job
  • Set the worker status to Failed and continue to run jobs in other workers
  • If all other workers are in failed or waiting state, wait for user input (interactive mode) or exit (non-interactive mode)

If the worker remains in a failed state, examine the worker log file and determine the cause of the failure. The worker log files are named adwork<number>.log (for example adwork01.log or adwork001.log). They are located in the same directory as the main AD utility log file. By default this is under $APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>/log.
Attempt to correct the problem and restart the failed job. If you cannot determine the cause of the failure, try restarting the failed job to see if it works the second time (it may have failed due to a concurrency or resource issue).
To restart a failed job, run AD Controller and choose the option to restart a failed job. Enter the worker number when prompted. You can use AD Controller to see the status of jobs both before and after restarting them. The status before restarting should be Failed, and the status after restarting should be Fixed, Restart.
If you are unable to fix the failed job, contact Oracle Support Services for assistance.

If the AD utility exited after the job failed, you must use AD Controller to restart the failed job before you can restart the AD utility. Otherwise, the AD utility will detect the failed job and shut down again.

FAQ Details
Q1. Why does the create releases process not create a Release when we have run the CREATE RELEASES program against a Blanket Purchase Order whose EFFECTIVE DATES are in the future with a valid Sourcing Rule?

The CREATE RELEASE program must be run within the EFFECTIVE DATES of the Blanket Purchase Order. This is because the program verifies whether the SYSTEM DATE falls within the EFFECTIVE DATES, when looking for the Releases to be created. This is a standard functionality.

Q2. Why can�t we create a release of a blanket purchase order, When there exists a valid BPA and in the release form we pick the blanket PO from the list of values (LOV). Once selected, we cannot tab past that field and does not get any error messages.

Check for the invalid objects in the database. Invalid objects can prevent improper screen field action. There are numerous packages and library handling code that the form utilizes.

Q3. When we try to run Requisition import after running a Min-Max planning request why is it that requisitions are created from Requisition import but no releases are created against blanket POs.

For Releases to get created automatically in the Requisition Import process:
- Check for the profile option PO: Release During Requisition Import which should be set to 'Yes� to create releases during requisition import.
- 'Sourcing Rule' must have current date between 'effective date' and 'to date'.
- Check that the requisition is sourced with the blanket, and the requisitions are approved as part of the Requisition Import process.
- If the Encumbrance is ON, then the requisition will not get approved and will be in pre approved status and hence release will not get created.
- Check the profile option MRP: Purchasing By Revision (If requisitions are coming from MRP) and INV: Purchasing By Revision (If requisitions are coming from INV). This must be set according and should not be null. This profile option must be set to 'Yes' or 'No' according to the customer�s requirement.
- Verify if this item has a blanket purchase agreement approved and it is not closed or cancelled.

Q4. Why are we able to create releases against a Blanket Purchase Order even though the sum of amount of all the releases that have been created is equal to the amount on the Blanket Purchase Order?

Oracle Purchasing does not do any validation on the agreed amount limit on the Blanket until approval of the release.

Q5. Why is it so that even though the Release is not approved, the amount against this release is on the blanket gets updated?

This is standard functionality. As soon as a release is created, the amount released on the blanket gets updated. In fact the amount released is not stored anywhere, system always calculates It whenever the blanket is queried.

Q6. Why are the releases not getting generated automatically after the requisition import is run successfully for those requisitions, which are created from MRP?

Check that the Release Time Fence on the item in setup is defined. Creating a Release Time Fence on the item in setup solves the problem. The Release Time Fence on the item must fall within the established schedule in MRP. The Release method should be set to Automatic Release.

Q7. Why is the Reqimport Automatically Creating Releases Although Profile PO: Release During ReqImport is set to No?

This might be because of the Incorrect WorkFlow attribute setting. Check the attribute "Is Automatic Creation Allowed" in the work flow process. This should set to N. Then the release is not created automatically

Q8. Why is the amount released on the blanket PO is not updated and still includes the amount of the cancelled release after a release is cancelled?

Released amount of the blanket PO is not automatically updated if an invoice was previously matched and not cancelled before the release was cancelled.

Q9. Why is the Create Releases program, PORELGEN is not creating any releases for requisitions, which are sourced to blanket agreements and have been generated from a template?

The Source details on the requisition line have not been populated. The Create Releases program will only create a releases if the Source Document Number has been populated on the requisition line. When creating a requisition template, if you manually enter the item line there is no where to enter the blanket information. When the requisition is created from the template, the Source details on the requisition line are left blank so the Create Release program does not select the requisition. Instead of entering the lines manually while creating the template, use the Copy button, enter the type as Purchase Order and enter the blanket agreement number. The Source details will be correctly populated with the blanket agreement number and the requisition will be picked up by the Create Release program.

Q10. Is the user allowed to modify quantity on distribution zone of an approved and reserved release?

Oracle Purchasing does not allow the user to modify the quantity on the distribution of an encumbered shipment nor does it allow creation of new distributions against encumbered shipments.

Q11. Is the user allowed to delete an Incomplete Release?

Yes, The users are allowed to delete the incomplete releases in the application.

Q12. Can we save and approve blanket PO releases without entering promised and need-by date?

If the item is either MRP/DRP, MPS/DRP or DRP planned item the promised date or need by date is mandatory and the user has to enter the date. If the item is not planned, then it is not mandatory.

Q13. Can the users enter the P-Card number in the Enter Releases Form?

No. The users can not enter the P-Card number the core apps. A P-card may be specified in iProcurement, but is only a display only in Core Apps. We can see the P-Card data if the profile option PO: Use P-card in Purchasing is set to YES.

Q14. Can we cancel the releases if they are in 'incomplete' status?

Cancellation is an authorization provides to revert back the approved status. If we cancel the 'Incomplete' release we will loose the traceability of the document actions. Hence we will not be able to cancel an incomplete release.

Q15. Does the Blanket Purchase Orders get Automatically closed After the Release is Fully Received and Invoiced?

The Blanket Purchase Orders will not automatically close after the Release is fully received and invoiced. The roll-up of closed status for the Blanket Release Shipment happens to the Blanket Release Header and not to Blanket Purchase Order. This is the Standard Functionality.

Q16. What is the significance of "PO: Convert Requisition UOM to Source Document UOM" profile option?

Earlier in Autocreate if the requisition UOM is different from the BPA UOM the user would not be allowed to create a release. But in Create releases program this was possible. To make the behavior consistent we have introduced this profile option. If this profile is set to yes we allow the autocreation of the release with the quantity and UOM converted to that of the BPA. If the profile is set to yes we do not allow the creation of the req both in autocreate as well as the create releases program.

Q17. Doesn't the Create Releases report support one time items? Is this a bug?

Create Releases report does not support one time items. This is the intended functionality. This is not a Bug.

Q18. Is it correct functionality that the enter req form will not raise a warning when the item is tied to a BPA when the selection is made from the catalog via a Requisition Template?

Yes this is the correct functionality. We do not raise a warning when the item is tied to a BPA when the selection is made from the catalog via a Requisition Template. There is already an ER 690225, which is logged for this issue.
FAQ Details
Q1. Why doesn't cancel PO automatically cancel assigned requisition, even when the checkbox 'Cancel requisition' is checked?

The intended functionality is that when a PO is canceled and the cancel requisition option is selected, it only cancels the backing requisition lines not the header. So only requisition lines will get canceled not the header.

Q2. Why do I get an APP-14056 error when canceling a PO shipment that has been matched?

Please check to see if the shipment being canceled is not Over Billed [billed more than received]. In that case it cannot be canceled.
Q3. Why doesn't 'Canceling of Standard PO' change the status of the document? The Status stays in value 'Approved'.

The authorization status remains Approved. Even if PO is canceled, only the canceled flag is set to 'Y'. It is intended functionality.

Q4. Can I automatically 'Close' the Purchase order without receiving the full quantity?

The Receipt Close Tolerance lets you specify a quantity percentage within which Purchasing closes a partially received shipment. For example, if your Receipt Close Tolerance is 5% and you receive 96% of an expected shipment, Purchasing automatically closes this shipment for receiving.

Q5. When does a Purchase Order line get Closure Status 'Closed for Receiving'?

Purchasing automatically closes shipments for receiving and invoicing based on Tolerances that you specify in the Purchasing Options window. Once all shipments for a given line are received and invoiced within these tolerances, Purchasing automatically closes the line.

Q6. When does a Purchase order get Closure Status 'Closed'?

When all lines for a given header are closed, Purchasing automatically closes the document.

Q7. What is the difference between the control actions 'On Hold' and 'Freeze' for a Purchase order?

You can place a Purchase order 'On hold' only at the header level. This unapproves the purchase order while preventing printing, receiving, invoicing, and future approval until you remove the hold. You can 'Freeze' only at the header and release level. You freeze a Purchase order when you want to prevent any future modifications to the Purchase order. When you freeze a Purchase order, you can still receive and pay for goods you already ordered. If you use a Requisition template or AutoSource to source requisition lines from a Purchase order line, Purchasing does not automatically update the corresponding sourcing information when you freeze a purchase order with which you source requisition lines. If you freeze a purchase order, you have to update the corresponding information in the Requisition Templates or the AutoSource Rules window.

Q8. What are the different document statuses/actions used in Oracle Purchasing?

This discusses mainly the statuses/actions of a purchase order:
Before documents are approved, you can delete them or their components from the document entry window. If you use online requisitions, Purchasing returns all requisitions associated with your delete action to the requisition pool. You can reassign these unfilled requisitions to other purchase orders or releases using the AutoCreate Documents window.
Purchasing lets you terminate an existing commitment to buy from a supplier by canceling document headers, lines, shipments, or releases. When you cancel a purchase order entity, you are unable to receive or pay for cancelled items and services, however, you can pay for all previously received orders. You also cannot modify a cancelled entity or its components.
Final Close
Prevent modifications to or actions against completed documents, lines, and shipments by final closing them. Final-closed documents are not accessible in the corresponding entry forms, and you cannot perform the following actions against final-closed entities: Receive, Transfer, Inspect, Deliver, Correct receipt quantities, Invoice, Return to supplier, or Return to receiving.
You can approve documents that include final-closed entities, but you cannot approve documents that are final closed at the header level. You can print final-closed documents. Finally, you can Purge documents that were final closed at the header level before the Last Activity Date that you specify when you submit Purge.
Freeze your purchase orders and releases to prevent changes or additions while maintaining the ability to receive and match invoices against received shipments. You cannot access frozen documents in the entry forms.
Place documents on hold to un-approve them while preventing printing, receiving, invoicing, and future approval until you remove the hold.
When you firm an order, Master Scheduling/MRP uses the firm date to create a time fence within which it will not suggest new planned purchase orders, cancellations, or reschedule�in actions. It continues to suggest reschedule�out actions for orders within the time fence. If several shipments with different promised or need�by dates reference the same item, Master Scheduling/MRP sets the time fence at the latest of all scheduled dates.
You can firm orders at the document header or shipment level. If you firm at the header level, Purchasing applies this control to every shipment on the document.
Purchasing automatically closes shipments for receiving and invoicing based on controls that you specify in the Purchasing Options window. Once all shipments for a given line are closed, Purchasing automatically closes the line. When all lines for a given header are closed, Purchasing automatically closes the document.
Close for Receiving
The Receipt Close Tolerance lets you specify a quantity percentage within which Purchasing closes a partially received shipment. For example, if your Receipt Close Tolerance is 5% and you receive 96% of an expected shipment, Purchasing automatically closes this shipment for receiving.
The Receipt Close Point lets you choose which receiving action (Received, Accepted, or Delivered) you want to use as the point when Purchasing closes a shipment for receiving based on the Receipt Close Tolerance. For example, if you set a Receipt Close Tolerance of 5% and choose Delivered as your Receipt Close Point, Purchasing closes shipments for receiving when you have delivered 95% or more of the ordered quantity.
Close for Invoicing
The Invoice Close Tolerance lets you specify a similar quantity percentage within which Purchasing automatically closes partially invoiced shipments for invoicing.
You can open at the header, line, and shipment levels.
Open for Receiving
You can reopen for receiving at the header, line, and shipment level.
Open for Invoicing
You can reopen for invoicing at the header, line, and shipment level.
You can unfreeze only at the header and release levels.

Q9. Will shipment of a PO be cancelled if these conditions are met?

Shipment Checks:
Quantity received >= quantity ordered -> Fully received
Quantity billed >= quantity ordered -> fully billed
Distribution Checks:
Quantity billed > quantity ordered -> over billed
Quantity delivered > quantity ordered -> over delivered
If you partially received a shipment corresponding to multiple distributions, Purchasing cannot always cancel the shipment. To make sure Purchasing can cancel a shipment, enter the delivery transactions for the receipts you entered against that shipment. You can use express delivery to facilitate this process.
No records in receiving interface for this entity being cancelled. The ASN for this entity being cancelled should be completely received.

Q10. What are need to be tried If USER_EXIT error is raised when 'Canceling'?

Regenerate the message file.
Disable all the custom triggers.
Check the quantities whether they are matching with the conditions.

Q11. Why Closed Code is set to 'I' when Cancellation failed with user exit error?

When using encumbrance, the funds checker will be called before canceling the document. Fund checker will change the cancel flag to �I�. Now the cancellation code will process the record and change the cancel flag to �Y�. In our case the fund checker went through fine. But it failed in the cancellation code.

Q12. Is there anyway I can revert back the document if a Purchase Order/Requisition is cancelled accidentally?

No. The cancellation is a non-reversible process. Once the document is cancelled we cannot revert it back.

Q13. Can I Receive a shipment even when it is "Closed for Receiving"?

Yes, it does not prevent you from receiving.

Q14. Can a Closed / Finally Closed Purchase Order be reopened?

You can Open a Closed purchase order but you cannot take any control action on Finally Closed PO.

Q15. Can I match an Invoice against a line even when it is 'Closed for Invoicing'?

The Close for Invoicing status does not prevent you from matching an invoice to a purchase order or to a receipt.

Q16. What are the valid Statuses/Actions for Requisitions?

For requisitions, the only available actions are Cancel and Finally Close.
FAQ Details
Q1. What is the setup needed for using Create Documents workflow?

- If you want document creation to be launched online upon requisition approval, then item �Send PO Autocreation to Background� in requisition approval process should be set to �N�. Otherwise if this attribute is set to �Y� (default) then the requisition approval process launches the create document workflow when workflow background process is run. In this case, workflow background process must be run with parameters: item type �PO Requisition Approval� and deferred �Yes�.
- Sourcing should be set up, so that the requisition gets sourced while creating it.
- If you want Create Document workflow to create the documents, then the �Release Method� in ASL attributes should be defined as �Release Using AutoCreate�.
- In workflow definition for workflow �PO Create Documents�, the item attribute �Is Automatic Creation Allowed?� should be set to �Y� (Default). Also if attribute �Should Workflow Create the Release?� is set to �Y� (default), then workflow tries to create the releases.

Q2. Can POs be automatically approved when created by this workflow?

In workflow �PO Create Documents�, set item attribute �Is Automatic Approval Allowed?� to �Y�. By default this attribute is set to �N�. If you change this attribute to �Y�, then upon document creation, PO approval workflow is automatically launched.

Q3. How does the Create Document Workflow decide which buyer to use for the automatically created documents?

Workflow tries to retrieve buyer information in following order:
- Buyer specified on the Requisition Line
- Default buyer from Master Item
- Category
- Buyer of the source document
When creating a release, workflow retrieves the buyer�s name from the blanket agreement. If workflow cannot find a buyer, it doesn�t create a document
FAQ Details
Q1. How do you generate a PO that includes tax and freight?

This is not handled under Purchasing. PO only sets a taxable flag for the item to identify it as a taxable item which is calculated correctly upon being invoiced. - Accounts Payables handles this. - Tax codes and freight costs are setup in AP. - Tax code varies by state and freight costs may vary due to different packing methods, etc. and these costs are summed when invoiced.

Q2. How do you reflect discount from a supplier on a Purchase orders?

Purchase order is a legal document, not the quotation. Therefore, the purchase order should reflect agreed upon price. Secondly if the discount comes after the PO then AP should be able to handle it while invoicing. If you are using a blanket Purchase order then you can use price breaks.

Q3. What is 2-way, 3-way, 4-way matching? How is this set-up?

2-way matching verifies that Purchase order and invoice information match within your tolerances as follows:
Quantity billed <= Quantity Ordered
Invoice price <= Purchase order price
(<= Sign is used because of tolerances)
3-way matching verifies that the receipt and invoice information match with the quantity tolerances defined:
Quantity billed <= Quantity received
4-way matching verifies that acceptance documents and invoice information match within the quantity tolerances defined:
Quantity billed <= Quantity accepted.
(Acceptance is done at the time of Inspecting goods).
Whether a PO shipment has 2-way, 3-way or 4-way matching can be setup in the Shipment Details zone of the Enter PO form (character)
Yes &n Yes 4-way
Yes No 3-way
No No 2-way
In �More�alternative region of Shipments block, you define the Invoice Matching option, where you can choose 2-way, 3-way or 4-way match. You can find more detailed information about matching in the Oracle Payables Reference Manual (Volume 3) Topical Essay on Integrating your Payables and Purchasing Information.

Q4. Where are standard notes?

In 11.x, notes are replaced by attachments. Go to Setup -> Attachments -> Create attachment. Go to Purchase Order and attach the attachment to the Purchase Order.

Q5. What is the difference between the agreed amount and the amount limit fields while entering a contract purchase agreement and issues related to these fields?

1. The agreed amount field at the header level is copied to the amount limit in the terms and conditions block. This is also the amount that is printed on the blanket agreement and represents the contract amount between you and the vendor.
2. The amount limit field will restrict the cumulative releases applied to this purchase agreement from exceeding the specified dollar amount entered here. The value of this field must be equal to or greater than the agreed amount field. This column is used for release approval amount validation. If the total cumulative releases exceed this amount approval will fail. The purpose of this field is to allow user to set a higher approval amount limit than the amount agreed.

Q6. You are unable to view the PO from the Invoice Match window. It gives an error: APP-14122: NO RECORDS MEET YOUR SEARCH CRITERIA.

This could happen if the document security setup of PO does not allow this user to access the PO. - You need to ensure that user is set to Buyer in the Purchase Order, or - You need to alter the setup (Security Level) to Public.

Q7. What is the difference between PO_LINE_ID and LINE_NUM in the table PO_LINES_ALL?

PO_LINE_ID is the unique system generated line number invisible to the user. LINE_NUM is the number of the line on the Purchase Order.

Q8. What's the difference between the due date and close date on the RFQ?

Enter the Due Date when you want your suppliers to reply. Purchasing prints the reply due date on the RFQ. Purchasing notifies you if the current date is between the RFQ reply due date and the close date and if the RFQ is Active. Purchasing knows that a supplier replied to an RFQ if you enter a quotation for this supplier referencing the RFQ. Enter the Close Date for the RFQ. Purchasing prints the close date on the RFQ. Purchasing notifies you if the current date is between the RFQ reply due date and the close date and if the RFQ is Active. Purchasing warns you when you enter a quotation against this RFQ after the close date.

Q9. When does a Purchase Order line get the closure status of 'Closed for Receiving'?

Purchasing automatically closes shipments for receiving and invoicing based on controls that you specify in the Purchasing Options window. Once all shipments for a given line are closed, Purchasing automatically closes the line.

Q10. When does a Purchase order get the status of 'Closed'?

When all lines for a given header are closed, Purchasing automatically closes the document.

Q11. What is the use of list price and market price on Purchase Order?

If you have entered an item, Purchasing displays the list price for the item. You can accept the default list price or change it. You can use this field to help evaluate your buyers. Purchasing uses the list price you enter here in the savings analysis reports. Savings Analysis Report (By Buyer) and Savings Analysis Report (By Category). If you enter an item, Purchasing displays the market price for the item. Use this field to help evaluate your buyers. Purchasing uses the price you enter here in the savings analysis reports if you do not provide a value in the List Price field.

Q12. What is the significance of the fields 'Allow Price override' and 'Price limit'?

For planned purchase orders and blanket purchase agreements only, check Allow Price Override to indicate that the release price can be greater than the price on the purchase agreement line. If you allow a price override, the release price cannot exceed the Price Limit specified on the line. If you do not allow a price override, the release price cannot exceed the Unit Price. You cannot enter this field if the line type is amount based. If you allow price override, enter the Price Limit. This is the maximum price per item you allow for the item on this agreement line.

Q13. What is the difference between the control actions 'On Hold' and 'Freeze' for a Purchase order?

You can place a Purchase order 'On hold' only at the header level. This un-approves the purchases order while preventing printing, receiving, invoicing, and future approval until you remove the hold. You can 'Freeze' only at the header and release level. You freeze a Purchase order when you want to prevent any future modifications to the Purchase order. When you freeze a Purchase order, you can still receive and pay for goods you already ordered.

Q14. What is the difference between the Field 'Firm' in the 'Terms and Conditions' window and in the alternate region 'more' in the PO shipments?

The Field 'Firm' in the 'Terms and Conditions' indicates that the Purchase order is firm. Firm your purchase order when you want to indicate to Master Scheduling/MRP or your manufacturing application that it should not reschedule this purchase order. The Field 'Firm' in the alternate region 'more' in the PO shipments indicates that the Purchase order shipment is firm. Firm your purchase order shipment when you want to indicate to Master Scheduling/MRP or your manufacturing application that it should not reschedule this purchase order shipment.

Q15. Unable to open the Purchase Orders form due to error: You are not setup as an employee.

The error is referring to the Buyer form setup in the Purchasing module. The employee setup might state that they hold a Buyer position or job. However, in order to access the Purchase Orders or Autocreate form you must define the employee in the Buyer form (Setup/Personnel/Buyers). Also, ensure the employee name is defined in the employee's login information (System administrator/Security/User/Define)

Q16. How do I change the Supplier on a saved or approved PO?

The system does not allow Supplier update on a saved or approved PO. You will need to cancel the PO and create a new PO with the correct Supplier.

Q17. I have accidentally cancelled a PO.

The System asks for your confirmation before canceling a PO. Canceling is not a reversible process. You cannot retrieve back a cancelled PO.

Q18. Can I setup a different Purchase Order type default for the PO form?

The Purchase Orders form always defaults a PO type of 'Standard Purchase Order', and there is no setup, which can change this. Although the default value cannot be changed, the user can overwrite the defaulted type once the Enter PO form is opened.

Q19. The Item is setup in the item master but is missing from the item List of Values.

You should check the Financial Options setup and ensure in the alternate region zone Supplier-Purchasing that you have in the Inventory Org the correct organization. The majority of Oracle customers have this set to their Item Master for the best results. Selecting another organization limits items and related activity to that specific org. With the broad selection of item master the client will have greater functionality across multiple organizations.

Q20. How do you change the unit price on a PO line once the line has been received or invoiced?

Oracle Purchasing will not allow unit price update on Inventory line items when the line is received or billed because accounting transactions have already taken place. The difference between the PO price and invoice price will be recorded in the Invoice Price Variance Account, which will show up on the Invoice Price Variance report. If you have mistakenly entered the incorrect price on the PO, then you can workaround this by canceling or backing out the invoice and processing a return on the receipt, which will allow unit price update.

Q21. Can the original Purchase Order can be viewed in any way, for a revised Purchase Order?

The original version of a revised PO cannot be viewed from the PO form or PO summary form. Information on the original PO is stored in the PO_HEADERS_ARCHIVE and PO_LINES_ARCHIVE tables, and can be obtained through SQL, using the PO_HEADER_ID column as a common reference.

Q22. Where is the automatic numbering for Purchase Orders defined and maintained?

It is defined in Purchasing Options window. The navigation is: Setup/Organizations/Purchasing Options, Numbering alternate region.

Q23. Why is my Purchase Order closing before a receipt is processed?

Check the Receipt Closed Tolerance and the Matching setup. If Matching is set to equal 2-way, the PO will close once the Purchase Order is approved. If the line of the Purchase Order is received within the tolerance the line will close.

Q24. Create a Purchase Order. Input the Header and Line information and find that the Shipments button at the bottom of the form is grayed out.

Setup the Receiving Options to enable the Shipment Button in the Purchase Order form. Navigation: Setup --> Organizations --> Receiving Options. Once set-up these options for your Organization you will have the Shipments button enabled. Ensure that the Purchasing Options and Financial Options are defined for your Organization.

Q25. Accessing the Purchase Order entry screen and getting the error: APP-14142 GET_WINDOW_ORG_SOB 040 ORA-1403 No Data Found.

Attach the correct Operating Unit to the responsibility B. Define Purchasing Options C. Define Financial Options.

Q26. When I enter a new PO, the Preparer is always defaulted as the buyer. Why am I unable to change it?

Uncheck the check box 'Enforce Buyer Name in the Purchasing Options. Setup ->Organization -> Purchasing Options (Alternative region 'Control')

Q27. Why is there no category displayed or list of values for the category field in the purchase order you are creating?

You must also create category codes for your items. Then create a Category set for Purchasing controlled at the master level. Assign your items to a category code and the Purchasing category set you have created. Confirm that in Default Category Sets the Purchasing application points to the Purchasing Category set. This will populate the category and description when the item number is selected at the PO line level.

Q28. I have enabled PO_LINES DFF with a context field capital_expense_flag as reference. I now receive APP-FND-00676 error in Enter Quotations form.

This DFF is based on PO_LINES_ALL table. The Quotation lines as well as the PO lines share this table as the base, as well as share the same DFF. Field capital_expense_flag is not present in Quotations form. Therefore you may not use this field as the reference field for PO Lines DFF. Other fields which you may not use include: Inspection_Required_Flag, Item_Class_Lookup_Code, List_Price_Per_Unit, Negotiated_By_Preparer_Flag, Reference_Num, Taxable_Flag
FAQ Details
Q1. What does the Account Generator process do?

The Account Generator process builds charge, budget, accrual, and variance accounts for each purchase order, release, and requisition distribution based on the distribution’s destination type. It is a synchronous Workflow process.

Q2. What are the Pre-requisites to use Account Generator?

Before using the Account Generator you must:
- Define your Accounting flexfield structure for each set of books.
- Define flexfield segment values and validation rules.
- Set up Oracle Workflow.
- Decide whether you want to use the Account Generator processes as seeded in Oracle Purchasing, or you need to customize them to meet your accounting needs.

Q3. What are the workflow item types used in Account Generator?

For Purchase Orders: POWFPOAG
For Requisitions: POWFRQAG
Each Account Generator item type contains the following top-level workflow processes:
Generate Default Account
Generate Account Using Flex Builder Rules
If you are upgrading from 10.7, and you have been using the flex builder to generate the accounts, you have an option of upgrading your existing flex builder rules to Account Generator. In which case, you should use the “Generate Account Using Flex Builder Rules” process.

Q4. I have been using the Flex builder rules in Release 10.7 to build the accounts. Can I continue using the same setup in account generator in 11.x also?

Yes. The same setup can be used with account generator also. To achieve this, the following actions should be performed on up gradation to account generator.
- Run the program in $FND_TOP/bin/FNDFBPLS. This will create a PL/SQL package that will contain all the flex builder rules.
- Apply the newly created PL/SQL file to the database. This will create a package called PO_PO_CHARGE_ACCOUNT /
- Verify that the package is created successfully and that it is valid in database.
- Choose the Account Generator Top level process as Generate Account Using Flex Builder.
- Test the account generator.

Q5. The flex builder rules package PO_PO_CHARGE_ACCOUNT is being overwritten whenever I apply a family pack. Why?

The family pack will contain POXWFB1S.pls and POXWFB1B.pls, which contains a blank definition of the PO_PO_CHARGE_ACCOUNT for compilation purpose. This will override the already existing PO_PO_CHARGE_ACCOUNT
package created from flex builder rules. So the Client must take a backup of the Flex builder rules package before applying the patch, and revert back the package PO_PO_CHARGE_ACCOUNT using that file.

Q6. What are the steps to generate the WFSTAT output for Account Generator?

1. Set the following profiles:
- Account Generator: Run in Debug Mode=> Yes
- Account Generator: Purge Runtime Data=> No
PO: Set Debug Workflow On => Yes
2. Make sure that the concurrent program "Purge Workflow Obsolete Runtime Data" is NOT running.
3. Open Purchase Order/Requisitions form, go to the distributions window, enter necessary fields and click on charge account field to start generating the charge account. After the account generator has done building the account, or errors out, do the following from the toolbar (DO NOT exit the form or navigate to any other block or record, otherwise this information would be lost):
Help=> Diagnostics => Examine
Enter in 1st field => parameter
Enter in 2nd field => charge_acc_wf_itemkey
Then tab out. The Item key will appear in the third field.
4. Now save the purchase order/requisition. If you are not able to save, then clear the distribution record and navigate back to the shipment window and save the form. Saving the form is must, because a commit is required to save the workflow information in tables, for generating the wfstat output.
5. If step#3 could not give you an item key, then use the following query to identify the relevant item key:
Select item_key, item_type, begin_date
from wf_items
where item_type = '&item_type'
order by begin_date desc;
For PO, use 'POWFPOAG' item type in above query, and for requisition, use 'POWFRQAG'.
6. To generate the WFSTAT output,
Run the sql in $FND_TOP/sql/wfstat.sql with above item_type and item_key. Spool the output.
7. To get the wf debug information, run the following query:
SELECT item_key, item_type, debug_message
FROM po_wf_debug
WHERE item_key = '&Item_key'
ORDER BY execution sequence;

Q7. What exactly does profile option "Account Generator: Run in Debug Mode" do?

This profile option controls whether the account generator workflow process runs in synchronous mode (workflow-on-a-fly) or asynchronous/persistent mode (save the runtime data).
When this profile is NULL or "No", the workflow runs in synchronous mode and it will NOT store any runtime data in database. So you cannot generate the wfstat etc for debug purposes. However once you set this profile option to "Yes", then the process would run in persistent mode, thereby the runtime data would be stored in database. Now you can generate the wfstat etc.

Q8. Will the account generator build the charge account based on project information?

No. By default, the Account Generator process as seeded in Oracle Purchasing would not consider the project information to build the account. To achieve this functionality, you should customize the Account Generator to consider the project details. There is a dummy sub process 'Build Project Related Account' seeded in the Account Generator workflow, available for customization. You would also have to modify function PO_WF_PO_CHARGE_ACC.IS_PO_PROJECT_RELATED to return a value of "True".
For more information on how to customize the Account Generator, please refer to the manual Oracle Purchasing Account Generator Workflow Customization Example.

Q9. Will the account be generated for amount based/one time item lines?

No the Account will not be generated if you are using the Account Generator as seeded in Oracle Purchasing. Either the account should be manually entered or the account generator should be customized.

Q10. When the charge account field is non updateable?

In the following cases the charge account field is not updateable:
1. If the destination type code is INVENTORY or SHOP FLOOR.
2. If the distribution is already encumbered.
3. If the PO is created from a encumbered Requisition
4. If the destination type code is Expense and
If the project is entered and the profile option PA_ALLOW_FLEXBUILDER_OVERRIDES is set to NO
If the expense accrual code= RECEIPT

Q11. If the account generator process raises a blank error message, what does it mean?

Check the invalid objects in the database. Recompile the invalid objects.

FAQ Details
Q1. What should I do if the Purchase Document Open Interface (PDOI) process fails?

The first thing is to check for the error message and examine description from the po_interface_errors table for the given interface_header_id. The description would be self explanatory. Accordingly check for the data in the po_headers_interface, po_lines_interface tables and correct them and run the PDOI again with the corrected data.

Q2. How do I to get the log file for the PDOI run?

To get the log file for the PDOI set the following profile option to Yes : PO: Write server output to file.

Q3. How to view/purge and correct the errors tables?

To view the errors run the following Report:
Purchasing interface open report.
To Purge the error table run the following Report:
Purge purchasing open interface processed data report.

Q4. What do I do when POs are not being picked up by PDOI and these records remain in pending status?

Check if the client is a single org instance. If you are using single org instance then you are not supposed to populate the org_id in the interface tables. Org_id should be null for a single org implementation.

Q5. How should I populate the project and task information in PDOI?

The point to be noted here is that always populate project name and task name into the project and task column of po_headers_interface table instead of project number and task number. Based on project name and task name PDOI derives the project_id and task_id and inserts in the po_distributions table.

Q6. What should I do if PDOI errors out with "po_pdoi_invalid_dest_type destination type (value = expense) is not valid" for expense items?

This Error can arise out of following situation:
1. Validation of destination organization id fails.
2. Validation of destination type code fails.
3. Item_id is NULL and destination_type_code is INVENTORY.
4. Validation of destination subinventory fails.
5. Destination_type_code in ('SHOP FLOOR','EXPENSE') and destination_subinventory is not null.
6. Validation of destination organization id fails.

Q7. How and when are the Blanket effective dates updated though PDOI?

If you are using the UPDATE action code then PDOI only VALIDATES the line level info. If you want to update headers then use REPLACE instead of UPDATE. By using UPDATE you can only update some columns at the PO lines level as mentioned in the users guide.

Q8. What should I do if PDOI errors out with "ship to organization id (value=769) specified is inactive or invalid" when creating new items on the fly?

This has been taken upon as an enhancement. Previously we were not creating an item for the destination/ship_to_org in the PDOI run. But as part of the enhancement 2064961 now we create items for the ship_to_org also.

Q9. Why are supply records are not created for standard purchase orders?

Supply records are created in mtl_supply while approving the PO and since prior to Procurement family pack G, we were not supporting approved standard purchase orders we were not creating the supply records.

Q10. Can you update documents via PDOI which were created manually?

No. Please check the enhancement 2128450.

Q11. When using encumbrance accounting I want the funds to be reserved and encumbrance entries created in gl_bc_packets?

The functionality is part of Procurement Family Pack G or Release 11.5.7.

Q12. Why does PDOI error out with "ora-00001 unique constraint violation in po_headers_u2"?

Though this issue may occur rarely but it can and its explained below:
The document number is generated at the end of the PDOI process before commit and updated in the po_headers table. When the PDOI process starts, po_headers table is updated with poi_temp_po_b679535 value in segment1 and then later after headers and lines are processed document_number is generated and the po_headers is updated with that. Assume for any reason on account of an incomplete transaction there is a record in po_headers table with poi_temp_po_b679535 value in segment1 then PDOI would fail with the above error message. So just check for a record in po_headers table with poi_temp_po_b679535 value of the segment1 for this error.

Q13. What should I do when PDOI creates approved standard purchase orders but no charge account is being generated?

We do not support importing approved standard purchase orders. But in the Procurement Family Pack G onwards this feature has been added.

Q14. How do we debug when PDOI does not create any Pos?

Two methods can be employed:
1. Before running the PDOI program, set the profile option �PO :Write server output to file� to 'Yes' and then you can view the log file thus generated while running the PDOI.
2. After the PDOI is run, run the report 'Purchasing interface error report' to debug what is the exact error.

Q15. I had submitted the PDOI conc. request for updating the unit_price of a blanket purchase agreement line with an action of "UPDATE". PDOI instead of updating the line, has created a new line with new price. Every updated line is being created multiple times. How can this be avoided?

This might be because the line you are trying to update is already expired. PDOI creates another line with the updated information if the line which is getting updated is already expired.

Q16. How is data deleted from the interface tables after it has been loaded?

After successful creation of data through PDOI, the process_code in the interface tables will be set to 'Accepted'. If the Customer wants to delete this interface data which is used no more then they need to run the concurrent request 'Purge purchasing interface processed data'.

Q17. Is there an example script to load new blanket, new item and new sourcing rule?

Yes. Please see the script below:

insert into po_headers_interface
insert into po_lines_interface
'BB54888 Description',
'Purchased Item',
'Sourcing Rule BB54888');

Q18. I had loaded all the data into the interface tables and with process_code as 'PENDING'. I run the PDOI program, but data is not getting picked up by PDOI. The records remain in status 'PENDING' in the interface tables. What do I do?

Check whether client is single org. If they are single org, then they should not populate org_id into the interface tables. make the org_id null in the interface tables and re-run PDOI.

Q19. I want to update header of a document. Is it possible via PDOI?

No. It is not possible to update header information but only line information can be updated from PDOI. you can use 'Replace' option to replace the entire document in this case.

Q20. I am trying to update item description through PDOI. The program is updating the item description at the line level but is not updating the same at item master.

This is desired functionality of PDOI. PDOI will only update the item description at the line level and not at item master.
FAQ Details
Q1. What is Receiving functionality?

Receipt of goods from vendors/suppliers, internal organizations and customers originating from procurement activities and documents including but not limited to purchase orders, releases, internal requisitions, Return Material Authorizations and intransit shipments

Q2. What are the different Source Types supported?

Internal Orders - An internal sales order sourced from Inventory.
These are generated from internal requisitions:
Inventory - A transfer within inventory
Vendor - A purchase Order/releases from a vendor

Q3. What are the different Destination Types used?

Multiple - One shipment has more than one distributions.
When choosing receiving routing = Direct Receipt or Substitute Direct, you need to click the "+" sign on the receipt line to open the distributions, then do the receipt and delivery.

Receiving - When choosing receiving routing = Standard Receipt or Substitute Standard, destination type = Receiving. The Goods are only received to Receiving dock, Not Expense or Inventory destination. Delivery is not performed.

Expense - The goods are delivered directly to the requestor and expensed out of inventory.

Inventory - The goods are received directly into inventory upon delivery.
Destination organization and subinventory are required.
The locator or serial numbers are required if the item is locator controlled or serial controlled.

Shop floor - The goods are received from an outside processing operation defined by Oracle Work in Process.

Q4. What can Receiving Routing be used for and how does it default?

Direct Delivery - Perform Receive and Delivery on Receipts Screen at the same time.
3-way matching.
Standard Receipt - Perform Receive on Receipts screen.
Perform Delivery on Receiving Transactions screen.
3-way matching.
Inspection Required - The inspection is required after Receiving and before Delivery.
4-way matching.

You can override the Receiving Routing on the Receipts screen only if the Profile RCV: Allow Routing Override is set to 'Yes'.

The Receiving Routing on the receipts screen is defaulted as follows:
1. Purchase Order shipment
2. if 1 is null, then Item Attribute
3. if 2 is null, then Vendor Attribute
4. if 3 is null, then Receiving Option

Q5. What Receiving Mode will be used?

This is determined by the value from Personal Profile RCV: Processing Mode

On-Line - Receiving Transaction Manager processes the receipts just after you save the receipt.

Immediate - After you save the receipt, the receipt records are inserted into rcv_transactions_interface.
The System will run the Receiving Transaction Processor to process the records in the rcv_transacitons_interface as background process. The user can do other things while the process is running.

Batch - Receipt records are inserted into rcv_transactions_interface.
The user needs to manually to run the Receiving Transaction Processor as concurrent request to process the records in
the rcv_transacitons_interface.

Q6. How many Transaction Types exist?

Receive - Receive the items into Receiving Dock.
Deliver - Deliver the items into expense or inventory destination.
Return to Vendor - Return the received items directly to vendors.
Return to Receiving - Return the delivered items to Receiving Dock or inspection.
Accept - Accept items following an inspection.
Reject - Reject items following an inspection.
Transfer - Transfer items between locations.
Correct - Enter a positive or negative adjustment to a receiving or delivery transaction.
Match - Match unordered receipts to purchase orders.
Unordered - Receive items without purchase orders

Q7. How does Receipt Close Point work?

Navigate: Define Purchase Option -> Control Options -> Receipt Close Point

There are three choices:
Accepted - Oracle Purchasing closes the shipment for receiving when you record the shipment as being fully accepted.

Delivered - Oracle Purchasing closes the shipment for receiving when you record the shipment as being fully delivered.

Received - Oracle Purchasing closes the shipment for receiving when you record the shipment as being fully received.
Oracle Purchasing displays this option as the default.

You also need to set the receipt close tolerance percentage in the Default Options Region. Choose one of the above values for the receipt close point.

Q8. Why isn't my PO found when I Query for it on the Receipt form?

Please check the following:
1. Query the PO from the Purchase Order form and note the Organization on the Shipment. Ensure you are using the same Organization on the Receipt form.
2. On the Receipt form, select the checkbox for 'Include closed POs' then requery the PO.

Q9. After completing the Receipt (Navigate - Receiving - Receipts), why can't I find the receipt in the Receiving Transaction Summary?

1. From Transaction Status Summary query for the Receipt Number or PO number and check to see if the transactions have been stuck in the interface (Status=Pending).
2. If using RCV: Process mode = Batch, make sure to run the Receiving Transaction Processor.
3. If using RCV: Process mode = Batch or Immediate...go to Concurrent Request screen...check to see if the concurrent process = Receiving Transaction Processor is finished.

Q10. What is Receiving Transaction Manager RCVOLTM?

RCVOLTM is the executable that runs the Online Receiving Transactions.
The Executable is stored in the server ($PO_TOP/bin)
You can check the versions by the following command:
cd $PO_TOP/bin
strings -a RCVOLTM|grep -i '$header: rv'

Q11. How many processes are needed for the Receiving Transaction Manager?

In most cases, there are 3 processes. If you are in multi-org environment, then you need at least one for each operating unit.
Ensure that there are at the same number of actual and target processes.

Q12. What happens if Receiving Transaction Manager fails using on-line mode?

If the RCVOLTM fails, you will get the error message on the screen.
There should be nothing stuck in the RCV_TRANACTIONS_INTERFACE. However, the header information inserted into the RCV_SHIPMENT_HEADERS table will not rollback or be deleted. This process is followed to ensure that there is no break to the sequence of receipt numbers that have been generated when a header transaction was inserted.

Potential workaround for failed receipts:
Where there are headers without shipment lines, due to RCVOLTM failure, users can query the receipt number in the Enter Receipts form, and perform an 'Add to' receipt, to re-process the failed lines.

Q13. What are the typical causes of RCVOLTM failure?

1. Receiving transaction managers may not be up and running.
Use the Administer Concurrent Manager form to check if Receiving Transaction Manager is Active, and make sure the Actual and Target process > 0
2. An SQL error has occurred due to insufficient tablespace, etc. Please check the Alert log.
3. Make sure Inventory Manager is running if receiving against inventory items.

Q14. How does RCVOLTM work in a Multi-org environment?

Since release 11 and 11i, there is only one DATA GROUP = apps schema and one installation for multiple operating units. We do not need to define multiple Receiving Managers for different operating unit. One Receiving Manager typically is sufficient.

Q15. What are the differences between Batch, Immediate and on-line mode?

Three choices on Profile RCV: Processing Mode:

Immediate: the form will start running Receiving Transaction Processor as a background process. The system will not hold the screen and the user can do something else. Uses Receiving Transaction Processor (RVCTP). This essentially can be thought of as an immediate execution of the batch process hence the term "Immediate"

On-line: The user will not be able to perform any other application activities until the process completes. Uses Receiving
Transaction Manager (RCVOLTM). This is an online process that will return any encountered errors to the user online while the process is running.

Batch: Control is returned to the User immediately so other application activities may be performed. The transaction will be processed by running Concurrent Program Receiving Transaction Processor (RVCTP). Typically, Customers will run this program periodically based on their processing and system requirements. This process is or can be run as a batch process on the server or it can be manually run by submitting from the concurrent process screen. All records in the interface under the batch process will be transacted.

Note: Beginning with Release 11, Trace Mode can be set for the Concurrent Program for the debug purpose:
System Administrator Responsibility -> Concurrent -> Program -> Define
Query for Receiving Transaction Processor and select Enable Trace checkbox. To create a trace file, set Personal Profile RCV: Processing Mode to Batch, perform a Receipt then run Concurrent Program Receiving Transaction Processor.

Q16. What are the major receiving tables involved?

FAQ Details
Q1. What is the order of defaulting of the Receipt Routing on the receipts screen which may be set at various levels?

For Inter-Org Shipments (In-Transit Receipts) the Receipt Routing is defaulted as follows:
1. Item Attribute
2. if 1 is null, then Shipping Network for the Receiving Organization
3. if 2 is null, then Receiving Option

Q2. What are the different types of Inter-Organization Transfers?

Inter-Organization transfers can be performed as either direct or intransit shipments.
Direct inter-organization transfers: Inventory is moved directly from a shipping organization to the destination organization. Inter organization transfers using intransit inventory: Usually done when transfer time is significant. Delivery location isn't specified during transfer transaction, You only need to enter subinventory you are shipping from, a shipment number, the freight information and inter-organization transfer charge. Then you need to perform Receipt from the Receiving forms.

Q3. What are the minimum setups required for Items which we use for Internal Sales Order?

The items which we use for Internal Sales Order must be Inventory enabled, internally orderable and stockable, shippable, and Order Management transactable for the source organizations. Under Inventory, you need to select the Inventory Item, Transactable, and Stockable options. Under Order Management, you need to select the Internal Ordered, Internal Orders Enabled, OE Transactable, and Shippable options.

Q4. How do we define the Inter-Organization Shipping Network?

Use the Shipping Networks window to define your inter?organization network. You must enable the network between each source (shipping) and destination (receiving) organization.
-Select Internal Order Required if you want all transfers between these two organizations to use internal orders.
-Specify whether you ship material directly, or use intransit inventory for shipments between these two organizations.
-For intransit transfers, you can choose from the following primary receipt routings: Standard receipt, Inspection required, or Direct delivery.

Q5. What are the steps to perform Inter-Organization Transfer?

Follow these 3 simple steps:

1. Setup Shipping Network: This information describes the relationships and accounting information that exists between a from (shipping) organization and a to (distribution) organization.
Navigation path:
A. Choose the Inventory Manager responsibility.
B. Setup/Organizations - Make sure that there is an entry for from/to organization (between the organizations you intend to perform the transfer). When you click on this form, you will get a LOV with orgs.
-Choose the From Org.
-Transfer Type can be either Intransit or Direct (Direct would ship directly to Inventory, so it would be a Direct Delivery).
-FOB can be either Receipt or Shipment, if the transfer type is entered as Intransit.
If Receipt the source inventory quantities get updated at time of receipt.
If it be Shipping, then the quantities get updated as soon as the shipment is done.

2. Inventory/Transactions/Interorganization Transfer: When you click on this form, you will get a LOV with orgs. Choose the from org. Specify the to-org, transfer type as intransit, and input a value for shipment-number.
Click on the transaction lines button. Input the item, the quantity and the subinventories between which you want to do the transfer. (Sometimes there might not be enough quantity in the from-org to do this. For this : Go to: Inventory/Transactions/Miscellaneous Transactions. Specify the Type as Miscellaneous Receipt. Click on transaction lines button and specify item/quantity).

3. Receive against an Inter-org Transfer: Choose Purchasing Super User responsibility.
Under Purchasing/Receiving/Receipts - Query up against Shipment Number in the find window. In RCV Transactions block, specify the quantity you want to receive and commit the transaction.

Q6. What are the steps required for receiving against Internal Sales Order?

The process of receiving against Internal Sales Orders involves the following steps:

1. Create an Internally Orderable Item - To do this you need to create an Item and in the Order Entry attributes, check the Internally Orderable check box.

2. Setup Shipping Network: This information describes the relationships and accounting information that exists between a from (shipping) organization and a to (distribution) organization.
Navigation path:
A. Choose the Inventory Manager responsibility.
B. Setup/Organizations - Make sure that there is an entry for from/to organization (between the organizations you intend to perform the transfer e.g.. GLO -> SAC).
When you click on this form, you will get a LOV with orgs.
-Choose the From Org.
-Transfer Type can be either Intransit or Direct (Direct would ship directly to Inventory, so it would be a Direct Delivery).
-FOB can be either Receipt or Shipment, if the transfer type is entered as Intransit.
If Receipt the source inventory quantities get updated at time of receipt.
If it be Shipping, then the quantities get updated as soon as the shipment is done.

3. Create an Internal Requisition.
-Enter the item you created in step 1.
-Enter the Source and Destination Organization. Source Organization is on the right of the form and Destination to the left.
-Enter location (e.g.. SACHQ) and Source as Inventory.
-Save and approve requisition.

4. Run the Create Internal Orders concurrent program.

5. Change responsibility to Order Entry Superuser.

6. Run Order Import concurrent program.

7. When the process completes, you will see the Order Number in the log file.

8. If the process errors : "You must enter Tax Code. Tax code attribute is missing" then:
-Change responsibility to AR Manager (Receivables)
-Navigate Setup->Transaction->Transaction Types
-Query up record with Name = "Invoice Hdwe/svcs"
-Uncheck the Tax Calculation check box

9. Run the Demand Interface concurrent program.

10. Run the Manufacturing Release concurrent program.

11. Navigate to:
-Orders, Returns -> Orders, Returns -> Do a Find on the Order Number
-Click on the View button
-Click on Cycle Status
-Your Order should now be Pick Release Eligible

12. Navigate to Shipping -> Pick Release -> Release Sales Order
-Enter a Batch Name and your Order Number
-Note the Batch_ID by doing a Help->Tools->Examine.

13. Run the Pick Release concurrent program. Use Batch Name/Order Number as parameter. This can be run from command line as:
./OESREL apps_appdemo/fnd@comp16p 0 Y <Batch ID> (from step L)

Perform Step K. Your Order should now be Ship Confirm Eligible

14. Navigate to Shipping->Confirm Shipments->Pick Slip
-Do a Find on the Order Number
-Click on Open
-Click on details
-Check if all values of quantity to be shipped are correct

15. Change Responsibility to Purchasing Super User.
Navigate to the Enter Receipts form and query on the Requisition Number.
You can now receive against the Internal Order.
To override the destination type at receipt time you need to set the profile option RCV: Allow routing override = Yes.

Q7. How are Lot and Serial Numbers handled in Inter-Organization Transfers?

When you perform an inter?organization transfer, the source and destination organization may have different lot/serial controls. Purchasing handles this situation as follows:
1. When the source organization uses controls and the destination organization does not, the control numbers are recorded as being issued from the source organization. Lot/serial transactions are recorded for the destination organization.
2. When the source organization does not use controls and the destination organization does, the transaction is processed normally.
3. When both source and destination organizations use controls, the control numbers are recorded as being issued from the source organization. These control numbers are tracked to insure that the same control numbers that were shipped are the ones
that are received. When items are returned from inventory to receiving or to the supplier, only the control numbers originally recorded for the delivery transaction can be used.

Q8. What's the cause of the error RVTSH-150 and what's the solution for it?

Error RVTSH-150 is because the following select is failing, returning 0 rows:
SQL> select ms.unit_of_measure
from mtl_supply ms
where supply_type_code = 'REQ'
and supply_source_id = :req_line_id;

The error is because the Req. Supply missing. This is mostly a data problem caused at customer site. Look into why the records are missing. May be the data has been manually changed or some cancellations for the req. shipment has taken place.
For data fix, reference Metalink Note: 267439.1

Q9. What are the main tables involved in Inter-Organization Transfer?

A check is carried out to see if the transaction date is in an open period as specified in the profile option (INV: Transaction Date Validation). The column is acct_period, the table is ORG_ACCT_PERIODS.
The organizations setting, cost information, etc, are derived from:
The transaction information is derived from MTL_TRX_TYPES_VIEW for inter-org transactions where transaction_source_type_id=13.
The item information is derived from MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS [MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B - for rel 11I].
A check is carried out to verify the available item quantity on MTL_DEMAND and
MTL_SUBINVENTORIES_TRK_VAL_V keeps track of the values of the subinventories.
MTL_ITEM_LOCATIONS is searched for the locators specified (if used).
GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS is searched for a valid locator combination (if used).
The cost of the item is gotten from CST_CG_ITEM_COSTS_VIEW.
The transaction is inserted into MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP table.
If the item is under lot control, lot information is deleted from MTL_TRANSACTION_LOTS_TEMP, likewise the serial numbers information if the item is serialized is deleted from MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS_TEMP, MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS.
The new lot information is inserted into MTL_TRANSACTION_LOTS_TEMP.

Q10. How can we correct delivered lines in an Internal Requisition?

The system allows corrections to internal requisition, but only the receiving lines and not the delivered lines. Once the internal requisition is delivered, correction is not allowed.
FAQ Details
Q1. What is the Receiving Transaction Processor, how do I launch it and what is the meaning of the various modes?

The Receiving Transaction Processor processes pending or unprocessed receiving transactions. How the Receiving Transaction Processor handles these transactions depends on the processing mode, which is a profile option (RCV: Processing Mode) that you can set at the site, application, responsibility, and user levels. The debug log file can be generated if profile RCV: Debug Mode is set to Yes. However the log file will be generated only if the Processing Mode is Immediate or Batch.

In On-line processing mode, Purchasing calls the Receiving Transaction Processor when you save your work.

In Immediate processing mode, when you save your work, the receiving forms call the Receiving Transaction Processor for the group of transactions you have entered since you last saved your work. Note that this is a specific group of transactions. Transactions belonging to other groups (for example, those entered by another user in Batch processing mode) are not included.

In Batch processing mode, the receiving forms insert transaction information into the receiving interface tables. These transactions remain in the interface table until you run the Receiving Transaction Processor. The receiving forms take into account all pending transactions, but Purchasing does not update the transaction history, source documents, and supply information until the transactions are processed. You can set Standard Report Submission parameters to run the Receiving Transaction Processor at specified intervals so that your pending transactions are processed as often as required.

The Receiving Transaction Processor performs the following functions:
. validates Advance Shipment Notice (ASN) and Advance Shipment and Billing and Notice (ASBN) information in the receiving open interface
. derives and defaults values into the receiving interface tables (For example, if a particular value or field is not received, the receiving open interface tries to derive the value using defaulting and derivation rules.)
. creates receipt headers for intransit shipments
. creates receipt lines for all receipts
. maintains transaction history information
. maintains lot and serial transaction history
. accrues uninvoiced receipt liabilities
. maintains the following purchase order quantities: quantity received, quantity delivered, quantity accepted, and quantity rejected
. closes purchase orders for receiving
. maintains the following requisition quantities: quantity received, quantity delivered
. maintains supply information
. maintains inventory information (for Inventory destination type)
. maintains outside processing information (for Shop Floor destination type)
To run the Receiving Transaction Processor :
1. Navigate to the Submit Requests window.
2. Select Requests in the first field.
3. Select Receiving Transaction Processor in the Name field.
4. Choose Submit to begin the process.

Q2. Which tables are populated when we create a Standard receipt against a PO before the Receiving Transaction Processor is invoked?

Records are inserted into rcv_transactions_interface with processing_status_code and transaction_status_code as 'PENDING' and transaction_type of 'RECEIVE'. Records are also inserted into rcv_shipment_headers which creates the shipment header.

Q3. Why can't I find the receipt in the Receiving Transaction Summary even after completing the Receipt (Receiving -> Receipts)?

a) From Transaction Status Summary query for the Receipt Number or PO Number and check to see if the transactions have been stuck in the interface (Status=Pending).
b) If using RCV: Processing Mode = Batch, make sure to run the Receiving Transaction Processor.
c) If using RCV: Processing Mode = Batch or Immediate...go to Concurrent Request screen...check to see if the concurrent
process = Receiving Transaction Processor has completed.
d)If the RCV: Processing Mode is Online or Immediate and records are fetched in the Transaction Status Summary form in
PENDING or ERROR status, these can be deleted from the form and the receiving transaction done again.

Q4. How many processes are needed for the Receiving Transaction Manager?

In most cases, there are 3 processes. If you are in multi-org environment, then you need at least one for each operating unit.

Q5. What is Receiving Transaction Manager RCVOLTM?

RCVOLTM is the executable that runs the Online Receiving Transactions. The Executable is stored in the server ($PO_TOP/bin).
You can check the versions by the following command:
cd $PO_TOP/bin
strings -a RCVOLTM | grep -i '$Header: rv'

Q6. What happens if Receiving Transaction Manager fails using on-line mode?

If the RCVOLTM fails, you will get the error message on the screen. There should be nothing stuck in the RCV_TRANACTIONS_INTERFACE.
However, the header information inserted into the RCV_SHIPMENT_HEADERS table will not rollback or be deleted. This process is followed to ensure that there is no break to the sequence of receipt numbers that have been generated when a header transaction was inserted.

Potential workaround for failed receipts: Where there are headers without shipment lines, due to RCVOLTM failure, users can query the receipt number in the Enter Receipts form, and perform an 'Add to' receipt, to re-process the failed lines.

Q7. Why do we get TIMEOUT error while Receiving in On-line mode?

In on-line mode we launch a concurrent program (RCVOLTM) and wait for its completion before the control returns to the user. The time allotted is 60 seconds (hard coded) and if the program does not complete in 60 seconds, AOL raises "Timeout" error.
($PO_TOP/resource/RCVCOTRX.pld). This occurs mainly as the process cannot complete within 60secs due to huge processing size of the receiving transaction or heavy load on the CPU.

Q8. What are the typical causes of RCVOLTM failure?

a) Receiving transaction managers may not be up and running.
Use the Administer Concurrent Manager form to check if Receiving Transaction Manager is Active and make sure the Actual and Target process > 0.
b) A SQL error has occurred due to insufficient tablespace, etc. Please check the Alert log.
c) Make sure Inventory Manager is running if receiving against inventory items.

Q9. How does RCVOLTM work in a Multi-org environment?

Since release 11 and 11i, there is only one DATA GROUP = apps schema and one installation for multiple operating units. We do not need to define multiple Receiving Managers for different operating unit. One Receiving Manager is good enough.

Q10. What is the cause of the following error?

"APP-FND-00204 Concurrent Manager encountered an error while running the spawned concurrent program Receiving Transaction Manager - RCVOLTM for your concurrent request 1180 TM-SVC LOCK HANDLE FAILED."
This would mean that the Receiving Transaction Manager is inactive or terminated.
This is the manager used for processing receiving transactions in the Online mode.
Ask your system administrator to activate the Receiving Transaction Manager.
If that does not help you will have to take this up as with the AOL team.

Q11. What are the differences between Batch, Immediate and on-line mode?

Three choices on Profile RCV: Processing Mode: Immediate, Batch, On-line

Immediate: The form will start running Receiving Transaction Processor as a background process. The system will not hold the screen and the user can do something else.
Uses Receiving Transaction Processor (RVCTP).

On-line: The user will not be able to perform any other application activities until the process completes. Uses Receiving Transaction Manager (RCVOLTM).

Batch: Control is returned to the User immediately so other application activities may be performed. The transaction will be processed by running Concurrent Program Receiving Transaction Processor (RVCTP). Typically, Customers will run this program periodically based on their processing and system requirements.

Q12. How should I get a log file and database trace files for the Receiving Transaction Processor?

To get the database trace file :
Set the profile option PO: Enable Sql Trace for Receiving Processor = Yes.

To get the log file :
Set the profile option RCV: Debug Mode to Yes.
Set the profile option RCV: Processing Mode to either Immediate or Batch.

Debug messages will not be printed to the concurrent log file if the mode is On-line.

Q13. Why is the log file not built even after setting the profile option RCV: Debug Mode = Yes?

The profile option RCV: Debug Mode works only if the profile option RCV: Processing Mode = Immediate or Batch. Debug messages will not be printed to the concurrent log file if the mode is On-line.

Q14. What's the cause of the error RVTSH-150 and what's the solution for it?

Error RVTSH-150 is because the following select is failing, returning 0 rows:
SQL> select ms.unit_of_measure
from mtl_supply ms
where supply_type_code = 'REQ'
and supply_source_id = :req_line_id;

The error is because the Req. Supply missing. This is mostly a data problem caused at the customer's site. Look into why the records are missing. May be the data has been manually changed or some of the req. shipment has been cancelled.
FAQ Details
Q1. What pre-requisites are required for a vendor sourced receipt?

PO Receipt (vendor sourced receipt) can be performed for Shipments that are currently Approved even though the Purchase Order may not be currently Approved. Only Approved Shipments which have the ship-to-organization same as the active Inventory Organization are eligible to be received.
This means that a PO supply exists in mtl_supply. Check the values of the following columns in PO_LINE_LOCATIONS:

Q2. Where are the records inserted when a standard receipt is created against a PO before the Receiving Transaction Processor is called?

Records are inserted into rcv_transactions_interface with processing_status_code and transaction_status_code as 'PENDING'. Records are also inserted into rcv_shipment_headers which creates the shipment header.

Q3. How does Receipt Close Point work?

Define Purchase Options -> Control Options -> Receipt Close Point.
Three choices:
Accepted - Oracle Purchasing closes the shipment for receiving when you record the shipment as being fully accepted.
Delivered - Oracle Purchasing closes the shipment for receiving when you record the shipment as being fully delivered.
Received - Oracle Purchasing closes the shipment for receiving when you record the shipment as being fully received.
Oracle Purchasing displays this option as the default.
You also need to set the receipt close tolerance percentage in the Default Options Region.
Choose one of the above values for the receipt close point.

Q4. Why isn't my PO found when I query for it on the Receipt form?

Please check the following:
a) Query the PO from the Purchase Order form and note the Organization on the Shipment. Ensure you are using the same Organization on the Receipt form.
b) On the Receipt form, select the checkbox for 'Include closed POs' then requery the PO.

Q5. Why can't I find the receipt in the Receiving Transaction Summary even after completing the Receipt (Receiving -> Receipts)?

a) From Transaction Status Summary query for the Receipt Number or PO Number and check to see if the transactions have been stuck in the interface (Status=Pending).
b) If using RCV: Processing Mode = Batch, make sure to run the Receiving Transaction Processor.
c) If using RCV: Processing Mode = Batch or Immediate...go to Concurrent Request screen...check to see if the concurrent process = Receiving Transaction Processor is finished.

Q6. Why can't I perform Direct Receipt if using Standard Receipt Routing or Inspection Required?

To override the destination type at receipt time you need to set the profile option RCV: Allow routing override = Yes.

Q7. What is the order of defaulting of the Receipt Routing on the receipts screen which may be set at various levels?

The Receipt Routing on the receipts screen is defaulted as follows:
1. Purchase Order Shipment
2. if 1 is null, then Item Attribute
3. if 2 is null, then Vendor Attribute
4. if 3 is null, then Receiving Option
But for Inter-Org Shipments (In-Transit Receipts) the Receipt Routing is defaulted as follows:
1. Item Attribute
2. if 1 is null, then Shipping Network for the Receiving Organization
3. if 2 is null, then Receiving Option

Q8. Where is the receipt history saved when I do various receiving transactions?

The history records are saved in the rcv_transactions table and organized by transaction_type.
In case item is under lot or serial control, records are also inserted into rcv_lot_transactions and rcv_serial_transactions.

Q9. What are the various transactions types?

Receive - Receive the items into Receiving Dock.
Deliver - Deliver the items into expense or inventory destination.
Return to Vendor - Return the received items directly to vendors.
Return to Receiving - Return the delivered items to Receiving Dock or Inspection.
Accept - Accept items following an inspection.
Reject - Reject items following an inspection.
Transfer - Transfer items between locations.
Correct - Enter a positive or negative adjustment to a receiving or delivery transaction.
Match - Match unordered receipts to purchase orders.
Unordered - Receive items without purchase orders.

Q10. Where does the mandatory Location field on the receipts form gets populated from when performing "Direct Receipt"?

The location field on the receipts form gets populated from the Purchase Order distributions.
Here, there is a field called Deliver_To. This field populates the Location field in the receipts form.

Q11. When is the Express button enabled in the Receiving form RCVRCERC?

The Express function is available in the Receipts window if you have specified or inferred a source in the Find Expected Receipts window. (The source would be inferred if you entered, for example, a purchase order number). In the Receiving Transactions window, the express function is available for deliveries regardless of your search criteria in the Find Receiving Transactions window.
Performing any manual action in a line disables the Express button, and it is not enabled until you have again selected the find button.
You also need to check the option "Allow Express Transactions" in the Receiving Options Form as a prerequisite.
Navigation - Setup --> Organizations --> Receiving Options.

Q12. When will the Inspect button on the Receiving Transactions form get highlighted?

The Inspect button will be highlighted when:
1) 'RCV: Allow routing override' is set to YES.
2) 'RCV: Allow routing override' set to NO but the Routing is set to Inspection Required.

Q13. How does Receiving interface with Inventory?

Once the PO is received, it creates the inventory interface record i.e. inserts a record into mtl_material_transactions_temp and calls the inventory function inltpu() which completes the delivery of the item into Inventory and also updates the on hand quantities. ($PO_TOP/src/rvtp/rvtii.lpc)

Q14. How does Receiving interface with WIP for OSP items?

The function rvtooperation() in rvtoo.lpc calls the following WIP API which takes care of the interface with WIP for OSP items. WIP_Transaction_PVT.Process_OSP_Transaction (
p_OSP_rec => osp_rec,
p_validation_level => WIP_Transaction_PVT.NONE,
p_return_status => :ret_status:ret_status_ind,
p_msg_count => msg_count,
p_msg_data => msg_data);

Q15. Which tables are populated for accrual accounting to happen?

The following tables must be populated for accrual accounting to happen:
RCV_SUB_LEDGER_DETAILS (for match-to-receipt)
Files: $PO_TOP/src/accrual/rvcac.opc
FAQ Details
Q1. What is a Debit Memo Invoice?

Negative amount invoice which is created and sent to a supplier to notify the Supplier of a credit you are recording.

Q2. When should a Debit Memo be created?

To correct over billing errors, we create a Debit Memo by doing a Return To Supplier transaction for the extra quantity that got invoiced.

Q3. Is Debit Memo functionality supported in 10.7 and 11.0?

No, Debit Memo functionality is supported only in Release 11i.

Q4. How does Create Debit Memo from RTS Functionality Work?

Steps to Create a Debit Memo via RTS:
1. Create a PO with supplier and supplier site.
2. Receive the goods using Enter Receipts Form.
3. Create an Invoice. If Pay on Receipt is used to create then Invoice then set �Pay on� as Receipt and �Invoice Summary Level� as Receipt in Supplier sites window under purchasing tab.
4. Do a Return To Supplier (RTS) transaction for some of the goods using Returns form.
5. Make sure the check Box 'Create Debit Memo' is checked in the Return line while doing the RTS transaction.
6. This will automatically create a Debit Memo invoice in AP.

Depending on how the RCV: Processing Mode Profile option, Receiving Transaction Processor will be kicked off as soon as Receipt/Return transaction is saved.
If profile option RCV: Processing Mode = Batch, then user has to go and manually launch Receiving Transaction Processor concurrent request.
If profile option RCV: Processing Mode = Immediate, then Receiving Transaction Processor concurrent request will be launched and runs in the background. In this case control comes back to user and he can do his operations.
If profile option RCV: Processing Mode = Online, then Receiving Transaction Processor concurrent request will be launched. In this case control will not come back to user until processor completes processing.

Q5. What setup is required to create a Debit Memo?

Navigate: Supply Base -> Suppliers -> Query on supplier -> Sites -> Query on site -> Purchasing tab -> Check the box for Create Debit Memo from RTS Transaction. Make sure the check Box 'Create Debit Memo' is checked in the Return line while doing the RTS Transaction.

Q6. Under what Conditions a Debit Memo can be created?

Automatic Debit Memo will be created only when billed quantity of Purchase Order is greater than or equal to Returned Quantity. Return To Supplier reduces the PO billed quantity by the returned quantity but in any case PO billed quantity will never go below zero.

Q7. What to do if Debit Memo is not created after doing an RTS transaction?

Set the profile options �RCV: Processing Mode� to Immediate and �RCV: Debug Mode� to Yes. Receiving Transaction Processor log file (with debug messages of Receiving and AP code) and database trace file for RTS transaction will help in finding the cause of the problem.

Q8. Is Debit Memo not getting created when Inspection is involved?

This functionality has been incorporated in Procurement Family Pack �H�, and is also available via interim patch 2151718 (plus pre-reqs shown below). These are the list of patches to be applied for Debit Memo functionality to work if Inspection is involved.

If applying Procurement If applying PO Family Pack H: - OR - interim patch 2151718:
----------------------- ----------------------
11i.PRC_PF.H 1763128
1842268 (AP patch) 1842268 (AP patch)

If Inspection is not involved, then no need to apply the above mentioned patches.
FAQ Details
Q1. What is Pay On Receipt?

Pay on Receipt (also known as ERS (Evaluated Receipt Settlement) or Self-Billing) is an Oracle Purchasing's concurrent program, which automatically creates invoices in Oracle Payables and matches them with PO's automatically for the received amount. The short name for the program is POXPOIV.

Q2. What is the minimum set-up required?

1. In Oracle Purchasing responsibility, navigate to Supply base ->Suppliers. Query the supplier to be used in the PO and Query the site to be used in PO. In the General Tab, check the checkboxes for PAY SITE and PURCHASING. In the Purchasing tab, the Pay on field should have a value of' Receipt'. The invoice summary level should also have the value of 'Receipt'.
2. Apart from the above set-up in R11i, we need to enter the value of ?Receipt? against the Pay on field in the Terms window of the PO.

Q3. What is the impact of payables options on ERS?

From Payables options, under GL date basis there are four options. The accounting date will be based on the option selected here. Make sure that the date is in the open period.

Q4. How can we identify the invoices created by Pay on receipt?

The invoices created by ERS will have ERS prefix generally. To identify the invoice created for a particular receipt we can query with the combination of ERS and receipt number in the invoice number field. In R11i, the profile option PO: ERS invoice number prefix can be set as needed which can be used to identify the invoices.

Q5. What are the parameters passed?

For R107 and R11, the parameters passed are Parameter name value:
1. Transaction Source - ERS
2. Commit interval- default 1
3. Organization- Receiving org
4. Receipt Number- optional
If a receipt number is not specified all the receipts for that organization, which are eligible for Pay on Receipt, are picked. For R11i, the organization parameter does not exist instead a new parameter called Aging period exists.

Q6. What is the significance of Ageing Period (R11i)?

The parameter Aging period determines the transactions on the receipt that can be considered for the invoice creation. For ex if aging period is given as 1, then all the transactions that have a transaction date less than or equal to the (sysdate-1) are considered for invoice creation. The aging period can be set thru the profile option PO: ERS Aging period.

Q7. How can we debug what went wrong?

We can refer to the log file and check for error messages in po_interface_errors.
There could be many errors. Listed below are some common errors and possible resolutions.
1) Error Occurred in routine: create_invoice_header - Location: 110. Please refer note 1071391.6.
2) Pay on receipt Autoinvoice does not create any invoice. Note 1047839.6 might be useful. Please ensure the setup is complete in payables and Purchasing modules.
3) You have a supplier who has a separate site for purchasing and Payables. When running the ERS (Evaluated Receipt Settlement) it is selecting the purchasing site and therefore does not create the invoice and gets a message that the POXPOIV: 'pay site is invalid'.
4) Purchasing Pay on Receipt Autoinvoice shows multiple occurrences of same receipt number in multiorg environment. See Note 95384.1 for the solution.
5) Pay On Receipt AutoInvoice errors: po_inv_cr_invalid_gl_period. Please refer to note 179693.1 for resolution.

Q8. Does ERS work for unordered receipts?

No. ERS does not work for unordered receipts. This means invoice needs to be created manually for those PO?s that are created from unordered receipts
FAQ Details
Q1. Can I use any forms to view receiving transactions stuck in the RCV_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE table?

The Transactions Status Summary form can be utilized to view all transactions currently in the RCV_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE table. Navigation: Receiving -> Transaction Status Summary

Q2. Is the Receiving Open Interface (ROI) functionality available in release 10.7 and how can the support avail this functionality?

For release 10.7, this functionality was only available as a controlled production release. The controlled production program now has an acceptable number of customers enrolled, and is not being offered to any other customers wishing to use this functionality in 10.7.Customers that currently have release 10.7 and do not have this functionality will need to upgrade to release 11.0 or higher, which contains the production version of this functionality.
For approved customers enrolled in the controlled production program, support is offered as usual through Oracle Support Services. In addition, CAI partners and their customers are supported by development for this functionality as well.

Q3. Where can the receipt information be imported from?

Receipt information can be imported from the following sources:
- Other Oracle Applications products, such as EDI Advance Shipment Notices sent from suppliers
- Non-Oracle applications

Q4. What are some of the supported and non-supported features of the Receiving Open Interface?

The non-supported features include:
- Lot number transactions
- Serial number transactions
- Dynamic locator control
- Replace transactions
- Separate RECEIVE and DELIVER transactions
This means that if there is a RECEIVE transaction processed using the open interface, then the DELIVER transaction for that RECEIVE transaction needs to be manually created using the Receiving Transactions form.
- DELIVER transactions as a single transaction
- May not handle Inter-Org Transfers or Internal Sales Order transaction types
- May not be used for creating unordered receipts
The supported features are the ones that exist in the Oracle Purchasing application, excluding the above. The receipt information from Advance Shipment Notice, Advance Shipment Notice with billing information, and other sources can be used to create in transit shipments, receipts and delivery transactions as output in the database.
The supported transaction types are:
- SHIP for a standard shipment
- RECEIVE for standard receipt
- DELIVER for standard receipt and delivery transactions.

Q5. What are the tables associated with the Receiving Open Interface?

There are two (2) main tables associated with the Receiving Open Interface: RCV_HEADERS_INTERFACE, which should contain one row per receipt number, and RCV_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE, which may contain one or more transactions per header.

Q6. How can you view the error messages, for any rows that failed to import successfully?

There are a couple of methods that can be used to accomplish this:
1) Run the Receiving Interface Errors Report.
Navigation: Reports/Run
Select the Receiving Interface Errors Report
2) If the desire is to see the errors directly from the PO_INTERFACE_ERRORS table (this is where any errors are written to), the following statements can be executed in SQL*Plus using the APPS schema:
Select interface_type, a.interface_transaction_id, column_name, error_message, processing_date from po_interface_errors a, rcv_headers_interface b where a.interface_transaction_id = b.header_interface_id and processing_status_code in ('ERROR','PRINT');
Select interface_type, a.interface_transaction_id, column_name, error_message, processing_date from po_interface_errors a, rcv_transactions_interface b where a.interface_transaction_id = b.interface_transaction_id and processing_status_code in ('ERROR', 'PRINT');

Q7. Which columns are required in the open interface tables?

Refer to the Oracle Manufacturing, Distribution, Sales, and Service Open Interfaces Manual for this information. Within the section for the Receiving Open Interface, there is a listing of every column for all open interface tables, as well as an indication of whether data for each column is required, optional, conditionally required, or derived.
References: Oracle Manufacturing, Distribution, Sales, and Service Release 11 Open Interfaces Manual (Part #: A57332-01), pages 6-67 to 6-90

Q8. Is there a test script available that can be used to generate a receipt using the Receiving Open Interface?

There are test scripts available that can be used to load data into the required interface tables. These scripts can be used to whether or not the Receiving Transactions Processor is set up and functioning properly. The scripts are now available in Patch 1362526 for Release 11.0.X and 11.5.X.

Q9. How can you debug the Receiving Open Interface program?

There is a script called 'runit.sql' that can be used to help debug and troubleshoot Receiving Open Interface issues. This script helps to find where the Receiving Open Interface is failing. The script is now available in Patch 1362526 for Release 11.0.X and 11.5.X.

Q10. I need to use runit.sql from SQL*Plus. However, I do not see the debug messages on screen. Am I missing anything?

Open the file $PO_TOP/admin/sql/RCVDBUGB.pls and search for a procedure PUT_LINE.
Uncomment the following line:
-- dbms_output.put_line (v_line);
Apply the file into the database and it should show the debug messages now on the screen

Q11. Can we use Receiving Open Interface for RMA receipts?

The functionality of creating an RMA receipt using the Receiving Open Interface is not yet available. Enhancement Request 2142948 was logged to provide this functionality in future releases.
 FAQ Details
Q1. What is an ASN?

The ASN (Advanced Shipment Notice (856)) is a document that is sent to a buyer in advance of the buyer receiving the product. It is typically used within the context of an EDI environment. It can be used to list the contents of an expected shipment of goods as well as additional information relating to the shipment, such as order information, product description, physical characteristics, type of packaging, marking carrier information, and configuration of goods within the transportation equipment. In the implementation of the transaction the latest the ship notice may be sent is the time of shipment. In practice the ship notice just arrive before the shipment.
The process flow is as follows:
1. Supplier sends ASN.
2. EDI validates the data for EDI standards and inserts data into Receiving Interface tables.
3. Receiving Open Interface validates ASN data. If accepted shipment lines are populated.
4. Supply details are maintained.
5. Application Advice is generated. The supplier can check if there is a rejection of ASN through the advice.

Q2. What are the business needs for an ASN?

Receive a Shipping notice in Advance.
Load ASN electronically into Oracle Apps using ROI.
Respond using Application Advice via EDI against the received ASN.
Q4. How can we debug if an error occurs?

We can check in the po_interface_errors for errors with shipment numbers. As each ASN uses distinct shipment number, we can identify the error for the shipment. We may get a very generic error message RCV_ASN_NOT_ACCEPT. When we get the error message either there are a series of errors have occurred which cannot be handled or an undetermined error has occurred. To handle this kind of situation we have a script called runit.sql. This actually prints debug messages as the pre-processor process the interface records. We can also run the Receiving Interface report. This report shows you what warnings or errors occurred while the Receiving Transaction Processor was processing rows in the Receiving Open Interface tables. Rows processed in the Receiving Open Interface include Advance Shipment Notices (ASNs), receipts, and deliveries. Any errors that occur during this process are displayed in the Receiving Interface Errors report when you run the report. At the same time, the errors are also sent to the Oracle e�Commerce Gateway process responsible for generating Application Advices. (For example, Application Advices are sent back to suppliers detailing errors that occurred when the suppliers sent ASNs.)
A sample of runit.sql is available at the following link:
For R11i we have a profile option PO: Enable sql Trace on for Receiving, which actually prints the debug messages of runit.sql in the log file.
Q5. What are the profile options available for ASN?

The profile option available for ASN is RCV: Fail All ASN Lines if One Line Fails. When this profile option is set to �YES�, when multiple lines are being processed, even if one line fails validations or errors, the valid lines also error out.
Q6. Is ASN available for every customer?

In R107, ASN is a controlled production, which means only customers in the controlledproduction list can use ASN. In R11 and R11i, it is available for all customers.
Q7. Can we cancel a PO after shipping the ASN but before receiving the ASN?

We cannot cancel a PO if ASN is yet to be received.

FAQ Details
Q1. What is a Drop ship PO?

Oracle Order Management and Oracle Purchasing integrate to provide drop shipments. Drop shipments are orders for items that your supplier ships directly to the customer either because you don�t stock or currently don�t have the items in inventory, or because it�s more cost effective for the supplier to ship the item to the customer directly. Drop shipment was introduced in R11.

Q2. How is a Drop Ship PO created?

Drop shipments are created as sales orders in Order Management. The Purchase Release concurrent program or workflow in Order Management creates rows in the Requisition Import tables in Purchasing. Then Purchasing�s Requisition Import process creates the requisitions. Drop shipments are marked with the Source Type of External in Order Management and Supplier in Purchasing.

Q3. What is the setup required for Drop ship PO?


Navigate: Inventory -> Items - > Organization items
Purchased (PO) Enabled
Purchasable (PO) Enabled
Transactable (INV) Enabled
Stockable (INV) Optional
Reservable (INV) Optional
Inventory Item (INV) Optional
Customer Ordered (OM) Enabled
Customer Orders Enabled (OM) Enabled
Internal Ordered (OM) Disabled
Internal Orders Enabled (OM) Disabled
Shippable (OM) Optional
OE Transactable (OM) Enabled
All Drop Ship items must be defined in the organization entered in the profile option OE: Item Validation Organization and in the Receiving Organization.
All drop ship sub-inventory must have Reservable box checked. If the sub-inventory is not Reservable the sales order issue transaction will not be created in MTL_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE. After drop ship inventory organization is created, subinventories should be defined. To create the subinventory, go to an inventory responsibility and navigate to Setup -> Organizations -> Subinventories. Asset subinventories must have the reservable and Asset boxes checked. Expense subinventories must have the Reservable box checked and the Asset box unchecked.
Subinventory Attributes for Asset Subinventory
Reservable/Allow Reservations
Asset Subinventory
Subinventory Attributes for Expense Subinventory
Asset-must NOT be enabled.

Q4. How can we avoid the miscounting of supply as logical organization is involved?

You must receive drop-ship items in a logical organization. If you use Oracle master Scheduling/MRP and Oracle Supply Chain Planning, to avoid miscounting supply you may not want to include logical organizations in your planning. If you choose to include logical organizations, ensure that doing so does not cause planning and forecasting complications.

Q5. If you make changes to a sales order after the Purchase Order (PO) has been generated, will the order changes automatically be updated on the PO?

Order changes will not be automatically updated on the PO. Pulling up the Discrepancy report will allow you to view the differences between the Sales Order and PO. However, you will have to manually update the POs in the Purchasing application.

Q6. If items on a Drop Ship order are cancelled, does the system automatically generate a PO Change to the PO originally sent to the supplier?

No, Drop Ship functionality in this regard remains the same as in R11. There is a discrepancy report available that will report differences between the PO and the Sales Order.

Q7. Does Order Management 11i have functionality to do serial number management with Drop Shipments?

You are able to receive serial numbered Drop Ship stock. Order Management will receive the serial number noted on the PO.

Q8. Can Configurable Items be drop shipped?

Currently only Standard Items can be drop shipped. Functionality for Configurable Items will be added in future releases.

Q9. How do I drop ship across operating units?

Release 11i does not currently support this functionality.

Q10. How are over/under shipments handled in drop shipment?

If part of a drop-ship line ships, and you do not wish to fulfill the remaining quantity, cancel the line. Over shipments must also be handled manually. If the supplier ships more than the ordered quantity, you can bill your customer for the additional quantity or request that they return the item. Use the Drop Ship Order Discrepancy Report to view differences between your drop-ship sales orders and their associated purchase requisitions and orders.

Q11. Will Blanket PO's work with Drop Shipment?

Blanket PO's will not work with Drop shipment because the PO must be created when OM notifies PO that a drop ship order has been created. This PO is linked to the drop ship order so that when the receipt is done (partial or complete) .OM is updated to receiving interface eligible. Drop ship lines do not use the pick release, ship confirm or inv interface order cycles.

Q12. Can we cancel drop shipment after it is received?

Drop shipments cannot be cancelled once Oracle Purchasing obtains the receipt. A user who wants to cancel a drop ship sales order line must ensure no receipts have been created against the line and that the requisition and/or purchase order associated with the line is cancelled. Cancellation of a Partial Drop Ship receipt is allowable. But only the portion that has not been received can be cancelled. If you cancel a drop shipment line for which you have not shipped the entire quantity, the order processing splits the line. The first line contains the quantity shipped and the second line contains the non-shipped quantity in backorder. You can cancel the second line the backorder on the sales order. The PO line quantity should be changed to reflect the new quantity.

Q13. What debugging tools are available for Drop shipments?

1. Note 133464.1 contains a diagnostic script that can be used for troubleshooting problems with sales orders.
2. Debugging receipt transaction or the sales order issue transaction, Set the following profile options:
RCV: Processing Mode to Immediate or Batch
RCV: Debug Mode to Yes
OM: Debug Level to 5
INV: Debug Trace to Yes
INV: Debug level to 10
TP: INV Transaction processing mode to Background
-Then go to Sys Admin: Concurrent: Program: Define; query up the Receiving Transaction Processor and check the Enable Trace box.
-Save the receipt for the deliver transaction (destination type will say Inventory for the deliver transaction).
-View the Receiving Transaction Processor log file, the Inventory Transaction Worker log file, as well as, the trace for the errors.

Q14. What is the Import source and status of PO generated from Drop Shipment?

Import source is Order Entry.
Status of PO will always be Approved.
FAQ Details
Q1. What is RMA?

RMA stands for Return Material Authorization. RMA functionality allows user to authorize return of goods delivered against a sales order. Also authorize returns for replacement, as well as returns with or without credit. Returns from a customer occur for a variety of reasons including damage, shipment error, or sampling.

Q2. How does it work?

For RMA overview, setup, RMA processing please refer to Order Management user guide. To know about the process of receiving against an RMA maintained in Oracle Order Management, please refer to Oracle Purchasing user guide in receiving section.

Q3. Can we return or correct an RMA?

We can correct/return a RMA that is received. Once the RMA is delivered, it cannot be corrected or returned.

Q4. How can we debug a RMA receipt error?

If Receiving Transaction Processor is online, the error message will be displayed on screen. If we are using Immediate or batch mode, set the RCV: Debug mode to yes and check the log file for the error message.

a) If the error message is a subroutine error/unknown error Relink RCVOLTM executable, bounce the Receiving Transaction Manager and process again for online mode.
Relink RVCTP for immediate/batch mode.
If still the error is occurring, check if the same error occurs with other modes of receiving. If not compare the versions of the files in the executables. For this pocheck.sql can be used. Development should be provided with the DB trace, pocheck.sql output for any mode of receiving, while logging a bug to analyze further.

b) If the error is FRM error, which is not a known error message, then please regenerate the respective fmb and pll files and check if the issue is resolved. If not provide the FRD and form level trace for the development to analyze further.

c) If the error is related to rvtoe_RmaPushApi, Order Management team should analyze the cause of the problem as the API belongs to Order Management.

d) In Batch or Immediate mode, if the receiving transaction errored out, the order line status should be checked to confirm whether OM processing completed successfully and if the error is pertaining to the receiving module.

e) For any mode to check if the error is from COGS (OM) or inventory, need to set the profile options ?OM: Debug level? to 5 and ?INV: Debug level? to 10. The cogs11i.sql is the OM script to debug COGS. The inventory log file also shows the errors that occurred in the inventory module.

Q5. Can RMA be received across operating units?

We can receive, inspect, correct, return and deliver RMA?s across Operating units. The changes are made in Bugs 1786778 and 2023665.

Q6. What are the important patches for RMA?

Please refer to the "eBusiness Suite Recommended Patch List" under Patches on metalink home
FAQ Details
Q1. Is it possible to perform Returns for Internal Shipments (Inter-Org and Internal Order)?

No, it is not possible to perform Returns on Internal Shipments. You need to reverse the original process if you want to return an internally ordered item. You have to create an internal requisition for the item in the source organization, and then process that order back to the source organization.

Q2. Is it possible to perform Returns/Corrections for RMAs?

The Returns/Corrections for RMAs that are delivered to Inventory is not supported if the customer have poxrcv.odf version higher than or equal to 115.52.

Q3. Can I return/correct a cancelled PO line to a vendor?

It is not possible to return/correct a cancelled PO line.

Q4. Can I change the line status of PO to �Closed for Receiving� and then query the PO in Returns/Corrections Form to correct them?

The customer should NEVER change the status of the cancelled/finally-closed line without development�s consent via a bug.

Q5. I cannot do returns/adjustments for an un-ordered receipt. Why?

Adjustments and/or returns to vendor on unordered receipts can only be done after the receipt has been matched to a Purchase Order. Verify this has been done.

Q6. Can Returns/Corrections be performed when the deliver_to person is not active?

Returns/Corrections are not allowed if the deliver to person is not active. You have to re-activate the employee to perform returns/corrections.

Q7. I am not able to return an item under serial control. What should I do?

Check whether the Serial Number is available in the subinventory and organization.
FAQ Details
Q1. Is it possible to show more than two decimal places in the "PRICE" column that is currently being printed on the 'Printed Purchase Order Report - (Landscape or Portrait)'?

Currently, it is not possible to print more than two decimals in the 'PRICE' field without customizing the reports. There is currently an enhancement request (628857) under review that will, if approved, bring this desired functionality to future releases. This answer holds true to Releases 10.7, 11.0, and 11.5 (11i).

Q2. When I print out a purchase order from the Document Approval window, does it only print in Portrait style?

Currently this is the only way it will print from the Document Approval window. An enhancement request (466551) has been filed to allow the choice of either Portrait or Landscape as the format when printing purchase orders from the Document Approval window.

Q3. Why does the blanket purchase agreement print every time a release is printed?

This is the current functionality of the application. The blanket purchase agreement will be printed every time you choose to print an associated release. An enhancement request (432017) has been filed to allow only the release to be printed.

Q4. What is the name of the file that controls printing of reports related to Oracle Purchasing, and where is it located on the system?

The name of the file is porep.odf. This file creates the Oracle Purchasing views which generate the data that is printed by the reports. The file can be found in the following locations:

$PO_TOP/admin/odf This is where the base release version of the file is seeded by the install.
$PO_TOP/patch/110/odf This is where the most current version of the file resides on your system for Release 11.
$PO_TOP/patchsc/107/odf This is where the most current version of the file resides on your system for Release 10.7.
For Windows NT, it is best to use the FIND FILE utility to locate the various versions of the file.

Q5. How can a report file name and version be located?

There are two methods that can be used to find the report short (file) name:

1. Please see Note 106968.1, titled "Purchasing: PO Report Short Names". This note contains an alphabetical listing of all Oracle Purchasing reports and lists the short name for each one.

2. Each report is a concurrent process that can be found in System Administration.
- Responsibility: System Administrator
- Navigation: Concurrent > Program > Define
- Select the Program Name
Under the Program Name field, you will see a field called Short Name. This is the name of the report file. This name should be the same as the name of the file in the Executable field.

To find the version of the file:

For Unix
For Release 10.7, go to $PO_TOP/srw
For Release 11, go to $PO_TOP/reports

Type the following command at a Unix prompt:
strings -a <FILENAME.rdf>|grep Header:

For Windows NT
Use the FIND FILE utility to locate the file. Use MS-DOS to navigate to the
file and type the following command at the prompt:
find /i "Header:" <FILENAME.rdf>

Q6. Why do asterisks (******) appear on report output in place of the quantity?

Oracle Reports will allow a maximum of 13 characters to be printed in the Quantity column. These characters include a -/+ sign at the beginning and then a combination of 12 more characters, including commas, periods, and digits. Therefore, if the quantity on a report contains more than 13 characters, you will see the asterisks show in place of the quantity.

9,999,999.00 actually contains 13 characters and will be displayed. Remember, the + sign is holding the first character position in the database.
-1.2245833524335 would print asterisks, as more than 13 characters are involved.

You do have the ability to change the way your reports print out the numbers in the Quantity region; this may make the difference in allowing you to see the actual quantity. You cannot change the number of characters in the field, but you can change the way they display. This will give you more options. To do this:
Responsibility: System Administrator
Navigation: Profiles/System
Query the profile 'INV: Dynamic Precision Option for Quantity on Reports'
Click on the List of Values and you will see the different options available for you to use on your reports. You will notice that all options still only represent 13 characters; it just changes the way they are represented.

See Note 1072855.6 for further clarification.

Q7. When a report has been submitted to print, the output can be viewed by using the View Output button, but no hard copies of the report print out. What causes this to occur??

The number of copies Oracle Reports will print is controlled in System Administration.
Responsibility: System Administrator
Navigation: Profiles/System
Query the profile 'Concurrent: Report Copies'
If this profile is not populated, Oracle will not print any copies of any report.
FAQ Details
Q1. How do the 'Accrued Receipts' and 'Include Online Accruals' parameters determine the output of this report?

The values of these parameters control which purchase orders are eligible to be printed on the report. Each of these parameters can be set to 'Yes' or 'No', thus giving four (4) combinations total; here are the four combinations possible and what the expected output can be:

A. Accrued Receipts = Yes
Include Online Accruals = No

Using these settings, the report output will include purchase orders that have a value in either the Item and Category fields or just the Category field. In this scenario, the PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL table will have the following values:

B. Accrued Receipts = Yes
Include Online Accruals = Yes

Using these settings, the report output will include purchase orders that have a value in both the Item and Category fields. In this scenario, the PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL table will have the following values:

C. Accrued Receipts = No
Include Online Accruals = Yes

Using these settings, the report output will include purchase orders that have a value in either the Item and Category fields or just the Category field. In this scenario, the PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL table will have the following values:

D. Accrued Receipts = No
Include Online Accruals = No

Using these settings, the report output will include purchase orders that have a value in just the Category field. In this scenario, the
PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL table will have the following values:

Q2. Does the Uninvoiced Receipts Report take the Currency Rate from the purchase order header or its individual distribution lines?

The Uninvoiced Receipts Report was initially designed to take the Currency Rate from the header of the purchase order. Bug 1396659 was logged, for Releases 10.7 and 11.0, initially as an enhancement request to change the report to look at the individual distribution lines; this enhancement will be enabled in Purchasing patch set P for Release 10.7, and in Purchasing mini-pack G for Release 11.0.

For Release 11i, this issue is currently being reviewed and the change may not be made since Release 11i allows the users to override the currency rate at the time a receipt is entered.

Q3. Will a cancelled purchase order line appear on the Uninvoiced Receipts Report?

Yes, a cancelled line will continue to show on the Uninvoiced Receipts Report.

Q4. Will a closed purchase order line appear on the Uninvoiced Receipts Report?

No, closed purchase order lines do not show on the Uninvoiced Receipts Report.

Q5. POXPORRA - Uninvoiced Receipts Report Returns No Data Or Wrong Data?

Ensure that the correct values used for the parameters Accrued Receipts and Include Online Accruals when running the report. These parameters are listed as optional but they are essential in determing which transactions are included in the report output.

1. For receipts (for expense items) that Accrue At Period-End and have not been accrued:
Accrued Receipts=No
Include Online Accruals=No

2. For receipts (for expense items) that Accrue At Period-End and have been accrued or have not been accrued:
Accrued Receipts=Yes
Include Online Accruals=No

3. To include receipts for expense or inventory items that Accrue On Receipt and have been accrued or have not been accrued:
Accrued Receipts=Yes
Include Online Accruals=Yes

4. To include receipts for expense or inventory items that Accrue On Receipt and have not been accrued:
Accrued Receipts=No
Include Online Accruals=Yes.

Q6. Uninvoiced Receipts Report Does Not Reconcile With Accrual Journals in General Ledger?

Apply patch 2274733. Patch 2274733 contains updated versions of the Uninvoiced Receipts Report
(POXPORRA.rdf 115.23) and the code used by the Receipt Accruals - Period-End process.

Q7. Uninvoiced Receipt Missing From the Uninvoiced Receipts Report?

To correct this problem, take the following steps:
1. Under Purchasing responsibility > Purchase Order > Purchase Order Summary.
2. Query the PO of interest.
3. From the menu, navigate to Special > Control.
4. Select Open or Open for Invoicing.
5. Save.

Q8. The Uninvoiced Receipts Report does not Balance to the General Ledger?

Update the below files to the versions shown or higher. Apply Patch 1705773 or later.
rvacj.lpc 115.23
rvcac.opc 115.8.

Q9. The Uninvoiced Receipts Report does not Calculate tax properly.

Apply patch 1977474. This will upgrade the version of POXPORRA.rdf to 115.15.
The patch modifies the formula column C_Dist_Amount_Accrual so as to pro-rate the tax amount based on dist_quantity ( dist qty ordered - dist qty cancelled) and dist_quantity_accrued.
FAQ Details
Q1. What does invoice price variance report show?

Invoice price variance report shows the variance between the invoice price and the purchase price.
The layout is in the following format:
Po Details
Invoice details and Variances
Charge and variance account.

Q2. Does the UOM in which the price and quantity is reported depends on the way the invoice is matched?

Yes, the UOM in which the price and quantity is reported depends on the way the invoice is matched.
1. If the invoice is matched to a PO then the UOM in which price and quantity is matched is as per the UOM of the PO or Invoice. Both are same in this case.
2. If the UOM is matched to a Receipt then the following fields are calculated as per the UOM of the receipt.
(The UOM of the receipt may or may not be the same as that of the PO).
The PO Functional Price and the Invoice price variance.
The Unit is still as per the PO UOM. This is because the Unit in the report is shown at the PO level.

Q3. Where do you set the Invoice match option?

1. Purchase orders shipment window or
2. Supplier site.
The match option defined at the Purchase order shipment window has a preference over that of Supplier site.

Q4. Which PO rate is considered for calculating the variance?

The rate at the distribution level is given preference. If this is null then only the rate from PO headers is taken to calculate the variance.

Q5. What are the main tables used in this report?

1. ap_invoice_distributions
2. ap_invoices
3. po_headers
4. po_distributions
FAQ Details
Q1. What does Receipt Traveler report show and how is it organized?

The Receipt Traveler facilitates receiving inspection and delivery of goods you receive within your organization.
After you receive the goods, you can print receipt travelers and attach these tickets to the goods. You can enter selection criteria to specify the receipt travelers you want to print. One receipt traveler prints per distribution, and each traveler has space for you to record delivery comments.
It prints in the following format:
Source (Supplier/Inventory/Internal requisition/RMA)
Delivery Instructions
Lot and Serial Number
Wip Shortage

Q2. Which PO level does the report print?

The report prints at the distribution level only if delivery has been made, else it prints the receipt transaction.

Q3. How many pages does the report print for single/multiple shipments and single/multiple distributions?


<ALIGN=LEFT<ALIGN=LEFTFor One shipment line and No distribution
<ALIGN=LEFT<ALIGN=LEFTFor One shipment line and One distribution
<ALIGN=LEFT<ALIGN=LEFTFor One shipment line and Two distributions
<ALIGN=LEFT<ALIGN=LEFTFor Two shipment lines with Two distributions each

Q4. Which are the most used views and tables in this report?


Q5. Which transactions get printed on Receipt Traveler?

A receipt Traveler Report gets automatically printed under the following conditions:
- A standard receipt is performed.
- A direct delivery is performed.
- Matching of an unordered receipt.

Q6. What are the profile options used for this report?

Following are the two profile options used for this report:
RCV: Print Receipt Traveler (Yes/No)
Concurrent: Report Copies (Number of copies you want to print).

Q7. What could be the problem for report printing a blank page?

If the receipt is saved after the header information is added, the receipt traveler kicks off.
Because the line information has not been completed. The report only prints the header information and a blank page. If the header information and the line information is complete the receipt traveler will print with all correct information.

Q8. Can Receipt Traveler be printed if the RMA is received in a different Operating Unit than where it was created?

FAQ Details
Q1. What are the different authorization_status can a requisition have?

Approved, Cancelled, In Process, Incomplete, Pre-Approved, Rejected, or Returned.

Q2. Can an approved requisition be viewed in the Requisition form?

No, an approved requisition cannot be viewed in the Requisition form. Approved or In Process requisitions can only be viewed in the Requisition Summary form. Only Requisitions, which have Incomplete, Returned, and Rejected status, can be viewed from Enter Requisition form.
Q3. Can an approved requisition be revised?

No, an approved requisition cannot be revised.

Q4. Why is there no list of values for items in the requisition form after they have been defined in the item master?

The list of values should be available. Please review Supplier-Purchasing information for the Financial Options to ensure the correct organization has been selected for the Inventory Org. Setup-> Organizations->Financial Options->Supplier-Purchasing

Q5. Is the Supplier item field a validated field?

No, the supplier item field is not a validated field. It is for reference only.

Q6. How can you have specific Requestor defaulted on Requisition form?

In order to have a specific requestor default onto the requisitions form, the user will have to set the following in the user will have to set the following in the user's requisition preferences. Navigation: /Purchasing -> Requisitions -> Requisitions Go to special ->preferences Click in the requestor field Choose a requestor from the list of values Click the 'apply' button, a message ' new preferences now in effect.' Close the requisitions form Re-open the requisitions form Click in the lines region, the requestor from requisition preferences should appear in the requestor field. The requisition preferences are only valid while working on it , user needs to re enter requisition preferences each time he starts the applications.

Q7. Can I change the item number in requisition lines after saving the record?

User is not allowed to change the item number of a saved record in Oracle Purchasing Requisition Form. If user finds that the item entered by him in a saved record is wrong then he has to delete that record and enter a new record for the required item. User is allowed to change the Type, Description, UOM, Quantity, Price, Need by date in a saved record in the Enter Requisition form. Also he can change the item category if item number of the saved record in the Enter Requisition Form is NULL.

Q8. What all control actions I can perform on a requisition through Document control window?

Cancel and Finally close.

Q9. What is the authorization_status of a requisition after Finally closing it?

When we finally close the requisition from Requisition Summary form the authorization_status of the requisition does not change. Instead it's closed_code becomes 'FINALLY CLOSED'.

Q10. Can I cancel or finally close any requisition from Document Control Window?

No. Purchasing lets you cancel or final close a requisition or requisition line before your manager approves it or before a buyer places it on a purchase order. No control actions can be performed on an Incomplete requisition. You cannot Finally close a 'Pre-Approved' Requisition.

Q11. What happens if the requisition cancelled of finally closed through Document Control Window and encumbrance is on?

If you are using encumbrance or budgetary control, Purchasing automatically creates negative debit encumbrance entries for the cancelled requisitions. When you final close a purchase order, Purchasing creates credit entries which reverse the encumbrances.

Q12. How can I confirm that my requisition has sufficient funds?

Go to (M) Special->Check for funds.

Q13. How can I find out, which all requisition lines have went into purchase order?

In Requisition Summary form (M) Special-> View Purchase Order. In the 'Special' Menu itself you can see the option' View Sales Order'.

Q14. What does the status Pre-Approved mean, and how does a document reach this status?

The status of Pre-Approved is the outcome of a person forwarding a document for approval even though the forwarding person has the necessary authority to approve it. The document may have been forwarded by mistake or for business reasons. It is not possible to perform a receipt against a document with a status of Pre-Approved.

Q15. When you try to 'Save' a requisition, the following message appears: PO_ALL_POSTING_NA.

This happens when you do not have a valid code combination for the accounts defaulting on the distribution account. Ensure that the account has a valid code combination.

Q16. While forwarding requisition for approval, error APP-14056: User exit po find_forward returned error.

There is no Forward Method specified in the setup. The FIND_FORWARD function cannot find any rules to determine the forward to person. Navigate to the Document Types Form (POXSTDDT) in Purchasing Responsibility. Setup -> Purchasing -> Document Types. Select the document type of Requisition (Internal or Purchase) and make sure that the field 'Forward Method' is not blank. If it is blank, set it to either Hierarchy or Direct, then save.

Q17. Unable to enter Project information on the Distribution line of a Requisition.

You cannot enter project information for inventory destinations (unless you have Project Mfg installed). Setting Destination Type = Expense will resolve the problem. You will then be able to enter information in the remaining Project related fields.

Q18. When a requisition is autocreated to a purchase order, supplier information is not populated in the purchase order header.

This happens when a requisition number is entered in the Find Requisition Lines window and document is autocreated. But if you enter the requisition number and supplier details in the Find Requisition Lines window and autocreated the document to purchase order. The purchase order now contains supplier details in the purchase order header. Supplier information at the requisition level is actually a suggested Supplier, and the buyer has an option to decide which supplier to pick on the PO header. Also, if you try to Autocreate multiple requisitions with different Suppliers Autocreate would not know which supplier to use. Hence the vendor information cannot be defaulted. This is the standard functionality of Oracle Applications. Workarounds: 1 - Enter the suggested supplier on the 'Find Requisition Lines' Search Criteria window and this is populated on PO header when autocreated. 2 - Enter the supplier information in the 'Select Purchase Order' zone.

Q19. The system does not allow you to change the Price and / or quantity of an approved Requisition line before AutoCreating a Purchase Order.

When you are using Encumbrance Accounting, by enabling the Budgetary Control flag for a set of books, the system automatically creates encumbrances from Requisitions, Purchase Orders and other transactions originating from modules such as Purchasing & Payables.
In this case, the funds are checked at the Requisition Level. You cannot change the Price and Quantity once the requisition has been approved. This is the Standard functionality of Oracle Applications.
After Autocreating a Purchase Order, you can change the quantity and price.

Q20. Cannot find a Document in the Notifications form which has been forwarded by an intermediate Approver.

Several things with Oracle Workflow can cause documents to be stuck 'in process', however, this particular issue deals with duplicate data in your HR system.
Using your SysAdmin responsibility, navigate to Security-->User-->Define and perform a query on the Person field using the employee name of the approver you are trying to forward the document to.
This should return a record for only 1 user. If the employee is assigned to more than 1 user name, Workflow will not know who to deliver the notification to and the document will hang with a status of 'in process'.

Q21. Cannot find cancel requisition option in requisition summary form.

Please check for the sql script poxdocon.sql. This can be found under the following directory: $PO_TOP/admin/import/poxdocon.sql & You then have to run the script by logging on to SQL*PLUS as APPS/(PASSWORD). The control options will be created once you run the above script and you can then view all the Control Options under 'Special' in the Requisition Summary form after you log on to Applications once again.

Q22. You are allowed to update 'Destination Type' from 'Inventory' to 'Expense' in the requisition form.

If you setup destination type as "Inventory" in the item setup and in the Requisitions form if you change the destination type to "Expense", then this will override the destination type setup in item setup. The Destination type will carry over from the Requisition into the Purchase Order when autocreating.

Q23. Clicking on the LOV to select an employee to forward the document gives error:FRM-41830: List Of Values contains no entries.

You need to run the following sql:
SQL>select can_preparer_approve_flag, default_approval_path_id
from po_document_types_all
where document_type_code = 'REQUISITION';
If the results return a NULL value for can_preparer_approve_flag then you need to perform the following: Navigation: Purchasing -> Setup -> Purchasing Document Types. In the document window type window use Requisition in the type field. Enable "Owner Can Approve" check box save it disable it save it and enable it. This is to set the flag accordingly. Now save the record. Now when you enter a requisition and forward the requisition for approval you can have LOV in the forward field.

Q24. The requisition can be saved without the need-by date field being populated.

Line items that are put on requisitions must be planned. It is necessary that the items are planned in order for the need-by date to be enforced.
Step-by-step solution:
GUI - Query the item in the Item Master
- Choose the General Planning sub-region
- Make the item planned
Char - Navigate - Items - Update
- Query item
- In Item Details region choose select
- Make the item planned

Q25. In the Enter Purchase Order form and in the Enter Requisitions form, the List of Values in the Items field is not retrieving some of the items.

In the Enter Purchase Order form and the Enter Requisitions forms, the List of Values (LOV) in the Items field is not based on what organization your purchasing responsibility is pointing to. Instead, it is based on the Inventory Organization entered in the Financial Options form under Supplier - Purchasing. In the Enter Purchase Order form and the Enter Requisitions forms, the List of Values (LOV) in the Items field is not based on what organization your purchasing responsibility is pointing to. Instead, it is based on the Inventory Organization entered in the Financial Options form under Supplier - Purchasing. Changing the Inventory Organization defined in the Financial Options to the Item Master organizations will permit you to select those items.

Q26. The items with destination type as Inventory have the destination type as Expense defaulting in the Enter Requisitions form.

The defaults do not come in for a requisition, if the inv_organization_id column is blank in HR_LOCATIONS table and does not get populated. The inv_organization_id is linked to location and this in turn is linked to employee and which explains why when you enter the item in requisition form the organization and Ship-To Location field were not get populated and therefore the destination type was not coming as inventory. You have to populate inv_organization_id in HR_locations table which will resolve the problem.
FAQ Details
Q1. Which Requisitions are processed via Create Internal Sales Order?

Only Requisitions Lines which are Internally Sourced and Approved are picked by the Create Internal Sales Order process. Each Requisition Line is processed and picked up by the Create Internal Sales order process if the Source Type is �Inventory�.

Q2. Why am I unable to select �Inventory� as my source type when I create a Requisition?

The Item attribute has to be �Internal Orderable� for Item to be internally sourced.

Q3. When I try to enter a Requisition line, which is internally sourced, I am unable to see my source Organization in the LOV?

You need to define the Shipping Network between the Source Organization and the destination Organization. You can do this in Inventory>Setup>Organizations>Shipping Network and do the setup for the Shipping Network between the two organizations. Also make sure you set the �Internal Order Required� flag.

Q4. Is the create Internal Sales Order process Operating Unit dependent?

Yes. In Release 11i we have the enhance functionality of creating the Sales Order in the Source Organizations Operating Unit. All the Requisition line validations and Setup Validations are done in the source Organization�s Operating Unit. If the Create Internal Sales Order fails you need to check if the Setup is done properly in the Source Organization�s Operating Unit.

Q5. Why is it that after creating and approving an Internal Requisition and running the Create Internal Sales Order process my Requisition line is not transferred to OE?

This could be because of various setup Issues. From the PO side make sure you have done the Customer location associations for the location you select in the destination and Source Org�s Operating Unit. Also check if you have entered the Order Type and Order Source in the Purchasing>Setup>Organizations>Purchasing Options>�Internal Requisition� tab. From the OE side also make sure you have done the Setup related with Create Internal Sales Order. The Order type you entered in the PO system Parameters must have the Order type details defined in OE.

Q6. Why is it that after Running �Create Internal Sales Order� process and Order Import the records are still there in the Interface tables?

This is because the Sales Order will be created in the source Organizations Operating Unit. In Release 11 we created the Sales Order in the destination Org. But in the R11i we have the enhanced functionality of creating the Sales Order in the Source Organization�s Operating Unit. Therefore you have to run Order Import in the Source Organization.

Q7. What are the ways to debug the �Create Internal Sales Order�?

You have the Concurrent Log created for each �Create Internal Sales Order� process run. The log will have information related to the Source and destination Organization�s Operating Unit and whether the setups are done properly in the operating Units. It will also have information of whether the record was picked for processing but failed validations later. You need to get the Database level trace to check the code flow for the �Create Internal Sales Order�

Q8. Why is the transferred_to_oe_flag at the headers updated to �Y� even if some of the records failed during the �Create Internal Sales Order� process?

This is a known issue. Check Enhancement Bug# 2204076.
FAQ Details
Q1. What is the Basic Purchasing Setup for Requisition Import?

A: If importing requisitions from Inventory,
input a value for the profile option INV: Minmax Reorder Approval. If the value of INCOMPLETE is selected, the result will be imported Requisitions that require an approval. If the value is APPROVED, then the requisitions cannot be queried in the Requisition entry form; rather, the Requisition Summary form will have to be utilized to view information on the imported approved requisitions.
If importing requisitions from MRP, input a value for the profile option MRP: Purchasing By Revision. This profile option is important if you are using multiple revisions per item and using sourcing rules to create Purchase Orders or Releases. This profile option indicates whether or not to pass on the item revision to the purchase requisition.
Setup/Organizations/Purchasing - Default Alternate Region Requisition Import Group-By Field. The Requisition Import process will first look at the Group By parameter selected when the process is submitted; should this parameter be left blank, the system will then look to the Group-By field residing in the Purchasing Options form. If you expect releases to be created from the requisitions, which you import, make sure the profile option PO: Release During Req Import is populated with the correct value. The choices for this profile are Yes or No. If the profile is set to Yes and all sourcing rule information is properly set up, then blanket releases will be created via the Create Releases process. If the profile is set to No, the Create Releases process will not run at the completion of Requisition Import and all releases will have to be created manually via Auto Create.

Q2. How does Requisition Import determine the grouping method for incoming pieces of data?

This function groups requisitions. It first assigns values to REQUISITION_LINE_ID and REQ_DISTRIBUTION_ID; the function then groups Requisitions based on the REQ_NUMBER_SEGMENT1 column. All requisitions with the same NOT NULL REQ_NUMBER_SEGMENT1 are assigned the same REQUISITION_HEADER_ID. The function then groups Requisitions based on the GROUP_CODE column. All requisitions with the same value in the GROUP_CODE column are assigned the same REQUISITION_HEADER_ID. It then groups based on the GROUP_BY parameter, which takes on the value of DEFAULT_GROUP_BY if not provided. GROUP_BY could be one of the following: BUYER, CATEGORY, ITEM, VENDOR, LOCATION or ALL.

Q3. How is the PO_INTERFACE_ERRORS table purged and does this data have any dependencies?

Oracle Purchasing provides the Requisition Import Exceptions Report, which can be used to diagnose records in Error in the PO_REQUISITIONS_INTERFACE_ALL table. It also has an option to purge the Error records in PO_REQUISITIONS_INTERFACE_ALL and the corresponding Error message in the PO_INTERFACE_ERRORS table: - Responsibility: Purchasing Super User
- Navigation: Reports/Run, then select Requisition Import Exceptions Report
There is a parameter titled 'Delete Exceptions'. If you select 'Yes', then records in the PO_REQUISITIONS_INTERFACE_ALL table with a status of �ERROR' and the corresponding records in the PO_INTERFACE_ERRORS table will be deleted. You can also restrict the deleted records by selecting the Batch_id and the Interface Source code. The dependency is between PO_REQUISITIONS_INTERFACE_ALL (transaction_id) and PO_INTERFACE_ERRORS (interface_transaction_id)

Q4. How is the list of values derived for the Import Source column within the Requisition Import report parameters window?

The list of values for the Import Source parameter drives off of the records, which currently reside in the PO_REQUISITIONS_INTERFACE_ALL table. Within this table is the column, INTERFACE_SOURCE_CODE, which contains the source from where the data was created and in turn is the same value that shows in the list of values. Example: Say that there are currently 20 rows In PO_REQUISITIONS_INTERFACE_ALL.Ten of the rows have an INTERFACE_SOURCE_CODE of 'INV', and the other ten rows have an INTERFACE_SOURCE_CODE value of 'WIP'. When the user then goes to view the list of values, it will show 'INV' and 'WIP' in the list, as those are the only sources currently loaded and unprocessed in the interface table.

Q5. What methods are available in the application to resolve errored records in the PO_INTERFACE_ERRORS table?

Oracle Purchasing provides the Requisition Import Exceptions Report, which can be used to diagnose problems with the records, which have currently errored out in the PO_REQUISITIONS_INTERFACE_ALL table.
- Responsibility: Purchasing Super User
- Navigation: Reports/Run, then select Requisition Import Exceptions Report
There is a parameter titled 'Delete Exceptions�. If this is populated with 'Yes', then all records in the PO_REQUISITIONS_INTERFACE_ALL table with a status of �ERROR�will be deleted when the report is executed. If the parameter is set to �No', then you will see the errors from the report and be able to manually fix the data in the table, if so desired; then, upon completion of the data correction, run Requisition Import again to process the modified rows in the interface table.

Q6. Can Requisition Import handle multiple currencies?

Requisition Import is capable of handling multiple currencies, provided that all rate types and currency conversions have been defined.

Q7. Can Requisition Import handle multiple distributions?

Requisition Import can handle multiple distributions.

Q8. Is it possible to have all requisitions created from MRP to be imported with a status of INCOMPLETE?

It is not possible to have Requisitions created from MRP imported into the Oracle Purchasing application with a status of INCOMPLETE. The MRP Application inserts all data into the PO_REQUISITIONS_INTERFACE_ALL table with an AUTHORIZATION_STATUS of APPROVED. Therefore, when the Requisition Import program runs, all requisition lines from MRP are created with a Status of APPROVED. If requisitions are created from MRP and the AUTHORIZATION_STATUS is not APPROVED, then please contact support for assistance.

Q9. Is it possible to have all requisitions created from Inventory - Min-Max Planning to be imported with a status of INCOMPLETE?

Yes, it is possible to have all requisitions created from Min-Max Planning with a status of INCOMPLETE. If the desired outcome is Min-Max requisitions showing a status of INCOMPLETE, it is necessary to set the profile option: INV: MinMax Reorder Approval to Incomplete. Conversely, if this profile option is set to Approved, all requisitions imported from Min-Max Planning will be imported with an approval status based on the approval authority of the user initiating the Requisition Import process.

Q10. How can I achieve creating 10 requisitions for 10 lines populated into the interface table, instead of 1 req. with 10 lines?

Requisitions are grouped according to the selection chosen by the initiator of the process, based on the parameter of 'GROUP BY�. If this parameter is left blank, the value will default from the Default alternate region of the Purchasing Options form.
- Responsibility: Purchasing Super User
- Navigation: Setup -> Organizations -> Purchasing Options
Default alternate region
If the value selected is ALL, then all requisition lines will be on the same requisition. Any other value will group the lines on requisitions based on the value selected.

Q11. Is Requisition Import organization-specific?

Requisition Import is operating unit-specific. Within the PO_REQUISITIONS_INTERFACE_ALL table lies the column ORG_ID.Upon Initiating the Requisition Import program, the profile 'MO: Operating Unit' is queried to derive the value of ORG_ID tied to the login running the program. Then the Requisition Import program executes, all records in the interface table which are the same as the organization listed in the 'MO: Operating Unit' profile will be processed. If you don't see any valid Import source when you launch Reqimport but if you had already populated the Interface table then you have to check the org_id Column you populated. this org_id will be your operating unit tied to your Applications log-in responsibility. If the org_id is NULL then you can see you record in the Import Source.

Q12. When using encumbrance, is there any validation on the GL Date, ensuring the appropriate periods are open?

The Requisition Import program will perform date integrity checks against the date value in the PO_REQUISITIONS_INTERFACE_ALL.GL_DATE field. This field GL_DATE, is reserved for systems operating under Encumbrance Accounting constraints. It is necessary to ensure that the encumbrance year is opened for the GL_DATE being specified.

Q13. How can I achieve grouping by Vendors?

First check to see if any records in PO_REQUISITIONS_INTERFACE_ALL have a value for the GROUP_CODE or REQ_NUMBER_SEGMENT1 columns. If there is no value in either of these two columns, then the Requisition Import Program uses the Default Group By that you setup to group requisition lines. Also Navigate to Purchasing -> Setup -> Purchasing Options and Check the group by setting.

Q14. Why some times Requisition Import Process fails to create Requisitions when the Data is imported from MRP?

Ensure that you use revision number for the item. This is mandatory when you use the profile option �Purchasing by Revision�. The value will indicate whether to pass on item revision to the purchase requisition. You can update this profile at the site level. If this profile is set to Yes, then the item used for requisition import process should have a revision number. Now when you repeat the process the Requisition Import works and the requisitions will be created Successfully from MRP.

Q15. How does Requisition Import Process generate Accounts?

It can be either one of 2 methods for accounts to be generated:
1. By a valid CCID or
2. By a valid combination of account segments.
We do not generate the accounts using the Account generator process. We only validate the charge_account_id or by a valid combination of Account segments which are populated in the interface table. This is the existing functionality.

Q16. How can automatically approve the Requisitions I am creating?

There are two ways of doing this:
1. You can populate records in the Interface table with status as APPROVED. In this case the Approval process is not called after creating the Req. with APPROVED status.
2. If you still want the Requisitions created to go through the approval process then you have to set Requisition Import Parameter 'Initiate Approval after Reqimport' to 'Yes' when Launching the Requisition Import Concurrent Program.

Q17. How will I get the trace and detailed log for the Requisition Import Process?

You have to set the profile 'PO: Set Debug Concurrent On' to 'Yes to get the detailed log and Database level for the Requisition Import Process.

Q18. When I load the Requisition Interface and create Requisitions it always does Sourcing. How can I stop sourcing from happening?

You have to set the autosource_flag in the Requisition interface to 'N' to avoid vendor Sourcing

Q19. How can I avoid sourcing from overriding my vendor information?

You have to set the autosource_flag to 'P' for partial sourcing.

Q20. How does Requisition Import process use the Group-By parameter while launching Requisition Import?

The Requisition Import process will first look at the Group By parameter selected when the process is submitted; should this parameter be left blank, the system will then look to the Group-By field residing in the Purchasing Options form. To setup in Purchasing option Form the Navigation is Setup/Organizations/Purchasing Options - Default Alternate Region Requisition Import Group-By Field.

Q21. What does the 'MRP: Purchasing by Revision' and 'INV: Purchasing by Revision' do?

The profile 'MRP: Purchasing by Revision' is maintained by MRP and the 'INV: Purchasing by Revision' profile is maintained by Inventory. This profile option is mainly used by the respective products to determine if the Item Revision needs to be populated while loading the Requisition Interface Tables. Most of the bugs related to these profiles are that sourcing gets affected during Req Import. If the Blanket PO has the Item Revision and the Item in the Interface table does not have the Item Revision field populated, then Sourcing could be a Issue and Releases will not be created.
FAQ Details
Q1. The information setup in the Purchasing Options form is not defaulting on to my purchase order.

Verify the PO Options have been setup for each Organization. The Options are specific to each Organization..

Q2. Why is my Purchase Order closing before a receipt is processed?

Check the Receipt Closed Tolerance and the Matching setup.
If Matching is set to equal 2-way, the PO will close once the Purchase Order is approved.
If the line of the Purchase Order is received with in the tolerance the line will close..

Q3. When creating a Requisition or Purchase Order I am unable to see my items.

Check the Inventory Organization defined in the Financial Options:
Setup > Organization > Financial Options - Supplier > Purchasing region
The Inventory Org specified here should be the Master Inventory Org, otherwise only the items setup in the Org populated in this region will be viewable from the Requisition/Purchase Order forms.

Q4. When querying Requisitions the order in which they are returned is not in sequential order.

When using alphanumeric number type values can appear randomly. Consider entering all numeric values with the same number of digits. For example: If you can assume all numeric values contain six digits, you should enter the first value as 000001.

Q5. The Line Type value does not default or update the category if the Line type is changed from the initial defaulted value.

Changing the Line Type does not change any of the existing defaults. cause: <Bug:772492> This is the intended functionality for both the Purchase Order and Requisition forms. Whenever the line type is changed, all of the information which was entered was lost and needed to be entered again. The line information will change only if it is changed to a different family. If re-defaulting is needed, please clear the line and enter it again.

Q6. Cannot enter the Receiving Options form. Receive the error: 'No organizations Currently Defined'.

From Inventory Responsibility Setup/Org/Organizations Access, the Purchasing Responsibility need to be defined.

Q7. Receiving the following error when you save a new Requisition APP-14142 get_po_parameters-10: ora-01403: no data found Cause: A SQL error has occurred in get_po_parameter @lsql_err.

You need to do the following:
1. Define the Purchasing Options and Financial Options for your Organization.
2. Ensure that the Master Organization, as well as the Child Organizations, have Receiving Options defined.

Q8. Create a Purchase Order. Input the Header and Line information and find that the Shipments button at the bottom of the form is grayed out.

Set-up the Receiving Options and to enable the Shipment Button in the Purchase Order form.
Navigation: Setup > Organizations > Receiving Options.
Once set-up these options for your Organization you will have the Shipments button enabled.
Ensure that the Purchasing Options and Financial Options are defined for your Organization.

Q9. Accessing the Purchase Order entry screen and getting the error: APP-14142 GET_WINDOW_ORG_SOB 040 ORA-1403 No Data Found.

1. Attach the correct responsibility to the Operating Unit
2. Define Purchasing Options
3. Define Financial Options

Q10. Invoice Matching setting in POXPOEPO does not default to the setting in Purchasing Options form.

Invoice matching can be set in five different areas of Oracle Purchasing:
In the list below, a setting at any level will override the settings above it.

1. Oracle Purchasing Options
a. Navigate to: Setup > Organizations > Purchasing Options
b. Select Default Alternative Region

2. Supplier Information
a. Navigate to: Supply Base > Suppliers
b. Query on specific supplier
c. Click on Open
d. Select Receiving Alternative Region

3. Line Types
a. Navigate to: Setup > Purchasing > Line Types
b. In the Receipt Required field: Yes = 3-way, No = 2-way

4. Items
a. Navigate to: Items > Master Items
b. Query on specific item
c. Select Purchasing Alternative Region
d. In the Invoice Matching section: Yes = 3-way, No = 2-way

5. Purchase Order Shipments
a. Navigate to: Purchase Orders > Purchase Orders
b. Enter (header and) line information
c. Click on Shipments button
d. Select More Alternative Region
 FAQ Details
Q1. What is Pay On Receipt?

Pay on Receipt (also known as ERS (Evaluated Receipt Settlement) or Self-Billing) is an Oracle Purchasing's concurrent program, which automatically creates invoices in Oracle Payables and matches them with PO's automatically for the received amount. The short name for the program is POXPOIV.

Q2. What is the minimum set-up required?

1. In Oracle Purchasing responsibility, navigate to Supply base ->Suppliers. Query the supplier to be used in the PO and Query the site to be used in PO. In the General Tab, check the checkboxes for PAY SITE and PURCHASING. In the Purchasing tab, the Pay on field should have a value of' Receipt'. The invoice summary level should also have the value of 'Receipt'.
2. Apart from the above set-up in R11i, we need to enter the value of ?Receipt? against the Pay on field in the Terms window of the PO.

Q3. What is the impact of payables options on ERS?

From Payables options, under GL date basis there are four options. The accounting date will be based on the option selected here. Make sure that the date is in the open period.

Q4. How can we identify the invoices created by Pay on receipt?

The invoices created by ERS will have ERS prefix generally. To identify the invoice created for a particular receipt we can query with the combination of ERS and receipt number in the invoice number field. In R11i, the profile option PO: ERS invoice number prefix can be set as needed which can be used to identify the invoices.

Q5. What are the parameters passed?

For R107 and R11, the parameters passed are Parameter name value:
1. Transaction Source - ERS
2. Commit interval- default 1
3. Organization- Receiving org
4. Receipt Number- optional
If a receipt number is not specified all the receipts for that organization, which are eligible for Pay on Receipt, are picked. For R11i, the organization parameter does not exist instead a new parameter called Aging period exists.

Q6. What is the significance of Ageing Period (R11i)?

The parameter Aging period determines the transactions on the receipt that can be considered for the invoice creation. For ex if aging period is given as 1, then all the transactions that have a transaction date less than or equal to the (sysdate-1) are considered for invoice creation. The aging period can be set thru the profile option PO: ERS Aging period.

Q7. How can we debug what went wrong?

We can refer to the log file and check for error messages in po_interface_errors.
There could be many errors. Listed below are some common errors and possible resolutions.
1) Error Occurred in routine: create_invoice_header - Location: 110. Please refer note 1071391.6.
2) Pay on receipt Autoinvoice does not create any invoice. Note 1047839.6 might be useful. Please ensure the setup is complete in payables and Purchasing modules.
3) You have a supplier who has a separate site for purchasing and Payables. When running the ERS (Evaluated Receipt Settlement) it is selecting the purchasing site and therefore does not create the invoice and gets a message that the POXPOIV: 'pay site is invalid'.
4) Purchasing Pay on Receipt Autoinvoice shows multiple occurrences of same receipt number in multiorg environment. See Note 95384.1 for the solution.
5) Pay On Receipt AutoInvoice errors: po_inv_cr_invalid_gl_period. Please refer to note 179693.1 for resolution.

Q8. Does ERS work for unordered receipts?

No. ERS does not work for unordered receipts. This means invoice needs to be created manually for those PO?s that are created from unordered receipts.

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